Murdle Volume 3: Even More Killer Puzzles: 100 Cunningly Clever Murder Mystery Logic Puzzles | 誠品線上

Murdle Volume 3: Even More Killer Puzzles: 100 Cunningly Clever Murder Mystery Logic Puzzles

作者 G. T. Karber
商品描述 Murdle Volume 3: Even More Killer Puzzles: 100 Cunningly Clever Murder Mystery Logic Puzzles:《星期日泰唔士報》第一名暢銷書。巴諾書店暢銷榜、解謎類最暢銷書籍!


內容簡介 《星期日泰唔士報》第一名暢銷書巴諾書店暢銷榜、解謎類最暢銷書籍!本書是全球破百萬人在玩的最流行線上解謎遊戲《Murdle》創建者G.T.卡柏所著的同名解謎書。歡迎來到「每天破一起謀殺案」的犯罪現場,這是世界上最偉大的解謎者「邏輯客」的官方解謎檔案。一切就從邏輯客應邀參加一場好萊塢豪宅的奢華晚宴展開,本以為自己是重要貴賓,可以好好享受一番,沒想到,一具屍體橫躺在豪宅的大理石浴缸中,而他的任務(也是你的任務)就是要找出,誰才是謀殺案的凶手,在什麼地方,使用的凶器是?案件逐一發生,輪番上場的人物包括:現場表演人體切割術的魔術師,明明是富二代,卻說自己是白手起家的電影公司老闆,作品總銷量超過莎士比亞的小說家……100起謀殺案,每個案子都不只有一名嫌疑者,有不在場證明、也有在場證據;有時會留下痕跡、有時只留下味道,也找到好幾種疑似凶器,涉案者都有作案動機,但真凶只有一位。你只需要一支鉛筆(也許需要橡皮擦)和敏銳的觀察力,就可以跟史上最偉(暢)大(銷)的邏輯客一起解開謎團。如果推理過程中。你的破案思緒卡住了,也不必放棄!拿出橡皮擦,擦掉你在書上標記的思考路徑,善用作者的一點提示,你將發現:原來這就是推理、這就是歸納、邏輯思考的過程竟然這麼好玩。以下是破解完100題的玩家留言分享:「每天睡前解一題,讓我腦袋清晰,原來我比我認為的聰明。」「線索、謎題,和密室逃脫愛好者的新選擇。」「不知不覺已做完了一半,我甚至得限制自己的解題速度,放慢思考,才不會太快把這本書讀完……警告:絕對讓人上癮。」「從沒想過我的家人們會因為解謎而團聚在一起,但這本書做到了。我和我的父母,甚至表親們都人手一本。」「買了一本給熱愛桌遊的父親。之前,我們兄弟姊妹還得每年開會,決定要給他玩什麼新遊戲,結果這本打破傳統的書贏得了他的愛。」書中共有100件神秘懸案等你破解,這是你樂不思「3C」的更強娛樂,讓觀察力、推理與歸納能力大增。解題過程中,你會發現自己不知道從哪一題開始,已經形成一種「直指關鍵處」的犀利思考路徑,破題的推理與歸納過程,你感到暢快淋漓。你發現,你比你認為的更聰明。本書介出自大是文化出版社《每天破一起謀殺案》Deductive Logico is back on the scene to investigate murders most foul in this third installment: Murdle: Even More Killer Puzzles.These fiendishly compulsive mini-mystery puzzles challenge you to find whodunit, how, where and why. Join Logico to uncover the deadly secrets of a mysterious manor, solve the riddles of a suspiciously orderly science institute and explore the eerie corridors of a tech billionaire's island retreat. Follow the clues, interview the witnesses and use the power of deduction to complete the grid and catch the culprit. Together, you'll unearth the dark truth beneath each murder and crack the code that can only be decrypted once you've solved them all!Packed with perplexing puzzles, codes and maps, this is the ultimate casebook for the secret sleuth in everyone.


各界推薦 This will be *the* puzzle sensation of the year. Each scenario is solved using logic and deduction, perfect for armchair sleuths and puzzlers. It's clever, satisfying and utterly addictive -- Janice Hallett, Sunday Times bestselling author of The AppealAn absolute phenomenon -- Richard Osman, bestselling author of THE THURSDAY MURDER CLUB series


作者介紹 G. T. KarberG. T. Karber grew up in Arkansas, the son of a judge and a civil rights attorney. He graduated summa cum laude from the University of Arkansas with a degree in mathematics and English literature before gaining a MFA from the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts. As the General Secretary of the Hollywood Mystery Society, he has staged more than thirty immersive whodunits in the Los Angeles area.


書名 / Murdle Volume 3: Even More Killer Puzzles: 100 Cunningly Clever Murder Mystery Logic Puzzles
作者 / G. T. Karber
簡介 / Murdle Volume 3: Even More Killer Puzzles: 100 Cunningly Clever Murder Mystery Logic Puzzles:《星期日泰唔士報》第一名暢銷書。巴諾書店暢銷榜、解謎類最暢銷書籍!
ISBN13 / 9781800818064
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781800818064
誠品26碼 / 2682518844000
頁數 / 400
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.4*13.4*2.5
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 一線暢銷推理作家Janice Hallett和Richard Osman齊聲推薦!
─Sunday Times超熱銷遊戲書第三彈‧Murdle邀請讀者一起挑戰邏輯推理,解謎破案!─
