I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This: 18 Assurances On Grief | 誠品線上

I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This: 18 Assurances On Grief

作者 Clare Mackintosh
商品描述 I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This: 18 Assurances On Grief:【我保證不會一直那麼痛啦!18個悲傷時的小安慰:悲傷是世界共通的情緒,但每個人的痛,卻是獨一無二


內容簡介 我保證不會一直那麼痛啦!18個悲傷時的小安慰悲傷是世界共通的情緒但每個人的痛,卻是獨一無二的...✰我保證不會一直那麼痛啦!✰18個悲傷時的小安慰✰悲傷雖然普遍,但每一份痛都是獨一無二的悲傷是每個人都會經歷的情緒,但每個人的痛卻是那麼獨特。它可能讓人不堪重負、筋疲力盡,讓人感到孤獨無助,甚至在最意想不到的時刻襲來,似乎永無止境。無論你正處於何種悲傷階段,也無論你為誰而悲傷,《我保證不會一直那麼痛啦!》都在這裡陪伴你,告訴你,直到你相信:事情會變得容易一些。暢銷作家克萊爾.麥金托(Clare Mackintosh)失去五週大的兒子後,曾試圖在書中尋求協助,但那些書只告訴她該如何感受、何時感受,然而,正如她發現的那樣,悲傷並沒有教科書般的階段,也沒有一夜之間解除痛苦的速效良方。我們在悲傷時真正需要的是時間與理解,而《我保證不會一直那麼痛啦!》正是當時她所需要的那本書。這本書包含了18個充滿同情心的小安慰,靈感來自克萊兒失去兒子和父親的經歷。它是你可以在悲傷到無法集中注意力時翻閱的書,在尋找慰藉、希望或僅僅需要把什麼東西丟到地上時,這本書將不斷提醒並保證你:「我保證不會一直那麼難受!」Grief is universal, but it's also as unique to each of us as the person we've lost. It can be overwhelming, exhausting, lonely, unreasonable, there when we least expect it and seemingly never-ending. Wherever you are with your grief and whoever you're grieving for, I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This is here to support you. To tell you, until you believe it, that things will get easier.When bestselling writer Clare Mackintosh lost her five-week-old son, she searched for help in books. All of them wanted to tell her what she should be feeling and when she should be feeling it, but the truth - as she soon found out - is that there are no neat, labelled stages for grief, or crash grief-diets to relieve us of our pain. What we need when we're grieving is time and understanding. I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This is the book she needed then.With 18 short assurances that are full of compassion - drawn from Clare's experiences of losing her son and her father - it's something you can turn to when you can barely concentrate, when you're looking for solace, when you're looking for hope, when you simply need to throw something across the floor, and when you need somebody to assure you, and to keep assuring you: I Promise it Won't Always Hurt Like This.


作者介紹 Clare MackintoshClare Mackintosh is a former police officer and a multi-award-winning author. Translated into forty languages, her books have sold more than two million copies worldwide, and have been Sunday Times and international bestsellers. Clare has spoken on television and radio about the death of her son, and the themes of grief and healing which consequently appeared in her novels.


書名 / I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This: 18 Assurances On Grief
作者 / Clare Mackintosh
簡介 / I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This: 18 Assurances On Grief:【我保證不會一直那麼痛啦!18個悲傷時的小安慰:悲傷是世界共通的情緒,但每個人的痛,卻是獨一無二
ISBN13 / 9780751584998
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780751584998
誠品26碼 / 2682533375008
頁數 / 288
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15 x 2.4 x 21
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : Grief is universal, but it's also as unique to each of us as the person we've lost. It can be overwhelming,