Nexus | 誠品線上


作者 Yuval Noah Harari
商品描述 Nexus:【哈拉瑞《連結:從石器時代到AI紀元》原文版】當人類邁入AI時代,哈拉瑞探索人類與資訊之間的關係。我們智人(Sapiens)在過去數十萬年中,積累了巨大的力量。但儘管


內容簡介 哈拉瑞《連結: 從石器時代到AI紀元》原文版當人類邁入AI時代,哈拉瑞探問資訊網絡大未來,人工智慧或為隱憂?關鍵字:資訊、大數據、演算法、AI、人工智慧「人類若有智慧,為何又有自我毀滅之舉?」以色列歷史學者哈拉瑞創新思維備受國際讚譽。新作中他檢視歷史,闡明資訊創造新現實,也產生錯誤、謊言、幻想和虛構,如《聖經》等「無誤」文本導致的問題,藉此突顯自我糾正機制的重要性。他呼籲我們正視當前未受檢驗的民主和威權主義,更警示人工智慧能自主決策,也會犯錯,有可能破壞未來穩定。我們智人(Sapiens)在過去數十萬年中,積累了巨大的力量。但儘管一路探索發現、製造發明和征服進步,現在的人類,卻正面臨一場生存危機:地球生態處於崩潰邊緣、錯誤資訊四處蔓延、最重要的,是人類正迅速步入AI人工智慧時代— 一個足以威脅人類存亡的新型資訊網絡。儘管我們已經取得了如此多的成就,為什麼我們仍如此具有自我毀滅的傾向?《Nexus》透過人類歷史的長遠視角,思考資訊流如何塑造了人類和這個世界。從石器時代、到《聖經》編纂、到早期現代的獵巫行動、斯大林主義、納粹主義、以及今日的民粹主義復興,作者哈拉瑞希望讀者一同思考資訊與真理、官僚主義與神話、智慧與權力之間的複雜關係。他探討歷史上不同的社會和政治體系,不論立意好壞,如何利用掌控資訊來達成它們的目標。而這一切因為非人類的智慧崛起,正威脅著我們的存在,因此人類正面臨相當迫切抉擇。資訊和真實不同,資訊並非真實的原始呈現;其也是一種武器。《Nexus》探索各極端間,那希望尚存的中間地帶;並冀求在尋求的過程中,再發現我們本存的人性。_ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _現在與未來,AI將會做什麼?哈拉瑞的新巨作《連結》,以激勵人心的方式,講述了我們如何走到這一刻,以及現在必須做出的、攸關生存與發展的急迫決擇。故事,引領我們走在一起。書籍,傳播我們的觀念和神話。網際網路,承諾會提供無限的知識。演算法,瞭解了我們的祕密 ——然後,我們就互相對立了!《連結》透過人類大歷史的長鏡頭,檢視資訊網路與資訊流,如何將我們帶到AI紀元。哈拉瑞引導我們走過石器時代、經歷《聖經》正典化、印刷術的發明、大眾媒體的興起、以及民粹主義的重燃……例舉了羅馬帝國、秦帝國、天主教會、蘇聯等體制如何利用資訊技術來實現目標,無論是好是壞。資訊,既不是真理真相的原料,也不只是權力與武器;《連結》探索了許多極端之間、充滿希望的中間立場,在鐵幕落下、矽幕升起之際,重新發現我們共有的人性。本書介出自遠見天下文化出版《連結: 從石器時代到AI紀元》For the last 100,000 years, we Sapiens have accumulated enormous power. But despite allour discoveries, inventions, and conquests, we now find ourselves in an existential crisis. The world is on the verge of ecological collapse. Misinformation abounds. And we are rushing headlong into the age of AI—a new information network that threatens to annihilate us. For all that we have accomplished, why are we so self-destructive?Nexus looks through the long lens of human history to consider how the flow of information has shaped us, and our world. Taking us from the Stone Age, through the canonization of the Bible, early modern witch-hunts, Stalinism, Nazism, and the resurgence of populism today, Yuval Noah Harari asks us to consider the complex relationship between information and truth, bureaucracy and mythology, wisdom and power. He explores how different societies and political systems throughout history have wielded information to achieve their goals, for good and ill. And he addresses the urgent choices we face as non-human intelligence threatens our very existence.Information is not the raw material of truth; neither is it a mere weapon. Nexus explores the hopeful middle ground between these extremes, and in doing so, rediscovers our shared humanity._ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _The story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world from the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of SapiensStories brought us togetherBooks spread our ideas – and our mythologiesThe internet promised infinite knowledgeThe algorithm learned our secrets – and then turned us against each otherWhat will AI do?NEXUS is the thrilling account of how we arrived at this moment, and the urgent choices we must now make to survive – and to thrive.


各界推薦 ReviewTremendous, thought-provoking and so very well reasoned. Harari gives us a vision of a rapidly approaching future that is at one and the same time thrilling and chilling. If there is one book that I would urge everyone to read – our political, corporate and cultural leaders most especially – it is Nexus -- STEPHEN FRYHarari has a unique ability to unite both history’s finest details and its grandest megatrends in a single view. This deeply important book comes at a critical time as we all think through the implications of AI -- MUSTAFA SULEYMANHarari is one of the most remarkable intellects of our generation – bold, original, erudite, provocative and entrancing. His latest book reimagines everything from literacy to AI and – like all his books – fundamentally shifts one’s view of the world -- Rory Stewart


作者介紹 Yuval Noah HarariProf. Yuval Noah Harari is a historian, philosopher and the global bestselling author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, the graphic adaptation series Sapiens: A Graphic History, and Unstoppable Us, his first series of books for children. His books have sold over 45 million copies in 65 languages, with Sapiens alone selling 25 million copies since it was first published in 2013. A New York Times and Sunday Times #1 bestseller, Sapiens spent an incredible 96 consecutive weeks in the top 3 of the Sunday Times bestseller list. Yuval Noah Harari is also behind Sapienship – an international social impact company focused on education and storytelling, which he co-founded with his husband Itzik Yahav. Harari is considered one of the world’s most influential public intellectuals today.


書名 / Nexus
作者 / Yuval Noah Harari
簡介 / Nexus:【哈拉瑞《連結:從石器時代到AI紀元》原文版】當人類邁入AI時代,哈拉瑞探索人類與資訊之間的關係。我們智人(Sapiens)在過去數十萬年中,積累了巨大的力量。但儘管
ISBN13 / 9781911717096
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781911717096
誠品26碼 / 2682614627002
頁數 / 528
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.6 x 4 x 24 cm
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : The story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world from the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Sapiens
