Good Eye台灣挑剔指南: 第一本讓世界認識台灣的中英文風格旅遊書 (全新改版 附貓派狗派萬用貼紙) | 誠品線上

Good Eye City Guide: Taiwan

作者 郭佩怜
出版社 時報文化出版企業股份有限公司
商品描述 Good Eye台灣挑剔指南: 第一本讓世界認識台灣的中英文風格旅遊書 (全新改版 附貓派狗派萬用貼紙):暢銷萬本、再刷不斷的台灣中英文風格旅遊書《GOODEYE台灣挑剔指南》全新


內容簡介 暢銷萬本、再刷不斷的台灣中英文風格旅遊書 《GOOD EYE 台灣挑剔指南》 全新改版,掌握台灣最新資訊TAIWAN NO.1!祝你有個愉快的旅程!————隨書附————GOOD EYE ♥ TAIWAN貓派狗派‧萬用貼紙Team cat or team dog, we're all team Taiwan!※22個台灣縣市與離島500家優質好店50篇深度特輯Web App搭配旅行21條旅遊路線1顆愛台灣的心帶你和你的國外朋友穿梭大街小巷,看見最真實可愛的台灣!誠意嚴選500家好店+必訪景點—————————藝術與文化、 設計與生活風格、食材與料理、咖啡與酒精、住宿與放鬆,絕對挑剔推薦21條新舊融合的旅遊路線—————————為每個縣市量身規劃最具特色的一日小旅行路線,輕鬆跟著走,吃喝玩樂絕對過癮收錄50篇深入台灣鄉土的主題特輯—————————傳統慶典、古厝村落、在地物產、工藝技藝、生態旅遊、地方創生……絕對接地氣全書充滿可愛的插畫與手繪地圖—————————好看又好用的旅遊地圖21張+超過100幅特色景點小插圖,絕對愛不釋手『 好 國 好 人 , 好 地 方 。 』旅行世界各國後,還是覺得台灣最棒!這裡是亞洲最民主、最多元也最熱情有趣的地方。只要相處久了,就能確實體會台灣的好,甚至捨不得離開。「我們是小國小民,但是我們是好國好人。」────言論自由鬥士鄭南榕如果要用一句話來介紹台灣,沒有比這更好的描述,如同台北是被低估的城市,台灣也絕對是被低估的國家!趕快來吧,只要來一次,你就會知道所謂好國好民,好在哪裡。『 充 滿 趣 味 與 溫 度 的 台 灣 風 格 旅 遊 書 ! 』台北是個可愛、對旅人友善的城市,是認識台灣的最佳起點。不過台灣各地也有著自己的個性與姿態,一個都不能被忽略。因此,暢銷書《GOOD EYE 台北挑剔指南》作者郭佩怜和她在各領域的厲害朋友們,將挑剔的眼光從台北擴大到台灣22個縣市,懷著一顆愛台灣的心,挑戰製作世界第一本中英雙語的台灣風格旅遊書《GOOD EYE 台灣挑剔指南》,收錄各地的風格店家、年度活動、在地刊物與深度特輯等,成為探索台灣的最佳起點。 『 為 什 麼 需 要 這 本 書 ? 』重新發現台灣的魅力 → 拿來練英文也不錯(誤)從此變身旅遊達人 → 可能會被稱讚有好眼光!掌握台灣最秘密精彩的地方 → 喜歡的店也許會客滿(抱歉了)外國朋友來,再也不用當地陪! → 相當適合拿來做國民外交『 怎 麼 個 挑 剔 法 ?』綜合設計、選品、氛圍、服務、環境、口碑等面向有自信帶著友人去的地方考慮店家間的多元性與個別獨特性『 使 用 說 明 』全書架構:北台灣/中台灣/南台灣/東台灣與離島全新改版、最新資訊和路線更新為了讓大家旅遊方便攜帶《GOOD EYE台灣挑剔指南》將原本四小冊合而為一:可以隨心所欲拿一本就出發,一本通行全台灣全台灣22個縣市皆分為兩部分介紹,前半部分門別類挑出500家好店,涵蓋5大類:「藝術與文化」、「設計與生活風格」、「食材與料理」、「音樂與酒精」、「住宿與放鬆」,每個分類下介紹 6家精選好店;後半部有「推薦旅遊路線」和「主題特輯」 ,幫助讀者更了解台灣文化 。如果想找特定類型店家可以參考前半部分;需要行程建議的,可以直接翻到後半部!『 線 上 輔 助 工 具 』除了紙本外,團隊還製作了Web App,收錄書中所有店家的基本資訊,只要點擊頁面上的地址欄就能直接連到該店的google maps位置,方便大家在旅途中查找位置,店家資訊若有變動也能即時更新。


作者介紹 作者簡介郭佩怜和她厲害的朋友們Guo Pei-Ling and Her Amazing Friends郭佩怜,台中人,2011 年踏入創意產業,現任文字編輯、行銷企劃與廣告製片,也承接各式創意專案。著有雙語風格旅遊書《Good Eye 台北挑剔指南》與《Good Eye 台灣挑剔指南》。


產品目錄 作者序Author's Preface基本資料Basic Information交通/生活/飲食/飲食文化/自然生態/原住民文化/文化/文學/科技/旅遊網站Transportation Lifestyle Food Food Culture Natural Ecology Indigenous Culture Culture Literature Technology Travel Websites第一輯 北台灣Volume 1: Northern TaiwanChapter 1 基隆Chapter 1: Keelung基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 雞籠百年宗教盛事──熱鬧整個農曆七月的「中元祭」Special Feature 1: Keelung's Centuries-Old Religious Festival - The Lively Ghost Festival Throughout Lunar July特輯2. 基隆地方創生現場,看見不一樣的港都風貌Special Feature 2: Keelung's Local Revitalization - Witnessing the Unique Harbor City SceneryChapter 2 台北Chapter 2: Taipei基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 持續進步中的台灣Special Feature 1: Taiwan's Ongoing ProgressChapter 3 新北Chapter 3: New Taipei基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 平溪線鐵道:因煤礦而生的浪漫支線Special Feature 1: Pingxi Railway Line: A Romantic Branch Line Born from Coal Mining特輯2. 求財運?來新北就對了!Special Feature 2: Seeking Wealth? New Taipei is the Place to Be!Chapter 4 桃園Chapter 4: Taoyuan基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 地方創生在大溪Special Feature 1: Local Revitalization in DaxiChapter 5 新竹Chapter 5: Hsinchu基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 三分日曬、七分風乾──九降風吹拂下的新竹米粉Special Feature 1: Three Parts Sun-Drying, Seven Parts Wind-Drying - Hsinchu Rice Noodles Under the Influence of the Northeast Monsoon特輯2. 吃一口風城味──新竹貢丸好吃的祕訣Special Feature 2: Tasting the Flavor of the Windy City - The Secret to Delicious Hsinchu Meatballs第二輯 中台灣Volume 2: Central TaiwanChapter 6 苗栗Chapter 6: Miaoli基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 藍染、藺草與木雕Special Feature 1: Indigo Dyeing, Rush Weaving, and Wood CarvingChapter 7 台中Chapter 7: Taichung基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 從台中大甲到嘉義新港,9 天8 夜、107 間廟、330 公里的旅程Special Feature 1: From Taichung's Dajia to Chiayi's Xingang, A 9-Day, 8-Night, 107-Temple, 330-K公里的旅程Special Feature 1: From Taichung's Dajia to Chiayi's Xingang, A 9-Day, 8-Night, 107-Temple, 330-Kilometer Journey特輯2. 台中推薦伴手禮Special Feature 2: Recommended Souvenirs from TaichungChapter 8 彰化Chapter 8: Changhua基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 一起認識,這幾位影響台灣文化的彰化人Special Feature 1: Getting to Know the Changhua Natives Who Influenced Taiwanese Culture特輯2. 鹿港鎮──老派才是新時尚Special Feature 2: Lukang Township - Old-School is the New Trend特輯3. 田尾鄉──內行人的花園Special Feature 3: Tianwei Township - An Insider's GardenChapter 9 南投Chapter 9: Nantou基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 日月潭──台灣最美的湖光山色Special Feature 1: Sun Moon Lake - Taiwan's Most Beautiful Lake and Mountain Scenery特輯2. 埔里──順遊小鎮,吃國宴級美食Special Feature 2: Puli - A Town Worth Visiting for Its State Banquet-Level Cuisine特輯3. 南投伴手禮──山城裡的好食好酒,不買對不起自己Special Feature 3: Nantou Souvenirs - The Best Food and Wine in the Mountain Town, Don't Miss Out特輯4. 梅酒食譜──懶人釀梅酒Special Feature 4: Plum Wine Recipe - Easy Plum Wine BrewingChapter 10 雲林Chapter 10: Yunlin基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 菜籃族注意!不可不知的四種雲林物產Special Feature 1: Attention Shoppers! Four Must-Know Yunlin Products特輯2. 古老卻充滿生命力的城市Special Feature 2: An Ancient yet Vibrant City特輯3. 台灣味道原鄉Special Feature 3: The Original Home of Taiwan's Flavors第三輯 南台灣Volume 3: Southern TaiwanChapter 11 嘉義Chapter 11: Chiayi基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 嘉義人氣小吃與伴手禮Special Feature 1: Popular Snacks and Souvenirs in Chiayi特輯2. 阿里山──日出、雲海、鐵路、森林、晚霞Special Feature 2: Alishan - Sunrise, Sea of Clouds, Railway, Forest, and Sunset特輯3. 陳澄波──油彩的化身,台灣近代重量級畫家Special Feature 3: Chen Cheng-po - The Embodiment of Oil Paint, A Modern Master Painter of TaiwanChapter 12 台南Chapter 12: Tainan基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 沒有變胖的決心不要來台南!Special Feature 1: Don't Come to Tainan Without a Resolve Not to Gain Weight!特輯2. 台南人跩什麼?Special Feature 2: What Makes Tainan People So Proud?Chapter 13 高雄Chapter 13: Kaohsiung基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 郊遊高雄:美濃、旗山與佛光山一日散策Special Feature 1: A Day Trip in Kaohsiung: Meinong, Qishan, and Fo Guang Shan特輯2. 這些日常小吃,都飄著台式美國味Special Feature 2: These Everyday Snacks Have a Taiwanese-American Flavor特輯3. 跟著高雄人吃海產,四大派別報你知Special Feature 3: Follow the Locals for Seafood in Kaohsiung - The Four Major Styles You Should KnowChapter 14 屏東Chapter 14: Pingtung基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 傳唱不輟的半島民謠──屏東文化特有種Special Feature 1: The Everlasting Folk Songs of the Peninsula - The Unique Culture of Pingtung特輯2. 陪伴社區成長的生態旅遊──用不一樣的方式認識恆春墾丁Special Feature 2: Eco-Tourism Supporting Community Growth - Discovering Hengchun and Kenting in a New Way第四輯 東台灣與離島Volume 4: Eastern Taiwan and the Outlying IslandsChapter 15 宜蘭Chapter 15: Yilan基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 在宜蘭來趟建築小旅行Special Feature 1: Take an Architectural Tour in Yilan特輯2. 礁溪──歷史悠久的溫泉名鄉Special Feature 2: Jiaoxi - A Historic Hot Spring Town特輯3. 頭城──來烏石港衝浪,走逛頭城老街Special Feature 3: Toucheng - Surfing at Wushi Harbor and Strolling Through Toucheng Old Street特輯4. 南方澳──在悠閒的漁村來趟小旅行Special Feature 4: Nanfang'ao - A Relaxing Trip to a Leisurely Fishing Village特輯5. 宜蘭新農──在宜蘭找到自己的一方田地,安身立命Special Feature 5: New Farmers in Yilan - Finding Your Own Piece of Land to Settle DownChapter 16 花蓮Chapter 16: Hualien基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 山線特輯──東部最美客家村 國際慢城鳳林Special Feature 1: Mountain Line Special - Fonglin, the Most Beautiful Hakka Village in Eastern Taiwan and an International Slow City特輯2. 海線特輯──來海稻米的故鄉「石梯坪」 吹太平洋的風Special Feature 2: Coastal Line Special - Shitiping, the Hometown of Sea Rice, Enjoying the Pacific Breeze特輯3. 部落特輯──來一趟部落,深入認識原住民文化!Special Feature 3: Tribal Special - Visit a Tribe and Deepen Your Understanding of Indigenous Culture!特輯4. 體驗特輯──邊學邊玩,一堂沒有教室的自然生活課Special Feature 4: Experience Special - Learn and Play, A Natural Living Lesson Without a ClassroomChapter 17 台東 & 蘭嶼、綠島Chapter 17: Taitung & Lanyu, Green Island基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 縱谷特輯──體驗山谷間的各式理想生活方案Special Feature 1: Longitudinal Valley Special - Experience Various Ideal Life Plans in the Valleys特輯2. 海線特輯──讓人流連忘返的美麗海岸線Special Feature 2: Coastal Line Special - The Beautiful Coastline That Makes You Reluctant to Leave特輯3. 離島特輯──蘭嶼的海,與其他地方的海都不一樣Special Feature 3: Outlying Islands Special - The Sea of Lanyu, Unlike Any Other特輯4. 離島特輯──從政治犯監獄到潛水勝地Special Feature 4: Outlying Islands Special - From Political Prison to Diving ParadiseChapter 18 澎湖Chapter 18: Penghu基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 澎湖的離島要怎麼玩?下面是深度放空版Special Feature 1: How to Explore Penghu's Outlying Islands? Here's the Ultimate Relaxation Guide特輯2. 修復一條連結回海洋的路Special Feature 2: Restoring a Path That Connects Back to the OceanChapter 19 金門Chapter 19: Kinmen基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 在地人教你逛金門古厝村落Special Feature 1: A Local's Guide to Exploring Kinmen's Ancient Villages特輯2. 金門三天兩夜小旅遊提案Special Feature 2: Kinmen Uncovered - An Ideal 3-Day, 2-Night Travel ItineraryChapter 20 馬祖Chapter 20: Matsu基本資訊/推薦好點好店/推薦路線Basic Information Recommended Spots and Shops Recommended Routes特輯1. 馬祖三天兩夜小旅遊提案Special Feature 1: Matsu Magic - A Captivating 3-Day, 2-Night Travel Plan特輯2. 馬祖傳統建築與廟宇──在地人帶你看三個重點!Special Feature 2: Matsu's Traditional Architecture and Temples - Three Highlights from a Local's Perspective特輯3. 馬祖社區、藝文現場直擊Special Feature 3: A Close-Up on Matsu's Communities and Art Scene特輯4. 沒追到會流眼淚的藍眼淚Special Feature 4: The Blue Tears Phenomenon - A Must-See Wonder You Can't Miss


書名 / Good Eye台灣挑剔指南: 第一本讓世界認識台灣的中英文風格旅遊書 (全新改版 附貓派狗派萬用貼紙)
作者 / 郭佩怜
簡介 / Good Eye台灣挑剔指南: 第一本讓世界認識台灣的中英文風格旅遊書 (全新改版 附貓派狗派萬用貼紙):暢銷萬本、再刷不斷的台灣中英文風格旅遊書《GOODEYE台灣挑剔指南》全新
出版社 / 時報文化出版企業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9786263964204
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9786263964204
誠品26碼 / 2682589469003
頁數 / 328
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 16.5x23x 2.5cm
級別 / N:無


自序 : 《台灣挑剔指南》是2017年春天出版的《台北挑剔指南》的續作。回想起2020年2月《台灣挑剔指南》出版時,武漢肺炎剛爆發,全球邊境管制讓旅遊業大受打擊。本以為指南也會受到影響,但多虧了讀者們的支持,這本指南在四年間穩定銷售,甚至有機會改版,在此衷心感謝。

2022年國境開放後,台灣躍升為Airbnb、Skyscanner和Expedia等旅遊平台的熱門搜尋關鍵字。除了美食、美景和良好的治安吸引了國際旅客的目光外,2016至2024年間,在蔡英文前總統、執政團隊與台灣人民的共同努力下,亮眼的防疫成績、強大的科技實力,以及成為亞洲首個通過同婚的國家(2024年台灣變裝皇后妮妃雅Nymphia Wind在《魯保羅變裝皇后秀》摘下第16季冠軍!)等表現,也都讓台灣備受矚目。



Good Eye City Guide: Taiwan is the sequel to Good Eye City Guide: Taipei, which came out in the spring of 2017. Thinking back to February 2020 when Good Eye City Guide: Taiwan was released, COVID-19 had just started, and global travel restrictions hit the tourism industry hard. I thought the guide might be affected too, but thanks to our wonderful readers, it stayed in demand over the past four years and even got reprinted and updated a few times. I am so grateful for this.

In 2022, when the borders reopened, Taiwan became a hot search term on travel sites like Airbnb, Skyscanner, and Expedia. The island’s delicious food, beautiful scenery, and excellent safety record drew the eyes of international travelers. Plus, from 2016 to 2024, under the leadership of former President Tsai Ing-wen and the hard work of the Taiwanese people, Taiwan achieved amazing things. These include impressive pandemic prevention, strong tech capabilities, and becoming the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage (with Taiwanese drag queen Nymphia Wind winning the 16th season of "RuPaul's Drag Race" in 2024!).

In addition to the Taiwan you may already know, this guide aims to offer a true Taiwanese perspective, helping you explore the everyday scenes and creativity that make Taiwan so special. The spots and shops featured, from newly opened indie bookstores and secret bars to traditional markets and street vendors, are all places the authors wholeheartedly recommend to friends.

Right now, more than ever, we need support and goodwill from around the world. I believe the charm and warmth of this island will make every traveler a true Friend of Taiwan.


內文 :
PingTung——Tropical Land with Hills Behind and the Ocean in front



屏東除了引以為傲的生態景觀與蔬果農產外,近期也有許多風格小店出現,15年開始舉辦原民藝術音樂祭典「斜坡上的藝術節」,台灣設計展也在 2019年首度於此開展,讓屏東展現有別於以往的風貌。總之要是膩了大城市的生活,就來國境之南吧,讓南方的陽光,療癒疲憊的身心。

Located at the very south of Taiwan, the oblong county of Pingtung has the privilege of enjoying nice weather year round. The residents here consist of indigenous, Minnan, Hakka and other ethnic groups, giving this land a diverse culture. Instead of hastily pursuing industrialization like other cities in Taiwan, Pingtung retains its original character and shows endless possibilities.

In the Pingbei area under the hill of Dawu Mountain that is also called Kavulungan in the indigenous Paiwan language, you will find the oldest church in Taiwan and some of the best-quality chocolate in the world. By the sea in Donggang Township, a new landmark has formed—The Goddess of the Sea, a lantern art installation built with 350,000 oyster shells. In the sunny Hengchun Township, the well-preserved, century-old town walls, nowhere else to be found in Taiwan, accompany you on your journey. Kenting (Kending)National Park, the first national park to open in Taiwan, is the place to meet surfers from around the world, all come to challenge the azure ocean.

Besides the worth-mentioning natural scenery and fresh produce, an abundance of cultural activities have been emerging in this area over the past few years, such as stylish shops and stores, and the Isenasena indigenous music festival which started in 2015. It was even decided that the 2019 Taiwan Design Expo would open in Pingtung for the first time. These active cultural scenes bring a fresh new look to Pingtung. If you are tired of bustling city life, just come to the south of the island and let the southern sun rejuvenate your exhausted body and mind.

台北往屏東可搭乘高鐵至高雄左營站 (約 2 小時),再轉搭台鐵至屏東站,約需 40 分鐘左右。市區內有公共自行車Pbike可租借,但強烈建議租汽、機車代步,若打算繼續前往恆春或墾丁,會方便許多。
To get to Pingtung from Taipei by public transportation, first catch the HSR to Zuoying Station, which takes about 2 hours. Then transfer to the TRA and travel to Pingtung Station, which takes about 40 minutes. When traveling in Pingtung City, although Pbike (public bike-sharing service)is available around town, renting a scooter or a car is highly advisable in the event you decide to travel further south to Hengchun or Kenting.

THE PLACE: PINGTUNG《本地 The Place 03:屏東》
Currently one of the best Pingtung travel guides, covering the culture, the customs, and the people

Diligent quarterly magazine covering local affairs published by the Pingtung government  

Diligent bimonthly magazine covering local affairs published by the Pingtung government  

Six highly in-demand Pingtung travel brochures titled Coffee, Dessert, Rice, Cuisine, Read, Mountain and Sea

Kenting's community ecotourism guide for 2019. On-line versions are available in Chinese and English

中文 lishaneco/docs/kenting_ecotourism

Pingtung government's official online travel guide (one of the better looking ones)

One of the most comprehensive Kenting and Hengchun travel websites. An essential planning tool

Facebook page sharing information about good food and restaurants in Pingtung

Providing short, irregularly scheduled local/community trips and recommended itineraries


Local team promoting the Satoyama Initiative and ecotourism

HEAR HERE FEST (OCT.)半島歌謠祭 (10月)
International world music festival in Hengchun that welcomes everyone


▍推薦好點試閱 ▍


Oldest church preserved in Taiwan, conferred the title of basilica by Pope John Paul II

屏東縣萬巒鄉萬興路24號 | +886-8-783-2005
No. 24, Wanxing Rd., Wanluan Township, Pingtung County

Take the oldest train in Taiwan from Fangliao Railway Station and enjoy the scenic beauty of the South Link Line with a refreshing breeze

請預先上網購票 | +886-2-8793-2565 (Phone reservation is required for booking tickets)

Taiwan's only forest-themed library, a unique venue that regularly hosts vibrant markets and events

屏東縣屏東市大連路69號 |
No. 69, Dalian Rd., Pingtung City, Pingtung County
09:00-21:00 (Closed on Mondays)

SUN VILLE 小陽。日栽書屋
Vibrant bookstore converted from an old house and holding frequent cultural events

No. 1, Qingying Ln., Pingtung City, Pingtung County
14:00–20:00 (Closed from Mon. to Wed.)

Offering a rich selection of books on folk culture, with the must-visit Fāng Gēn Fā Coffee Bar in the backyard

屏東縣屏東市永城里青島街112號 | +886-908-839-267
No. 112, Yongcheng, Pingtung City, Pingtung County
10:30–18:30 (Closed on Mon. and Tue.) |

Discover local history and culture, engage in community events at this vibrant bookstore

屏東縣恆春鎮北門路110巷86號 | +886-934-149-657
No. 86, Ln. 110, Beimen Rd., Hengchun Township, Pingtung County
Fri. to Sun. 11:00-18:00

▍推薦路線試閱 ▍

TaitungSugar Factory and Tiehua Music Village


9:00 去「明奎早餐店」或「有時散步早午食」吃早餐
10:00 造訪「臺東設計中心」看當期展覽
11:00 在「東昌帆布行」訂製專屬台東伴手禮
12:00 到「香琪鴨肉」享用午餐
13:00 飯後甜點到「正東山冰屋」或「老東台品甜屋」
14:00 前往「晃晃二手書店」,買一本主人素素選的好書
15:00 驅車前往「台東糖廠文創園區」,逛「庫空間」與「卡塔文化工作室」
17:00 前往「公東教堂」,欣賞隱藏在台東的世界級當代建築
18:00 一群人同遊晚餐推薦去「米巴奈山地美食坊」,自己一個人可前往「好港覺」或「福來東咖啡」
19:30 到「目目咖啡」、「食冊Café 書店」或「艾蘭哥爾藝文咖啡館」喝杯咖啡幫助消化
20:30 去「鐵花村音樂聚落」看表演、逛市集,結束完美的一天

9:00 Have breakfast at Ming Kui Breakfast and Walkabout Café
10:00 Visit Taitung Design Center for their latest exhibition
11:00 Get a custom-made souvenir at Dong Chang Canvas
12:00 Have lunch at Xiang Qi Duck
13:00 Head to Zheng Dong Shan Smoothie and Juice Bar or Lao Dong Tai Sweet House for dessert
14:00 Pick out a good book curated by the owner of Guesthouse Susu, a unique second hand bookstore
15:00 Hail a cab for the Taitung Sugar Factory Cultural and Creative Park and check out The Garage and Ata Beads Studio
17:00 Visit Kung Tung Church, a world-class work of architecture hidden in Taitung
18:00 For groups, I would recommend dining at Mi Ba Nai Local Aboriginal Food; if you're dining solo, I recommend Yirga Tt or Flight Café
19:30 After dinner, head over to MùMù Café or Alanger Coffee for a coffee to help with your digestion
20:30 To end the night on a perfect note, go to Tiehua Music Village for performances and markets

▍特輯試閱 ▍

Proud Tainanese──
What do the people of Tainan have to be cocky about?!


葉家宏 ( 以下簡稱葉):好好吃飯,好好休息,好好生活。
劉雨樵 ( 以下簡稱劉):自以為是,以為全世界只有台南這個城市,把台南當成了一個國家。雖然台南人流著傲慢的血液,但卻相當富有人情味,可以熱情地向每個人介紹台南這座城市與生活,可說是既矛盾又可愛。

Q2:台南人為何能如此「理直氣壯」地跩( 有性格) ?

劉: 台南是個迷人的城市,迷人之處或許是這裡是個可以好好生活的地方。我們很習慣台南炎熱的天氣,或是騎著機車在大街小巷穿梭,經過擁著大樹並被陽光穿透的街道,被一座座歷史古蹟包圍,你能不愛嗎?說恨,我恨台南的食物都那麼好吃,又想不克制地大快朵頤,恨台南讓我體重一直上升!


劉:請放下手邊充斥著各種科技的電子產品, 租台單車,好好深入台南。用走走停停的速度,感受這城市帶給你的味道。

When people from around the world visit Tainan, they all have the same question in mind: What on Earth are the Tainan people so cocky about?Beef soup shops that open before daybreak and close for the day rather than cover their shortfall, and stores that are more often closed than open are some unique challenges that travelers encounter when visiting Tainan, making travelers wonder: What kind of cocky blood flows through the veins of the people of Tainan?We were honored to be able to interview the owner of Asuka Antique, Pipi Yeh, and the principal manager of Nuo Fu Rice Pudding, Liu Yu-Qiao. After all, they were born and raised in Tainan, and give their all every day in their given professions, so who better to represent the new generation of Tainan business owners and to sit down and explain everything to us.

Can you describe the people of Tainan in a single sentence?
Pipi Ye (hereafter referred to as Pipi): Eat well, rest well, live well.
Liu Yu-Qiao (hereafter referred to as Yu-Qiao): Cocky. We are of the opinion that Tainan is the only place on Earth. We see Tainan as a country and have pride


最佳賣點 : 暢銷萬本、再刷不斷的台灣中英文風格旅遊書
《GOOD EYE 台灣挑剔指南》


