內容簡介 ✰關於愛,那些沒人教我們的事 最強正能量網紅Vex King,繼暢銷書《Good Vibes, Good Life》與《Closer to Love》後,再推全新力作! 建立健康關係,從愛自己開始! 我們總是期待愛情能解決所有問題,卻忘了,愛的本質並不在於找到「對的人」,而在於如何「愛自己」。 這是一本顛覆愛情觀的實用指南,拆解愛情迷思,教你如何: • 認識愛情的真面目:了解愛情的本質,不再被不切實際的期待所束縛。 • 建立健康的愛情觀: 學習愛自己,設定健康的界線,與另一半建立更真實的連結。 • 療癒情感創傷: 面對過去的傷痛,釋放負面情緒,迎接更美好的關係。 本書包含作者的個人故事、專家建議與鼓舞人心的訊息,無論你是單身、熱戀中,或是對愛情感到困惑,都能從中找到共鳴與指引。 別再追逐不切實際的愛情童話,現在就開始,用愛灌溉自己,建立屬於你的幸福關係!Things No One Taught Us About Love is a concise paperback that distils the ideas found in Vex King’s hardback book Closer to Love, reworked and presented in the warm, relatable style of his No. 1 bestseller Good Vibes, Good, Life.This extraordinary book is for anyone looking to harness the power of the universe, and their own self-understanding, to manifest stronger, deeper relationships.Bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life, Vex King is back with a life-changing guide to strengthening your relationships by learning to love yourself, and understanding the true nature of love.Many of us expect romantic love to solve our problems and validate our worth. This burden strains modern relationships. Partners become frustrated when unable to meet each other’s idealized and impossible demands. Broken dreams of a life-long romance can leave people feeling incomplete and hopping from one partner to another.It’s no wonder we struggle, given that society fails to teach us about the true nature of love. We’ve been misled into thinking love is external - somewhere out there - rather than a force within us.Vex King dismantles the myths and misconceptions surrounding love and relationships. Packed with personal stories, expert advice and inspirational messages, Things No-one Taught Us About Love will help you understand how you love, create healthy habits, set boundaries that work for you, and heal unprocessed emotion and trauma.
作者介紹 Vex King is the Number 1 Sunday Times Bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life, and Healing is the New High. He is also a social media content creator and mind coach. He experienced many challenges when he was growing up: his father died when Vex was just a baby, his family were often homeless and he grew up in troubled neighbourhoods where he regularly experienced violence and racism. Despite this, Vex successfully turned his whole life around and is now leading a revolution for the next generation of spiritual seekers.As a major voice in the world of personal development, Vex shares deep spiritual knowledge in a way that's easy to understand, with stories from his own life, great inspirational quotes and practical solutions.