Michael Whaite 100 Cats Dogs Birds套書 (3冊合售) | 誠品線上

Michael Whaite 100 Cats Dogs Birds套書 (3冊合售)

作者 Michael Whaite
商品描述 Michael Whaite 100 Cats Dogs Birds套書 (3冊合售):《100Cats》Thepurrfectsequeltotheaward-winning100Dogs!Sittingcat,spittingcat,tangled-in-your-knittingcat,pawca


內容簡介 【Michael Whaite 100 Cats Dogs Birds套書 (3冊合售)】✰超可愛動物繪本!✰100種毛孩萌翻天!還在煩惱該如何教孩子認識動物?讓 Michael Whaite 超人氣繪本來幫忙!《100隻貓》100 隻狗的完美續集!坐著的貓、吐口水的貓、編織時,糾纏在毛線裡的貓、爪子不安分,毀了你椅子的貓!新的貓、舊的貓,敏捷的貓,住在動物園的貓、搖搖擺擺的貓、黏緊緊的貓…撐住,不要笑破肚皮啊!發現每一隻貓細微、有趣的表情;跟著牠們捉補老鼠的逗趣情節,令人捧腹大笑。精彩押韻,適合朗讀。《100隻狗》 Sainsbury最佳童書獎,入圍Waterstones童書獎100隻狗真的可以做出100件不同的事嗎?跟著一群搞笑的獵犬(從可愛的哈巴狗到傻氣的臘腸狗)觀察有個性的狗、瘋狂的狗、逗趣的狗…100種調皮傻事。《100隻鳥》蟲蟲們請注意!這裡有100隻鳥。呼呼叫的鳥、愛吃水果的鳥、會吹口哨的鳥、愛走路的鳥、喜歡炫耀尾巴的鳥…愛皺眉的鳥、蹣跚學步的小鳥、捲毛的鳥、早起的鳥…。這本書介紹100種不同的鳥,有趣的細節、表情,搞笑的場景,是一本值得反覆閱讀的書。•《100 Dogs》:跟著朗朗上口的韻文,一起認識100種可愛狗狗,保證讓孩子笑到停不下來!•《100 Cats》:100隻古靈精怪的貓咪,在書中上演各種搞笑戲碼,絕對萌翻你的心!•《100 Birds》:100種來自世界各地的鳥兒,每一頁都充滿驚喜,讓孩子在歡笑中認識鳥類的多樣性。套書特色:• 榮獲Sainsbury's兒童圖書獎年度最佳圖書獎、最佳繪本獎等多項大獎• 逗趣可愛的插圖,每一隻動物都栩栩如生,吸引孩子目光• 輕鬆活潑的韻文,讓孩子在閱讀中學習語言• 豐富有趣的內容,讓親子共讀時光充滿歡笑《100 Cats》The purrfect sequel to the award-winning 100 Dogs!Sitting cat, spitting cat, tangled-in-your-knitting cat, paw cat, claw cat ruining your chair!New cat, shoo cat! Living in the zoo cat, swing cat, cling cat . . . HANG IN THERE!This laugh-out-loud picture book is a brilliant read-aloud rhyming romp through a cornucopia of cats in silly scenarios. Follow the cat-and-mouse subplot and find endless funny details to delight read-after-read.Barking mad about dogs as well as cats? Check out 100 Dogs - Winner of the Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards for Best Picture Book and Children's Book of the Year!《100 Dogs》*WINNER - Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards - Children's Book of the Year!**WINNER - Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards - Best Picture Book!**SHORTLISTED - Waterstones Children's Book Prize*Can there really be 100 dogs doing 100 doggy things packed into the pages of this picture book? Follow the bouncy rhyme as it weaves its way through an array of hilarious hounds (from petted pugs to silly sausage dogs) and find out . . .This silly celebration of dogs is bursting with funny details to spot and crazy, characterful dogs to fall in love with - a bark-aloud book to return time and again."Strong rhythm and rhyme perfectly combine to celebrate 100 dogs. Tiny tots will adore the illustrations and parents can introduce early learning skills: first steps in counting and reading through repetition and predictive rhyme. A joyous, interactive treat!" - The Best New Kids Books Summer 2019 supplement, distributed in The Guardian《100 Birds》A brilliant new story in the award-winning 100 Dogs series, perfect for fans of The Wonky Donkey!This hilarious picture book is a rip-roaring read-aloud guide to 100 different feathered friends. Full of endless funny details, silly scenarios, and a rare bird to spot, this is a book to read again and again.Hoot bird, fruit bird, whistles like a flute bird, walk bird, squawk bird, no need to shout!Toddle bird, waddle bird, isn't that a model bird? Curly bird, early bird, WORMS WATCH OUT!Barking mad about dogs as well as birds? Check out 100 Dogs - Winner of the Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards for Best Picture Book and Children's Book of the Year!


作者介紹 Michael WhaiteMichael Whaite is a writer, illustrator and animator. He has worked in children's television for over 25 years. He lives in leafy Lancashire with his wife and daughter.


書名 / Michael Whaite 100 Cats Dogs Birds套書 (3冊合售)
作者 / Michael Whaite
簡介 / Michael Whaite 100 Cats Dogs Birds套書 (3冊合售):《100Cats》Thepurrfectsequeltotheaward-winning100Dogs!Sittingcat,spittingcat,tangled-in-your-knittingcat,pawca
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 /
誠品26碼 / 2682578662002
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25X25X0.4CM
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : Michael Whaite 100 Cats/ Dogs/ Birds套書 (3冊合售)
