Oracle of the Celestial Deities: A 20-Card Deck & Guidebook | 誠品線上

Oracle of the Celestial Deities: A 20-Card Deck & Guidebook

作者 Letao Wang
商品描述 Oracle of the Celestial Deities: A 20-Card Deck & Guidebook:✰希臘羅馬神祇神諭卡✰日系唯美插畫風。20張藝術風格牌卡,搭配152頁深度解析,帶您跨越塵世,與古羅馬神


內容簡介 【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】神諭卡‧星座占卜‧遊戲牌卡✰希臘羅馬神祇神諭卡 ✰日系唯美插畫風 20張藝術風格牌卡,搭配152頁深度解析,帶您跨越塵世,與古羅馬神話中的神祇對話。透過占星、天文及古老神話的智慧,這套獨特的神諭卡將指引您與高我連結,領悟生命中重要的課題,並從古老神話中汲取力量。 ✔從愛神維納斯到薩圖恩,每張牌卡都蘊含一位神祇的原型與能量,無論是愛情、事業或是個人成長,都能透過占卜獲得指引。 ✔不僅是占卜工具,更是一場深入神話的旅程。在欣賞美麗插畫的同時,也能從神祇的選擇與故事中學習與反思。✔適合喜愛神話、占星、身心靈成長的讀者,更是《阿基里斯之歌》、《波西傑克森》等神話改編作品愛好者不可錯過的收藏。The Oracle of Celestial Deities 20-card deck and 152-page guidebook is an intuitive and inspirational oracular system that combines the ancient wisdom of the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman mythology with modern astrology and archetypes to provide you daily cosmic guidance.Journey beyond the spiritual wisdom of our earthly realm with the Oracle of the Celestial Deities, a deck of twenty cards depicting mythical deities derived from astrology, astronomy, and ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Designed in an art nouveau style, this oracle deck helps connect us with our higher selves and assists us in understanding the important lessons of life that are echoed in the ancient myths of old.This deck is unique in that it focuses on the astrological archetypes of planets, asteroids, and more, named for Greek and Roman gods and goddesses and a handful of creatures. From Venus, the goddess of love, and Saturn, the god of time, to Ceres, the goddess of harvests, and Vulcan, the god of the forge, readers of this oracle deck will learn and appreciate much from the gods’ choices and lives. Interpretations of the cards in the guidebook include a generalized reading as well as career and love readings for more specified questions. Oracle of the Celestial Deities is sure to appeal to fans of mythology retellings such as Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles and Rick Riodan’s Percy Jackson series.


作者介紹 Letao WangLetao Wang is a professional astrologist, tarot specialist, and the founder and spiritual counselor of the Healing Kingdom. Based in Hong Kong, he has been providing astrology, tarot and numerology readings for clients both locally in Hong Kong and overseas since 2015. He is also currently the astrology columnist for Hong Kong Living Magazine. Letao takes pride in holding space for emotional support and self-empowerment in his readings, teaching his clients how to access their innate wisdom in order to amplify one’s personal power and intuition.An excellent marketer and sensitive intuitive, Letao Wang was named the Best Astrologer and Tarot Specialist in 2021 by Hong Kong Most Outstanding Business Award, Spiritual Guide of the Year in 2020 by Hong Kong’s Liv Magazine, and was given the Hong Kong Influencers Award in 2019 and 2020 by Hong Kong Living Magazine. Wang is also a member of the Hong Kong Society of Counselling and Psychology as well as a member of the Australian Counseling Association. His own education includes a master’s in counseling, a master’s in translating and interpreting Chinese and English, an advanced diploma in applied astrology, and a bachelor’s in English.


書名 / Oracle of the Celestial Deities: A 20-Card Deck & Guidebook
作者 / Letao Wang
簡介 / Oracle of the Celestial Deities: A 20-Card Deck & Guidebook:✰希臘羅馬神祇神諭卡✰日系唯美插畫風。20張藝術風格牌卡,搭配152頁深度解析,帶您跨越塵世,與古羅馬神
ISBN13 / 9781582709253
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781582709253
誠品26碼 / 2682498323007
頁數 / 152
裝訂 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 6.8*5*2英吋
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 日系插畫風!希臘羅馬神祇神諭卡