The Bacteria Book: Gross Germs, Vile Viruses and Funky Fungi (New Ed.) | 誠品線上

The Bacteria Book: Gross Germs, Vile Viruses and Funky Fungi (New Ed.)

作者 Steve Mould
商品描述 The Bacteria Book: Gross Germs, Vile Viruses and Funky Fungi (New Ed.):你知道嗎,在人類出現在地球上前35.99億年細菌就已經存在囉!還有,每個人身上都有微生物,甚


內容簡介 《小心,這本書有細菌! 》新版認識與人類共存的微生物你知道嗎,在人類出現在地球上前35.99億年細菌就已經存在囉!還有,每個人身上都有微生物,甚至高達1到2公斤,沒有它們,我們連食物都消化不了呢!微生物對人類生活有很大的影響,尤其是細菌,而真菌類中有些還能用來做麵包和起司。具牛津大學物理學學位的作者史蒂夫.莫爾德,是英國知名科學節目及網路節目主持人,其YouTube影片點閱數經常達到六位數。在這本書中,他鉅細靡遺介紹細菌、真菌及病毒等微生物,還要告訴你如何利用微生物,並結合科技,讓它們對我們的生活產生正面幫助。Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes are explained simply for kids by bestselling author and science communicator Steve MouldMeet the bacteria, viruses, and other microbes that are all around us, but are too small for us to see.What do glowing squid, mouldy bread, and soil creatures all have in common? They're all part of the world of microbiology! In this awesome introductory book for kids, the big world of tiny organisms is revealed with remarkable photography, kooky characters, and lots of fun facts.This book shows you how these miniature life forms affect our world, for good and bad, through real-life examples of microbes in action. Bacteria are some of the most important organisms on Earth, and without them our bodies wouldn't be able to work. Fungi are used to make bread and cheese. Viruses and other germs can make us ill, but are fought by our amazing immune system. All these stories and more are told in clear and engaging language by bestselling author and science comedian Steve Mould.The Bacteria Book is a fun and informative introduction to a STEAM subject that brings kids up-close with microbiology, and young scientists won't want to put it down.


作者介紹 Steve MouldSteve Mould is a best selling populariser of science based in London, England with a masters degree in physics from Oxford University. He has over 1,000,000 subscribers and 100,000,000 views on his YouTube channel where he shows off mind bending experiments and demos.He tours the UK with a sell out science comedy show called Festival Of The Spoken Nerd (available on DVD!).His science books make complex ideas easy to understand in a fun and engaging way.


書名 / The Bacteria Book: Gross Germs, Vile Viruses and Funky Fungi (New Ed.)
作者 / Steve Mould
簡介 / The Bacteria Book: Gross Germs, Vile Viruses and Funky Fungi (New Ed.):你知道嗎,在人類出現在地球上前35.99億年細菌就已經存在囉!還有,每個人身上都有微生物,甚
ISBN13 / 9780241619087
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780241619087
誠品26碼 / 2682508975004
頁數 / 76
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28X22X1
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 你知道嗎,在人類出現在地球上前35.99億年細菌就已經存在囉!還有,每個人身上都有微生物,甚至高達1到2公斤,沒有它們,我們連食物都消化不了呢!微生物對人類生活有很大的影響,尤其是細菌,而真菌類中有些還能用來做麵包和起司。
