The Pink Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories | 誠品線上

The Pink Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories

作者 Heide Christiansen/ Martin Fraas
商品描述 The Pink Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories:✰粉色之書:時尚、風格與故事。從熱情的櫻花粉到嬌嫩的玫瑰粉,透過精彩的時裝秀,探索粉紅色的萬種風情。Dior、Chanel、Gucc


內容簡介 ✰粉色之書:時尚、風格與故事從熱情的櫻花粉到嬌嫩的玫瑰粉,透過精彩的時裝秀,探索粉紅色的萬種風情。Dior、Chanel、Gucci等品牌的時裝秀,以及街頭風格的攝影作品,捕捉了粉紅色在時尚界的各種表現。作者海德·克里斯蒂安森(Heide Christiansen)與馬丁·弗拉斯(Martin Fraas)不僅呈現了令人驚艷的視覺享受,更深入撰寫每個畫面背後的故事。以英文和德文雙語呈現,這本精美的收藏書。不僅是時尚愛好者不容錯過的珍藏,更是送禮或妝點空間的絕佳選擇,為生活增添一抹浪漫的粉紅色調。The Pink Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories is a dedicated series that comprehensively explores one of the most important themes in the fashion industry: colours. As the title suggests, this book focuses on all shades of pink, from vibrant fuchsia to delicate rose. The two authors, Heide Christiansen and Martin Fraas, showcase the power and allure that pink embodies through captivating runway shots.These dynamic fashion photographs were captured at major haute couture shows by renowned designers and brands like Dior, Chanel, and Gucci, or emerged as street style photography from the bustling life of a metropolis. Christiansen and Fraas not only provide impressive visuals but also narrate intriguing backstories. The significance of the colour pink becomes the central theme around which an entire world of images and stories is constructed.Any fashion enthusiast will be thrilled by this unique coffee table book. It serves as an inspiration for those passionate about fashion brands, high fashion, and the runways of the fashion industry. With its luxurious presentation and exquisite tactile quality, The Pink Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories almost becomes a fashion item itself. It is suitable as an upscale gift or a standout piece for any home library.Text in English and German.


作者介紹 Heide ChristiansenHeide Christiansen is a master of capturing the ideal visual representation for every story. With expertise as a photo editor, producer, and freelance art buyer, she specialises in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle photography. Throughout her career, Heide has collaborated with various publishers and advertising agencies, including Condé Nast for esteemed publications such as GQ, GQ Style, Glamour, Myself, and Douglas magazine.Martin FraasMartin Fraas graduated from the prestigious Henri Nannen School of Journalism in Hamburg. With a specialisation in lifestyle and fashion, he has worked for renowned magazines like InStyle, Cosmopolitan, ELLE, Gala, and BUNTE. Martin has authored numerous books in addition to his successful career in journalism.


書名 / The Pink Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories
作者 / Heide Christiansen Martin Fraas
簡介 / The Pink Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories:✰粉色之書:時尚、風格與故事。從熱情的櫻花粉到嬌嫩的玫瑰粉,透過精彩的時裝秀,探索粉紅色的萬種風情。Dior、Chanel、Gucc
ISBN13 / 9783961715626
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9783961715626
誠品26碼 / 2682573173008
頁數 / 206
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30X23.5X2.8
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : The Pink Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories is a dedicated series comprehensively exploring one of the most important themes in fashion industry: colors.