Mastering AI: A Survival Guide to Our Superpowered Future | 誠品線上

Mastering AI: A Survival Guide to Our Superpowered Future

作者 Jeremy Kahn
商品描述 Mastering AI: A Survival Guide to Our Superpowered Future:✰AI狂潮即將席捲全球!未來5年,AI人工智慧將顛覆各行各業,帶來前所未有的效率和生產力。✔工作、教育、醫


內容簡介 ✰AI狂潮即將席捲全球!未來5年,AI人工智慧將顛覆各行各業,帶來前所未有的效率和生產力。✔工作、教育、醫療...全面變革!AI助手將成為每個知識工作者的必備工具全球孩子都能擁有個人化、隨身攜帶的家教量身定制的藥物將變得更平價藝術、音樂、文學創作方式將徹底改變✔AI,是人類的無限可能!生成式AI將釋放我們的技能、才華和創造力,開啟令人興奮的未來!✔然而,AI也帶來巨大風險!深化貧富差距,造成贏家通吃局面假訊息氾濫,破壞民主根基改變大腦運作,影響批判性思考、記憶力甚至人際關係✔面對AI狂潮,我們該如何應對?知名科技記者Jeremy Kahn,深入採訪AI領域的領導者、科學家、未來學家,為你揭開AI的真實面貌,剖析潛在風險,並提出應對之道。《Mastering AI》是AI時代必讀的生存指南!像《The New New Thing (以新致富的矽谷文化)》揭示了網路泡沫的真相,《Mastering AI》將幫助你了解AI的機遇與挑戰,讓你做好準備,迎接AI時代的來臨!Within the next five years, Jeremy Kahn predicts, AI will disrupt almost every industry and enterprise, with vastly increased efficiency and productivity. It will restructure the workforce, making AI copilots a must for every knowledge worker. It will revamp education, meaning children around the world can have personal, portable tutors. It will revolutionize health care, making individualized, targeted pharmaceuticals more affordable. It will compel us to reimagine how we make art, compose music, and write and publish books. The potential of generative AI to extend our skills, talents, and creativity as humans is undeniably exciting and promising.But while this new technology has a bright future, it also casts a dark and fearful shadow. AI will provoke pervasive, disruptive, potentially devastating knock-on effects. Leveraging his unrivaled access to the leaders, scientists, futurists, and others who are making AI a reality, Kahn will argue that if not carefully designed and vigilantly regulated AI will deepen income inequality, depressing wages while imposing winner-take-all markets across much of the economy. AI risks undermining democracy, as truth is overtaken by misinformation, racial bias, and harmful stereotypes. Continuing a process begun by the internet, AI will rewire our brains, likely inhibiting our ability to think critically, to remember, and even to get along with one another—unless we all take decisive action to prevent this from happening.Much as Michael Lewis’s classic The New New Thing offered a prescient, insightful, and eminently readable account of life inside the dot-com bubble, Mastering AI delivers much-needed guidance for anyone eager to understand the AI boom—and what comes next.


作者介紹 Jeremy KahnJeremy Kahn is an award-winning senior writer for Fortune magazine, where he covers artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. In addition to cover stories and features, he writes Fortune’s weekly Eye on AI newsletter and cochairs its Brainstorm AI technology conferences. Previously, he wrote about technology, including AI, for Bloomberg. His writing on a range of subjects has also appeared in The New York Times, Newsweek, The Atlantic, Smithsonian, The Boston Globe, The New Republic, and Slate. He has reported from India and much of South Asia, the Ivory Coast, Iraq, Venezuela, and most countries in Western Europe. He is a former managing editor of The New Republic. He lives with his family in Oxford, England.


書名 / Mastering AI: A Survival Guide to Our Superpowered Future
作者 / Jeremy Kahn
簡介 / Mastering AI: A Survival Guide to Our Superpowered Future:✰AI狂潮即將席捲全球!未來5年,AI人工智慧將顛覆各行各業,帶來前所未有的效率和生產力。✔工作、教育、醫
ISBN13 / 9781668065334
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781668065334
誠品26碼 / 2682498262009
頁數 / 256
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 9*7*0.6英吋
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : AI時代來臨,如何妥善運用、和平共處又不被其控制?