Hangman | 誠品線上


作者 Maya Binyam
商品描述 Hangman:Amanreturnshometosub-SaharanAfricaaftertwenty-sixyearslivinginexileinAmerica.Whenhearrives,hefindsthathedoesn’trecognizethecountry,oranyoneinit.Thankf


內容簡介 A man returns home to sub-Saharan Africa after twenty-six years living in exile in America. When he arrives, he finds that he doesn’t recognize the country, or anyone in it. Thankfully, someone at the airport knows him – a man who calls him brother. As they travel to this man’s house, the purpose of his visit comes into focus: he is here to find his real brother, who is dying.Hangman is his tragicomic journey through homecoming and loss. It is a hilarious and twisted odyssey, peopled by phantoms and tricksters, aid workers and taxi drivers, the relatives and riddles that lead this man along a circuitous path towards the truth. This is the strangley honest story of one man’s search for refuge – in this world and the one that lies beyond it.An existential journey, a tragic farce, a slapstick tragedy: Hangman is the shockingly original debut novel about exile, diaspora and the search for Black refuge, from a thrilling new literary voice


各界推薦 Hangman is a subtle and peculiar novel about subtle and peculiar things - home, exile, injustice, family, return, and life itself. Binyam has written a remarkable book - one that builds, beautifully, a world that feels true, while dismantling the world that feels real --Keith Ridgway, author of A ShockA strikingly masterful debut. With a slow, sure hand, Hangman beckons you into a zone that at first seems as clear, as blank, and as eerily sunny as the pane of a window. Then it traps you there, until you notice the blots, bubbles, and fissures in the glass-and then the frame itself, then the shatter. A clean, sharp, piercing-and deeply political-novel --Namwali Serpell, author of The FurrowsHangman is a gripping story of homecoming and loss, of recuperation and letting go, all of it told in a voice that is at turns ruthlessly honest and startlingly beautiful. Maya Binyam is an immensely gifted writer and every page of this deeply moving novel offers us compelling and hard-earned truths. But what remains by the end is something that resembles a loving gesture from a long-lost relative: necessary and seismic, profound and unforgettable --Maaza Mengiste, author of the Booker Prize-shortlisted The Shadow King


作者介紹 Maya BinyamMaya Binyam的作品常見於巴黎評論、紐約客雜誌和紐約時報雜誌,也會紐約時報撰寫書評,她是巴黎評論的編輯,現居美國洛杉磯,Hangman是她的第一本作品。Maya Binyam's work has appeared in the Paris Review, the New Yorker, the New York Times Magazine, New York, Bookforum, Columbia Journalism Review, the New York Times Book Review, and elsewhere. She is a contributing editor at the Paris Review and has previously worked as an editor at Triple Canopy and the New Inquiry, and as a lecturer in the New School's Creative Publishing and Critical Journalism program. Hangman is her debut novel.


書名 / Hangman
作者 / Maya Binyam
簡介 / Hangman:Amanreturnshometosub-SaharanAfricaaftertwenty-sixyearslivinginexileinAmerica.Whenhearrives,hefindsthathedoesn’trecognizethecountry,oranyoneinit.Thankf
ISBN13 / 9781911590774
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781911590774
誠品26碼 / 2682430118005
頁數 / 208
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22*14*2
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : Kirkus Review星級點評!新銳作家Maya Binyam寫出非裔民族在後殖民影響下的流亡、離散與哀愁