Margo's Got Money Troubles | 誠品線上

Margo's Got Money Troubles

作者 Rufi Thorpe
商品描述 Margo's Got Money Troubles:《瑪歌的財務危機》(暫譯)HBO熱門影集《美麗心計》製作人大衛凱利(DavidEdwardKelley)操刀,妮可基嫚(NicoleKidman)、艾兒·芬妮(ElleFannin


內容簡介 《 瑪歌的財務危機》(暫譯) HBO熱門影集《美麗心計》製作人大衛凱利(David Edward Kelley)操刀,妮可基嫚 (Nicole Kidman)、艾兒·芬妮 (Elle Fanning) 和達科塔·芬妮 (Dakota Fanning) 主演之影集原著小說! 瑪歌 (Margo Millet) 缺錢了!身為「Hooters」服務生與前職業摔角選手的女兒,她知道凡事都得靠自己。當她意外懷上大學教授的孩子,卻被對方狠心拋下時,瑪歌急需用錢。 20歲的單親媽媽,瑪歌沒有太多選擇,有的只是機智與創意!她放手一搏,創建「OnlyFans」頻道,以獨特的內容與情節,打造前所未有的網路聲量。 就在此時,她的Cosplay室友蘇西 (Suzie) 和她那酗酒康復中、同時也是摔角界老手的父親金克斯 (Jinx) 伸出援手,教導瑪歌如何擄獲粉絲的心。瑪歌很快成為網路名人,但爆紅真能解決她所有的問題嗎?還是成名背後有著難以承受的代價? 「超爆笑,同時又感人、機智、出乎意料、迷人,完全就是個狠角色!」──《The Secret Lives of Church Ladies》作者迪夏.菲莉亞 (Deesha Philyaw)** Big Little Lies creator David E. Kelley is to adapt for A24 - a TV show starring Nicole Kidman and Elle & Dakota Fanning **Margo Millet's got money troubles. As the child of a Hooter's waitress and an ex-Pro-Wrestler, she's always known she'd have to make it on her own. When she finds herself pregnant by her college professor - who is very keen not to be involved - she realizes she will need cash fast.At twenty, alone with a baby, what Margo lacks in options she makes up for in ingenuity, and soon she has a plan: she'll start an OnlyFans as an experiment, producing content and writing storylines unlike anything else out there. Help arrives in the form of her live-action role-playing flatmate Suzie, and her father, Jinx - a recovering addict and veteran of the wrestling world, who has experience of making an audience fall in love.Before she knows it, Margo is an online phenomenon. Could this be the answer to all of Margo's problems, or does internet fame come with too high a price?'Damn funny, but also touching and smart and surprising and beguiling and just completely bad ass'Deesha Philyaw, author of The Secret Lives of Church Ladies


作者介紹 Rufi ThorpeRufi Thorpe received her MFA from the University of Virginia in 2009. She is the author of four novels, The Girls from Corona Del Mar, Dear Fang, With Love, and her most recent, The Knockout Queen, which was a finalist for the PEN Faulkner award. Her newest book, Margo's Got Money Troubles, is due out June of 2024. She lives in California with her husband and two sons, and teaches at The Book Incubator.


書名 / Margo's Got Money Troubles
作者 / Rufi Thorpe
簡介 / Margo's Got Money Troubles:《瑪歌的財務危機》(暫譯)HBO熱門影集《美麗心計》製作人大衛凱利(DavidEdwardKelley)操刀,妮可基嫚(NicoleKidman)、艾兒·芬妮(ElleFannin
ISBN13 / 9781399732512
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781399732512
誠品26碼 / 2682558258003
頁數 / 304
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4 x 15.3
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : ** Big Little Lies creator David E. Kelley is to adapt for A24 - a TV show starring Nicole Kidman and Elle & Dakota Fanning **
