I Have the Right: An Affirmation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child | 誠品線上

I Have the Right: An Affirmation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

作者 Reza Dalvand
商品描述 I Have the Right: An Affirmation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:Astunninglyillustratedandessentialvolumeonchildren’srights:anintr


內容簡介 【I Have the Right】「一起認識兒童權利公約」:認識你的權利,擁抱美好未來!一本以兒童視角出發的「聯合國兒童權利公約」入門讀物。「我擁有取得姓名和國籍的權利。」「我擁有獲得最佳醫療照顧的權利。」「我擁有受教育的權利。」「我擁有安穩生活的權利。」透過淺顯易懂的文字搭配伊朗知名插畫家 Reza Dalvand 令人驚嘆的藝術作品,讓孩子們認識《聯合國兒童權利公約》所保障的各項基本權利。該公約於 1989 年通過,迄今已被 140 個國家批准,旨在維護兒童權益,讓他們受到保護、尊重和珍視。Reza Dalvand 的精美插畫能引起全世界兒童的共鳴,因為許多孩子的權利經常受到威脅,需要時刻維護。後記由知名小兒科醫生 Catherine Gueguen 博士所撰寫,將這些權利與穩定、安全和富足生活的基本要素聯繫起來,讓孩子們理解權利的重要性。A stunningly illustrated and essential volume on children’s rights: an introduction for kids and a reminder for adults.I have the right to have a name and a nationality.I have the right to the best healthcare.I have the right to an education.I have the right to a home where I can thrive.With poetic text and exceptional art, internationally acclaimed Iranian illustrator Reza Dalvand introduces children to the universal rights they are entitled to under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Adopted in 1989 and ratified by 140 countries, the convention promises to defend the rights of children and to keep them safe, respected, and valued. Dalvand’s stunning illustrations speak to children all around the world, some of whose rights are often challenged and must be protected every day.The afterword, by renowned paediatrician Dr Catherine Gueguen, links these rights to the fundamental building blocks of a stable, safe, and fulfilling life.


作者介紹 Reza DalvandReza Dalvand is an illustrator and author of children’s books. His books are regularly showcased at numerous international festivals and book fairs, where he has won numerous awards for his books and illustrations. Reza’s art focuses on early childhood developmental psychology. Reza immerses his audience in a colourful and magical environment to bring realistic and imaginary.


書名 / I Have the Right: An Affirmation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
作者 / Reza Dalvand
簡介 / I Have the Right: An Affirmation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:Astunninglyillustratedandessentialvolumeonchildren’srights:anintr
ISBN13 / 9781915590084
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781915590084
誠品26碼 / 2682551610006
頁數 / 36
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 2 x 14 x 22 cm
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : A stunningly illustrated and essential volume on children’s rights: an introduction for kids and a reminder for adults.
