Revenge of the Tipping Point: Overstories, Superspreaders, and the Rise of Social Engineering | 誠品線上

Revenge of the Tipping Point: Overstories, Superspreaders, and the Rise of Social Engineering

作者 Malcolm Gladwell
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 Revenge of the Tipping Point: Overstories, Superspreaders, and the Rise of Social Engineering:《引爆趨勢》作者葛拉威爾:2024重磅新書《引爆點的報復》。為什麼洛


內容簡介 《引爆趨勢》作者葛拉威爾2024重磅新書《引爆點的報復》(暫譯)為什麼洛杉磯在1980年代末和1990年代初會成為世界銀行搶案最多的城市?什麼是「魔法第三」?它與種族公平有什麼關聯?大型貓科動物和青少年自殺的聚集有什麼共同點?為什麼常春藤聯盟學校如此重視體育?時隔二十五年,葛拉威爾再度回到社會流行病和引爆點的主題,而這次旨在揭示流行 傳染現象的陰暗面。透過一個個引人入勝的故事,作者追溯令人憂心的新形態社交工程興起;帶我們走到洛杉磯的街頭,見識世界上最成功的銀行劫匪;重新發掘一個改變世界的1970年代被遺忘的電視節目;造訪北加州一個歷史實驗的小巷;甚至對當今世界兩大流行病——COVID和類鴉片藥物濫用危機提出葛拉威爾版的另類歷史。 這本書重新檢視了社會流行病的現象,研究我們如何學會操作、形塑傳播思想、病毒和趨勢的方法——有時成功,有時卻帶來災難性的後果。葛拉威爾的研究顯示,無論在社區、學校、動物園還是會議室,當前的流行病都是其早期版本的增強版,而我們比以往任何時候都更容易被誘惑去操控引爆點以達到自己的目的。然而,這些作為往往會付出代價,創造出更困難的利弊權衡和不預期的兩難困境。最重要的是,我們必須認識到我們的責任——作為個人和社會一份子,如果我們希望世界變得更好,就必須認真對待引爆點。《引爆點的報復》是葛拉威爾最具個人色彩的著作,他以獨特的視角挑戰自己出道的成功作品,透過動人的說故事手法,為理解現代世界的傳染現象提供指南。Twenty-five years after the publication of his groundbreaking first book, Malcolm Gladwell returns with a brand-new volume that reframes the lessons of The Tipping Point in a startling and revealing light.Why is Miami…Miami? What does the heartbreaking fate of the cheetah tell us about the way we raise our children? Why do Ivy League schools care so much about sports? What is the Magic Third, and what does it mean for racial harmony? In this provocative new work, Malcolm Gladwell returns for the first time in twenty-five years to the subject of social epidemics and tipping points, this time with the aim of explaining the dark side of contagious phenomena. Through a series of riveting stories, Gladwell traces the rise of a new and troubling form of social engineering. He takes us to the streets of Los Angeles to meet the world’s most successful bank robbers, rediscovers a forgotten television show from the 1970s that changed the world, visits the site of a historic experiment on a tiny cul-de-sac in northern California, and offers an alternate history of two of the biggest epidemics of our day: COVID and the opioid crisis. Revenge of the Tipping Point is Gladwell’s most personal book yet. With his characteristic mix of storytelling and social science, he offers a guide to making sense of the contagions of modern world. It’s time we took tipping points seriously.


作者介紹 Malcolm GladwellMalcolm Gladwell is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers: The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, What the Dog Saw, David and Goliath, Talking to Strangers, and The Bomber Mafia. He is also the cofounder of Pushkin Industries, an audio-content company that produces Revisionist History, among other podcasts and audiobooks. He was born in England, raised in Canada, and lives outside New York with his family and a cat named Biggie Smalls.


書名 / Revenge of the Tipping Point: Overstories, Superspreaders, and the Rise of Social Engineering
作者 / Malcolm Gladwell
簡介 / Revenge of the Tipping Point: Overstories, Superspreaders, and the Rise of Social Engineering:《引爆趨勢》作者葛拉威爾:2024重磅新書《引爆點的報復》。為什麼洛
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9780316582384
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780316582384
誠品26碼 / 2682622843005
頁數 / 352
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3 x 13.7
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 《引爆趨勢》出版25年後,作者葛拉威爾新作《引爆點的報復》再度投下趨勢觀察的震撼彈