內容簡介 趨勢必讀經典系列最新!行銷6.0最權威的行銷大師科特勒帶你認識「元行銷(metamarketing)」時代!在《Marketing 6.0》中,現代行銷學之父菲利普·科特勒(Philip Kotler)揭示了行銷人員如何運用科技滿足顧客的需求,進而在全球發揮影響力。作為「行銷4P」理論的創始人,科特勒引領讀者進入「元行銷(metamarketing)」時代。這不僅是行銷人員的必讀之作,更是每一位想在數位行銷取得成功人士的寶典。本書包含• 建構元行銷的基石• Z世代和α世代與他們的科技日常• 解鎖元宇宙、擴增實境的秘密• 邁向互動、沉浸式體驗的障礙與解決方法市場營銷早已超越傳統推銷的範疇,進化成回應全球議題與消費者動態需求的樞紐。因此,將可持續發展的理念與創新科技融入消費者互動中,對企業的發展至關重要。科特勒指出,儘管數位化浪潮席捲,人們對於真實互動的渴望依然存在,為了滿足這一需求,多通路行銷(Multichannel Marketing)和全渠道行銷(Omnichannel Marketing)應運而生,旨在為目標受眾提供流暢的互動體驗。而在這基礎之上,「元行銷(Metamarketing)」則進一步革新,不僅打破實體與數位的界線,更創造全方位沉浸式互動體驗,引領市場營銷進入一個全新的時代。In Marketing 6.0, the celebrated promoter of the “Four P’s of Marketing,” Philip Kotler, explains how marketers can use technology to address customers’ needs and make a difference in the world. In a new age of metamarketing, this book provides marketers with a way to integrate technological and business model evolution with the dramatic shifts in consumer behavior that have happened in the last decade. Readers will learn about:-The building blocks of metamarketing-Generation Z and Generation Alpha and the technologies they use daily-How to tap into metaverses and extended reality-The potential obstacles and solutions for creating a more interactive and immersive experience.Marketing has evolved to address global challenges and changing customer expectations. Incorporating sustainability themes and new technologies for customer engagement are essential for businesses to remain relevant. Indeed, marketing has shifted from traditional to digital, but most customers still value some forms of human interaction. As a result, multichannel and omnichannel marketing have become popular among marketers aiming to leverage both traditional and digital engagement. Metamarketing goes beyond that and offers a genuine physical and digital convergence by providing a more interactive and immersive customer experience across physical and digital spaces.