Why We Die: The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality | 誠品線上

Why We Die: The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality

作者 Venki Ramakrishnan
商品描述 Why We Die: The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality:【2024誠品選書】生有盡時,諾貝爾化學獎得主拉馬克里希南省思死亡的科學與哲學。分享對衰老和死亡


內容簡介 【2024誠品選書】生有盡時,諾貝爾化學獎得主拉馬克里希南省思死亡的科學與哲學分享對衰老和死亡科學的開創性探索拉氏分享他對衰老和死亡科學的開創性探索。一場瞭解人類為何老化、某些物種為何比其它物種更長壽的生物學革命正在進行中。作者引領讀者踏上生物學最前線,探索透過改變生理機能延壽的最新研究,也省思死亡的科學與哲學議題:生命自有定數,不可強求?死亡有其必要生物學目的?試圖永生又要付出什麼社會和道德成本?"Utterly fascinating." —Bill Bryson"An incredible journey." —Siddhartha MukherjeeA groundbreaking exploration of the science of aging and mortality—from Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist Venki RamakrishnanThe knowledge of death is so terrifying that we live most of our lives in denial of it. Throughout human history—from the immortal afterlife of Judeo-Christian thought to the cycle of reincarnation posited by many Eastern religions—we have developed beliefs that allow us to avoid recognizing its finality. One of the most difficult moments of childhood must be when each of us first realizes that not only we but all our loved ones will die—and there is nothing we can do about it.Or at least, there hasn’t been. Today, we are living through a revolution in biology. Giant strides are being made in understanding why we age—and why some species live longer than others. Could we eventually cheat disease and death and live for a very long time, possibly many times our current lifespan?Venki Ramakrishnan, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and former president of the Royal Society, takes us on a riveting journey to the frontiers of biology, asking whether we must be mortal. Covering the recent breakthroughs in scientific research, he examines the cutting edge of efforts to extend lifespan by altering our physiology. But might death serve a necessary biological purpose? What are the social and ethical costs of attempting to live forever?Why We Die is a narrative of uncommon insight and beauty from one of our leading public intellectuals.


各界推薦 Review"It is rare to find a book that manages to combine science, politics, memoir, and medicine with ease, grace, and lucidity. Ramakrishnan's book, which comes at a time when the hype and hope around immortality has ascended to a febrile pitch, achieves precisely all of this, while taking readers on an incredible journey that encompasses the knowns and many unknowns that surround the science, mystery, and metaphysics of death and dying. This is a book for many generations, about many generations." — SIDDHARTHA MUKHERJEE, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Emperor of All Maladies and the #1 New York Times bestseller The Gene"For a book about death, Venki Ramakrishnan's Why We Die is joyfully alive. The story he tells is one of aging and death, but along the way he covers a huge range of biology, evolution, genetics, chemistry, and medicine. This is science writing at its finest: readable, authoritative, and impactful. The vignettes of important discoveries and the scientists that made them enliven the text, and show the personal side of the science of aging. As a scientist who studies dead things, this book gave me a whole new perspective on that one inevitable thing in every organism's life." — STEVE BRUSATTE, professor and paleontologist at the University of Edinburgh and New York Times bestselling author of The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs"Utterly fascinating. Venki Ramakrishnan's ability to take the most challenging subjects and make them clear, enthralling and packed with insights fills me with awe." — BILL BRYSON, New York Times bestselling author of The Body"This riveting and revealing book is for all of us who wonder whether aging and mortality are the next frontiers for human science to cross. Has the first person destined to live to two hundred already been born? Can we really extend our longevity further and further until … until what? Immortality? Why We Die takes us on a thrilling ride through the science of aging. Meet naked mole rats, lugworms, budding yeast and creepy human charlatans on the way. Venki Ramakrishnan has an extraordinary gift for explaining science with clarity, wit, and enviably entertaining narrative flair. A must read." — STEPHEN FRY, comedian, actor, writer"Why We Die is a crisply written, captivating and clear-eyed view of death, and how to defeat it. From research on starvation diets, young blood and cryonics to the longevity of naked mole rats, Nobelist Venki Ramakrishnan introduces us to a cast of extraordinary characters in his quest to fathom how elastic lifespan could prove to be. I believe Why We Die will be his enduring legacy, yet deep down, suspect most of us would still rather achieve immortality through not dying." — ROGER HIGHFIELD, OBE"The conquest of premature death has been remarkably successful in the past century. Can we go one better and extend life? This erudite, nuanced and insightful book tells a rich tale of discovery about why we age and die, skewers some charlatans along the way and offers just a glimmer of hope about immortality." — MATT RIDLEY, New York Times bestselling author of Genome“Why We Die brilliantly captures the essentials of current understanding of the aging process. This is an enjoyable romp through molecular and cell biology—and thought-provoking about ethical issues.” — Dame LINDA PARTRIDGE, Founding Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Biology of Ageing“This book explains, in an accessible and entertaining manner, the science behind one of the great themes of humanity. Excellent." — MICHAEL HALL, discoverer of TOR, recipient of the Lasker Award and the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences"Why We Die is a candid, wide-ranging, and hype-free survey of the latest in longevity research, from tortoises to telomeres. With his delightful gift for storytelling, Venki Ramakrishnan breathes life into the biology of death. If you want to know what science tells us about lifespan, Why We Die is the only book you need." — SAFI BAHCALL, bestselling author of Loonshots: Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries"Enthralling and eminently accessible. ... [Ramakrishnan] probes the essential ethical question that runs through it all. Even if we could live forever, should we?" — Bookseller (London)


作者介紹 Venki RamakrishnanVenki Ramakrishnan shared the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for uncovering the structure of the ribosome. A member of the National Academy of Sciences, Venki runs the Ramakrishnan Lab at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England. From 2015 to 2020, he served as president of the Royal Society, one of the world's oldest scientific organizations. He is the author of the frank scientific memoir Gene Machine.


書名 / Why We Die: The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality
作者 / Venki Ramakrishnan
簡介 / Why We Die: The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality:【2024誠品選書】生有盡時,諾貝爾化學獎得主拉馬克里希南省思死亡的科學與哲學。分享對衰老和死亡
ISBN13 / 9780063113275
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780063113275
誠品26碼 / 2682498633007
頁數 / 320
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 6 x 1.05 x 9 inches
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : A groundbreaking exploration of the science of aging and mortality—from Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist Venki Ramakrishnan
