100 Things to Know About Saving the Planet | 誠品線上

小小科學人: 100環保大發現

作者 Alice James/ Jerome Martin/ Eddie Reynold/ Rose Hall/ Darran Stobbart/ Lan Cook/ Tom Mumbray
商品描述 100 Things to Know About Saving the Planet:\\100%超酷知識X100%幽默好玩X100%難以忘記//100個新奇主題,從日常生活中就做得到的小改變,到跨國計畫、甚至是影響未


內容簡介 100% 你一定想跟朋友分享的圖解酷知識!一頁就解答一個你最想知道的環保大驚奇!為什麼飢餓的山羊可以控制野火?鯨的糞便竟然能幫地球降溫?你買的每一隻鞋都有三種足跡?耶誕節過後,耶誕樹還有什麼用途?浩瀚的外太空也需要大掃除?快來跟著小小科學人一起拯救地球、對抗氣候危機,保護人類和所有生物的美麗家園!----以上書介取自【小天下出版《小小科學人: 100環保大發現》】How could plastic-eating bacteria help reduce waste? Can a river be given human rights? Could we generate all the power we need from the sun and the wind? How do woolly sweaters help penguins in peril? Would building a giant sunshade in space stop the world from overheating? Find the answers to these questions and more in this bold, graphic and exciting book, full of big, small and unexpected ways to save the planet.


作者介紹 Jerome MartinJerome Martin has written children's books about science, history, Shakespeare and food. Before joining Usborne in 2014, he spent a decade studying literature at Harvard, Cambridge and the University of Iowa, and several years behaving responsibly in a copywriting office. Now, he spends his working hours researching delightful and amazing facts, his evening hours parenting two children, and the minutes in-between writing poetry.Alice JamesAlice James joined Usborne after working in primary schools for a while. She absolutely loves science, and over the years has lived with chimps, spent a month in the rainforest, studied Biology at Oxford University, and grown 200 carnivorous plants (not necessarily in that order). Whilst at Usborne Alice has worked on books on all kinds of science topics, from space to energy to the periodic table.Jerome MartinJerome Martin has written children's books about science, history, Shakespeare and food. Before joining Usborne in 2014, he spent a decade studying literature at Harvard, Cambridge and the University of Iowa, and several years behaving responsibly in a copywriting office. Now, he spends his working hours researching delightful and amazing facts, his evening hours parenting two children, and the minutes in-between writing poetry.Eddie ReynoldsEddie joined Usborne Publishing in 2017. Before that, he studied German and French at Cambridge University, then moved to Berlin after a short while teaching Ancient History at a school in Guangzhou, China. Now back in the UK, he writes books about all sorts, including computers, maps and engineering.Rose HallRose grew up in Northumberland, studied Physiology at Oxford and looked after orphaned orangutans for a bit. She worked in the charity sector for ten years, writing about issues from renewable energy, to the safety of workers in Bangladesh. For Usborne, she's written books about engineering, business, computers and the environment.Darran StobbartDarran spent a decade as children's bookseller in Durham. He studied crime scene and forensic science at university. It's handier than you'd expect. He collects useless facts, and writes about lots of subjects - especially science. He is passionate about stories, music, and will talk about octopuses at great length.Lan CookLan joined Usborne after working as a bookseller. She absolutely loves learning about anything and everything. She has lived in China, attempted to create the perfect aquarium biotope, studied Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at Cambridge University, and can hit an archery target from 100 feet away. Lan has always loved collecting knowledge and as many weird facts as possible, so working for Usborne really is a dream job!Tom MumbrayTom studied History at university before joining Usborne in 2018. Since then he's worked on books about Planet Earth, technology, maths and inventions (and learned lots of amazing facts about everything from paleoburrows to fireworks along the way).


書名 / 100 Things to Know About Saving the Planet
作者 / Alice James Jerome Martin Eddie Reynold Rose Hall Darran Stobbart Lan Cook Tom Mumbray
簡介 / 100 Things to Know About Saving the Planet:\\100%超酷知識X100%幽默好玩X100%難以忘記//100個新奇主題,從日常生活中就做得到的小改變,到跨國計畫、甚至是影響未
ISBN13 / 9781474981835
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781474981835
誠品26碼 / 2682526380002
頁數 / 128
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.7X17.7X1.9
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : Find the answers to these questions and more in this bold, graphic and exciting book, full of big, small and unexpected ways to save the planet.
