內容簡介 樂高人偶攝影教學套組 隨書附2個人偶+30個道具+6幅背景 樂高玩家們,你們會為自己創造的場景拍照?本書針對透視、比例、角度、照明等專業攝影技巧解說,教你如何栩栩如生的捕捉你的樂高世界。這些攝影技巧都可以運用在日常生活中。書中還提供2個人偶、6幅背景、30個小道具,包括假髮、運動裝備等。發揮創意運用道具,就能拍下人偶進行各種活動的動態瞬間。 一本書讓你一次學會所有專業攝影技巧。用樂高躋身知名攝影師行列。Learn how to take great photos with LEGO minifigures!Two included minifigures are ready to strike a pose, with 20 LEGO props and accessories, including wigs, sports equipment, animals, and other odds and ends. Six oversized backgrounds will help you frame your photos so you get great-looking results right away.Chock-full of step-by-step photos, LEGO fans can make the most out of their own LEGO collections and imagine creative scenarios for their minifigures, whether they're playing a game of ice hockey in the refrigerator, exploring their backyard, or going on an international adventure.Lessons in the book are broad enough so to not depend on a particular technology. These are fun tricks and illusions you can create with any camera, including forced perspective to make your LEGO minifigures look life-sized.