Baby-Proof: Bear on a Bike (+QR Code) | 誠品線上

Baby-Proof: Bear on a Bike (+QR Code)

作者 Stella Blackstone
出版社 Barefoot Books USA
商品描述 Baby-Proof: Bear on a Bike (+QR Code):Barefoot出版社最新BabyProof系列,撕不破、咬不破、可水洗,本書附有QRcode:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推


內容簡介 熊熊單車探險 認識各種交通工具書附QR Code,掃描聽音檔熊熊喜歡嘗試各種交通工具。騎腳踏車時,牠超開心的。一旁的男孩也興奮地問:「你要去哪?等等我,我要和你一起去」。熊熊去了市場,鮮花水果,玲瑯滿目,賞心悅目。熊熊划竹筏,男孩也跟著,他們來到森林,觀賞動物,看浣熊、山貓、狐狸。接著,熊熊又換乘蒸氣火車﹙去海邊,挖沙坑戲水、看飛魚﹚、帆船﹙登島,看神奇的星型水果,瞧瞧蒼鷺捕魚,聽潺潺流水﹚、馬車﹙到城堡,與王子公主跳舞﹚,最後搭上火箭上太空,但這次,小男孩跟不了,只能祝福熊熊玩得愉快,一夜好眠,晚安喔。簡單的文字,重複的句型,建立幼兒語彙。採用撕不破、咬不破,可水洗材質,讓幼兒能在乾淨的書本中,反覆閱讀。Now in Barefoot Baby-Proof format! Join Bear as he tries out different forms of transportation and has an adventure with each one. Part of the beloved Bear series that's delighted children for 20 years. Rhyme and repetition support the learning layers of travel and transportation, as Bear pilots a raft, a rocket ship, a sailboat, a bike, a steam train, and a carriage. Includes an online access link to audio and video animation Barefoot Baby-Proof books are chewable, bendable, and washable.


作者介紹 Stella BlackstoneAward-winning author Stella Blackstone has written many of Barefoot's best-selling titles, including the Bear series and the Cleo the Cat series. She has been writing for children for over twenty years. Stella lives in Somerset, UK.Debbie HarterDebbie Harter has illustrated over 20 books for Barefoot, including the beloved Bear series. As a child, Debbie would "lose herself in books (as long as they had pictures)" and hopes to continue doing so until she's very old. She lives in Cornwall, England.


書名 / Baby-Proof: Bear on a Bike (+QR Code)
作者 / Stella Blackstone
簡介 / Baby-Proof: Bear on a Bike (+QR Code):Barefoot出版社最新BabyProof系列,撕不破、咬不破、可水洗,本書附有QRcode:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推
出版社 / Barefoot Books USA
ISBN13 / 9798888593141
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9798888593141
誠品26碼 / 2682606104009
頁數 / 24
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.5 x 0.2 x 17.5
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : Barefoot出版社最新Baby Proof系列,撕不破、咬不破、可水洗,本書附有QR code
