Rebel Island: the Incredible History of Taiwan
作者 | Jonathan Clements |
商品描述 | Rebel Island: the Incredible History of Taiwan:《叛逆之島:台灣的故事》從古代洪水神話說起,一路記錄台灣成為現代「亞洲四虎」(「亞洲四小龍」)的經濟奇蹟故事。最後 |
作者 | Jonathan Clements |
商品描述 | Rebel Island: the Incredible History of Taiwan:《叛逆之島:台灣的故事》從古代洪水神話說起,一路記錄台灣成為現代「亞洲四虎」(「亞洲四小龍」)的經濟奇蹟故事。最後 |
內容簡介 《叛逆之島:台灣的故事》從古代洪水神話說起,一路記錄台灣成為現代「亞洲四虎」(「亞洲四小龍」)的經濟奇蹟故事。最後再到目前不斷逼迫的中國入侵威脅。以經濟及地緣政治等多方面角度分析其歷史。台灣,這個曾被康熙皇帝貶為「彈丸之地」的小島,如今GDP甚至超越瑞典。儘管其面積比美國印第安納州還小,這個由海盜、叛亂份子、法外之徒、求生之人所聚集的避難之所,在其漫長的歷史長河中,有許多不同面向:它是中華民國的最後堡壘、是前日本殖民地、也是北京聲稱的叛亂省份。在本書中,作者娓娓道來台灣這個複雜島嶼的故事。其追朔史料,紀錄台灣成為荷蘭和西班牙貿易時代據點的歷史。歷經獨立王國、中國省份、短暫的共和國、以及後來長達50年的日本帝國一部分,其所歷經的巨大轉變。1949年,這個小島成為歷史巨流匯聚的中心。中國共產黨革命烽火燃起,200萬難民搭船跨越海峽,小島成了難民們的救生艇。隨後,開始了白色恐怖時期,並實行將近40年的戒嚴令。禁令停止後、又過了40年後的現在,台灣已成為能就自決、獨立、和自治問題展開辯論的地方--在習近平和世界政權緊盯之下。《叛逆之島》是了解台灣豐富歷史和當前政治困境的必備資料。在全球對其未來日益關注和緊張的時刻,提供了至關重要的見解。The gripping story of Taiwan, from the flood myths of ancient legend to its ‘Asian Tiger’ economic miracle ― and the looming threat of invasion by China.Once dismissed by the Kangxi Emperor as nothing but a ‘ball of mud’, Taiwan has a modern GDP larger than that of Sweden, in a land area smaller than Indiana. It is the last surviving enclave of the Republic of China, a lost colony of Japan, and claimed by Beijing as a rogue province ― merely the latest chapters in its long history as a refuge for pirates, rebels, settlers, and outcasts.In Rebel Island, Jonathan Clements offers a concise and vivid telling of Taiwan’s complex island story, beginning with the unique conditions of its archaeology before examining its indigenous history and its days as a Dutch and Spanish trading post. He delves into its periods as an independent kingdom, Chinese province, and short-lived republic, and the transformations wrought by 50 years as part of the Japanese Empire.In 1949, the island became a lifeboat for two million refugees from the Chinese Communist Revolution, and the White Terror began. Later chapters explain the recent conflicts that have emerged after the suspension of four decades of martial law, as the Taiwanese debate issues of self-determination, independence, and home rule ― all under the watchful gaze of President Xi Jinping, and politicians around the world.Rebel Island is an essential guide to Taiwan’s past and present, providing invaluable context at a time of escalating tension over its future.
各界推薦 ‘Clements’s pacy and engaging account offers a valuable counterpoint to today’s news coverage of Taiwan. Rebel Island offers a compelling portrait of a perennially fragmented place, subject across centuries to a succession of claims on its territory, resources and identity ― of which Xi’s is but the latest.’– Christopher Harding, The Telegraph‘Excellent ... Clements’s brisk narrative is related with style and brio and an appropriate amount of caution, given the various competing narratives surrounding the island’s history, and he draws on an impressive trove of documentation, Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese, and western. The result is a splendid portrait of the layers of identity and resistance in what is no less a settler society than the United States, Australia, or Argentina.’– Oliver Farry, The Irish Times‘Rich with fascinating details, Jonathan Clements’ Rebel Island is an engaging introduction to the complicated and astonishing history of Taiwan.’– Shawna Yang Ryan, author of Green Island
作者介紹 Jonathan ClementsJonathan Clements presented several seasons of Route Awakening (National Geographic), an award-winning TV series about Chinese history and culture. He is the author of many acclaimed books, including Coxinga and the Fall of the Ming Dynasty, Confucius: A Biography, and The Emperor’s Feast: A History of China in Twelve Meals. He has written histories of both China and Japan, two countries that have, at some point, claimed Taiwan as their own. He was a visiting professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University from 2013 to 2019. He was born in the East of England and lives in Finland.
書名 / | Rebel Island: the Incredible History of Taiwan |
作者 / | Jonathan Clements |
簡介 / | Rebel Island: the Incredible History of Taiwan:《叛逆之島:台灣的故事》從古代洪水神話說起,一路記錄台灣成為現代「亞洲四虎」(「亞洲四小龍」)的經濟奇蹟故事。最後 |
出版社 / | FABER & FABER LTD |
ISBN13 / | 9781915590275 |
ISBN10 / | |
EAN / | 9781915590275 |
誠品26碼 / | 2682509576002 |
頁數 / | 288 |
裝訂 / | H:精裝 |
語言 / | 3:英文 |
尺寸 / | 23.4*15.3*2.7 |
級別 / | N:無 |
提供維修 / | 無 |
最佳賣點 : 反叛之島:台灣的故事