Disney Pixar Inside Out 2: All in the Mind | 誠品線上

Disney Pixar Inside Out 2: All in the Mind

作者 Meredith Rusu
商品描述 Disney Pixar Inside Out 2: All in the Mind:BasedonDisneyandPixar'sInsideOut2,thishumorousandcharmingmiddlegradenovelretellsandexpandsuponthefilm!Changeisn'tany


內容簡介 腦筋急轉彎2 改編自迪士尼和皮克斯的《腦筋急轉彎2》重溫電影情節,並延伸故事厚度!對Riley萊莉來說,生活總是充滿改變。十一歲時,她和父母從明尼蘇達州搬到了舊金山。過程中萊莉時而快樂、時而悲傷、時而憤怒,有時還會厭惡和恐懼,她和各種情緒相伴,也瞭解他們的存在。而如今萊莉已經十三歲了,她的情緒夥伴們也對即將到來的青少年時期感到迫不及待。果然國中又是人生另一個階段,而新階段也象徵了新挑戰,觸發了萊莉各種不同的感受──這時期多了四種新的情緒:焦慮、羨慕、害羞和倦怠。樂樂和其他核心情緒成員不確定這些新人對萊莉的改變有多大;新的情緒認為,既然她已經十幾歲了,應該採取不同的方法了。萊莉大腦的情緒總部迎來前所未有的混亂,正如同他面臨的國中生活一樣,萊莉要如何度過呢?Based on Disney and Pixar's Inside Out 2, this humorous and charming middle grade novel retells and expands upon the film!Change isn't anything new to Riley Andersen. When she was eleven years old, she and her parents moved across the country from Minnesota to San Francisco. But through it all, Riley's Emotions—Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear—guided and supported her.Now Riley is thirteen years old, and her Emotions can't wait to see what her teenage years will bring. But the idea of starting high school elicits all kinds of feelings, including four new Emotions! Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, and Ennui enter Headquarters, ready to help Riley succeed in high school. Joy and the core Emotions aren't sure about these newcomers and how much they're changing Riley; the new Emotions think it's time to take a different approach now that she's a teenager. Although change happens to everyone—and especially to Riley—this chaos both inside and outside of Headquarters is unlike anything Riley and her Emotions have experienced before!【迷誠品編輯推薦】標題|皮克斯電影《腦筋急轉彎2》6句成長語錄,教會自己沒有任何情緒是多餘的撰文|迷誠品內容中心皮克斯動畫《腦筋急轉彎》的樂樂、怒怒和憂憂等小情緒們的互動故事,帶給我們無數的歡笑與感動。過了9年後,終於在近期上映《腦筋急轉彎2》,大腦總部也增加擁有不同魅力的4位新成員!這次分享6個值得你深思的電影金句,不論是沒有觀看的人,還是已經入戲院觀影的粉絲,都能因相似的青春期經歷而有滿滿的共鳴感。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章


作者介紹 Meredith RusuMeredith Rusu lives in New Jersey with her husband and two young sons. She is the author of more than one hundred children's books, notably Sweet Dreams, Jack-Jack and also the DATA Set series, under the name Ada Hopper. When she isn't writing, Meredith enjoys singing karaoke, spending time with family, and going on the occasional adventure or two.


書名 / Disney Pixar Inside Out 2: All in the Mind
作者 / Meredith Rusu
簡介 / Disney Pixar Inside Out 2: All in the Mind:BasedonDisneyandPixar'sInsideOut2,thishumorousandcharmingmiddlegradenovelretellsandexpandsuponthefilm!Changeisn'tany
ISBN13 / 9781368100229
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781368100229
誠品26碼 / 2682539702006
頁數 / 256
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 14.5X22.3X2.3
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : Based on Disney and Pixar's Inside Out 2, this humorous and charming middle grade novel retells and expands upon the film!
