What the Wild Sea Can Be: The Future of the World's Ocean | 誠品線上

What the Wild Sea Can Be: The Future of the World's Ocean

作者 Helen Scales
商品描述 What the Wild Sea Can Be: The Future of the World's Ocean:海洋生物學家海倫·斯凱爾斯說道,無論我們住在哪裡,「我們都是海洋人」。從精彩的海洋歷史開始,將過去與現


內容簡介 海洋生物學家海倫·斯凱爾斯說道,無論我們住在哪裡,「我們都是海洋人」。從精彩的海洋歷史開始,將過去與現在聯繫起來,展示史前海洋生態學如何為當今的海洋研究提供借鏡,她用優雅、引人入勝的散文筆調將讀者帶進海洋動物的王國,從國王企鵝、鯊魚和逆戟鯨,這些動物的現況也體現當前日益嚴峻的生存環境。然而,儘管威脅依舊,世界各地越來越多的禁漁區正在恢復以往的人口, 令人驚嘆的巨型海藻和海草森林正在再生和擴大,幾乎可與陸上的森林媲美,保護受到氣候暖化影響的珊瑚礁群。斯凱爾斯提出了保護海岸線和淨化有毒海洋的理念,堅持認為我們需要有環保永續意識的漁業,且必須防止海底採礦帶來的嚴重影響,同時,她也提出人類應當對自然充滿敬意,並敦促為人類世海洋更美好的未來而奮鬥。No matter where we live, 'we are all ocean people,' Helen Scales observes in her bracing yet hopeful exploration of the future of the ocean. Beginning with its fascinating deep history, Scales links past to present to show how prehistoric ocean ecology holds lessons for the ocean of today. In elegant, evocative prose, she takes readers into the realms of animals that epitomize current increasingly challenging conditions, from emperor penguins to sharks and orcas.Yet despite these threats, many hopeful signs remain. Increasing numbers of no-fish zones around the world are restoring once-diminishing populations. Astonishing giant kelp and sea grass forests, rivaling those on land, are being regenerated and expanded, while efforts to reengineer coral reefs for a warmer world are growing.Offering innovative ideas for protecting coastlines and cleaning the toxic seas, Scales insists we need more ethical and sustainable fisheries and must prevent the other existential threat of deep-sea mining, which could significantly alter life on earth. Inspiring us all to maintain a sense of awe and wonder at the majesty beneath the waves, she urges us to fight for the better future that still exists for the Anthropocene ocean.


作者介紹 Helen ScalesDr Helen Scales is a marine biologist, acclaimed author and broadcaster who explores the wonders and plight of the oceans and the living planet. Her books include The Brilliant Abyss and Spirals in Time. She writes for National Geographic Magazine, the Guardian and New Scientist, among others. She teaches at Cambridge University, is a storytelling ambassador for the Save Our Seas Foundation and science advisor for the marine conservation charity Sea Changers. Helen divides her time between Cambridge, England, and the wild Atlantic coast of France.


書名 / What the Wild Sea Can Be: The Future of the World's Ocean
作者 / Helen Scales
簡介 / What the Wild Sea Can Be: The Future of the World's Ocean:海洋生物學家海倫·斯凱爾斯說道,無論我們住在哪裡,「我們都是海洋人」。從精彩的海洋歷史開始,將過去與現
ISBN13 / 9781804710517
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781804710517
誠品26碼 / 2682511591000
頁數 / 304
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8*12.9*2.4
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 美麗又脆弱的海洋世界‧海洋生物學家漫談海洋史與未來保育方向與生物多樣性的重要
