內容簡介 來自澳洲的BBC優質卡通《妙妙犬布麗》原創故事套書10冊組合! 妙妙犬布是一隻充滿想像、活潑又充滿好奇的澳洲牧牛犬。她和妹妹Bing、爸爸、媽媽一家 活力滿滿,生活中總有溫馨趣味小故事。現在就跟著布麗一起,看小小的布麗學走路,跨出第一步、練習看起來簡單其實很難的游泳、玩蝴蝶遊戲﹙玩著玩著,竟丟下妹妹自己和朋友跑去完別的,惹得妹妹淚漣漣﹚;到郊外露營,跟著露友種植果樹、補獵野豬…,還有還有,布麗如何在打字機不見的情況下,完成故事創作!10 本平裝書集,和布麗一家一起踏上有趣而溫馨的冒險之旅。Immerse yourself in the world of Bluey and her family with this delightful collection of 10 paperback books. Join Bluey, Bingo, and their parents as they embark on fun and heartwarming adventures that are sure to captivate young readers and Bluey fans.Titles Include:Bluey Baby Race Bluey: Swim SchoolBluey: Camping Bluey: My Dad is Awesome Bluey: My Mum Is the Best 8x8Bluey: TypewriterBluey ShadowlandsBluey: ButterfliesBluey: Bingo Bluey: Magic Xylophone