作者 | 吳金燕 |
出版社 | 人類文化事業股份有限公司 |
商品描述 | 手作餅乾零失敗:【本書特色】1全書圖文互相對照,製作步驟搭配圖片示範,化解生手做西點的不安全感,有效克服烘焙會遇到的問題和狀況。2選擇一般常見且受歡迎度的餅乾及點 |
作者 | 吳金燕 |
出版社 | 人類文化事業股份有限公司 |
商品描述 | 手作餅乾零失敗:【本書特色】1全書圖文互相對照,製作步驟搭配圖片示範,化解生手做西點的不安全感,有效克服烘焙會遇到的問題和狀況。2選擇一般常見且受歡迎度的餅乾及點 |
內容簡介 1 全書圖文互相對照,製作步驟搭配圖片示範,化解生手做西點的不安全感,有效克服烘焙會遇到的問題和狀況。2 選擇一般常見且受歡迎度的餅乾及點心,包括燕麥餅乾、起司棒、丹麥酥、鬆餅、堅果塔和乳酪派等,不論何時吃上一口,都會令人感受幸福滋味,無論自用或是親友分享都非常合適。3 自己動手做餅乾,材料百分之百新鮮、健康,小餅乾易做易學,相當適合和孩子一起體驗手作樂趣。餅乾,可說是進入烘焙世界最容易上手的開始!只要將麵粉、雞蛋、奶油和水、糖的比例拿捏恰當,即可隨心所欲添加自己喜歡吃的堅果、果乾等材料,失敗率超低! 本書共規劃五十多種簡單易做的餅乾小西點,依據口感及麵團質地分為:越嚼越香的「硬式餅乾」、酥鬆香甜的「軟式餅乾」,以及琳瑯滿目的「變化式小西餅」,如司康、鬆餅、比司吉、派等下午茶好搭檔,讓大家能自己在家玩麵粉,做出千變萬化的小點心。
作者介紹 ■作者簡介吳金燕台北市立木柵高工烘焙老師台北市立文山特殊教育學校成教班烘焙老師新北市新店佳佳烘焙材料店烘焙老師新北市板橋大家發廚藝教室烘焙老師Chin-Yen WuBaking teacher at Taipei Municipal Muzha Vocational High SchoolBaking teacher of continuing education class at Wenshan School of Special EducationBaking teacher at Jia-Jia baking supply store in Hsintien, New Taipei CityBaking teacher at Da-Jia-Fa culinary class in Banqiao, New Taipei City
產品目錄 作者序Foreword快樂做餅乾!Making Cookies Happily!愛上烘焙第一堂課First Lesson in Making You Fall in Love with Baking基本材料認識Acquaintance of Basic Materials烘焙器具介紹Introduction of Baking Utensils三步驟成功做小餅乾Making Cookies Successfully in 3 Steps自用送禮兩相宜Great for Personal Use or GiftsPart 1 硬式餅乾~咔滋咔滋真好吃Hard Cookies~Crispy and Delicious酥硬性餅乾Crackers果醬小西餅Small Desserts with Jam◆烘焙杏仁粉應選哪一種?What kind of almond flour should we choose for baking?檸檬卡滋Lemon Crunchy◆如何使檸檬風味更香?How to make lemon smell even better?亞麻仁胡桃餅乾Linseed Walnut Cookies◆堅果類餅乾怎麼烤最香?How to bake cookies with nuts so that they smell the best?花生醬烤餅Peanut Paste Cookies◆麵團太黏手不好捏怎麼辦?What should we do ifdough is too sticky to shape?牛奶小西餅Small Desserts with Milk◆餅乾焙烤前為何要叉洞?Why should we poke holes before baking the cookies?卡蕾特西餅Ka Leite Dessert◆卡蕾特西餅速配桔皮絲?Why do Ka Leite match with orange shreds?香蔥蘇打餅乾Scallion Crackers◆如何自己做烘焙用香蔥?How to make baking purpose scallions by ourselves?小紅莓捲心餅Cranberry Rolls◆糖油攪打多久才算鬆發?How long does it take to stir sugar and grease until they are considered risen?匈牙利紅椒起司棒Hungarian Paprika Cheese Sticks◆什麼是硬質乳酪?What is hard cheese?草莓花圈Strawberry Wreaths◆融化巧克力能用微波爐?Can a microwave be used to melt chocolate?楓糖燕麥烤餅Maple Syrup and Oat Scones◆即食燕麥片能做餅乾嗎?Can instant oatmeal be used in making cookies?脆硬性餅乾Cookies咖哩棒Curry Sticks◆起司粉應選哪一種起司?What types of cheese powder should we choose?棋格餅乾Checkerboard Cookies◆為何不能用調味可可粉?Why do we not use flavored cocoa powder?黑椒洋蔥鹹餅乾Salted Crackers with Black Peppers and Onions◆為何麵團必須先冷凍才切塊?Why should we freeze dough first before cutting it?咖啡歐蕾Café Au Lait◆糖粉可以用砂糖代替嗎?Can sugar powder be replaced with granulated sugar?皇家小西餅Royal Desserts◆如何烤出夏威夷豆香味?How to bring out Hawaiian beans flavor?什錦果麥脆餅Assorted Fruits and Wheat Crackers◆紅糖為什麼要過篩?Why do we sift brown sugar?伯爵核桃小西餅Earl Walnut Desserts◆核桃為何要先烤香?Why do we bake walnuts first?可可芭蕾西餅Cocoa Ballet Desserts◆怎樣做漂亮的球形餅乾?How to make beautiful sphere-looking cookies?松子金三角Pine nuts Golden Triangles◆怎樣判斷麵團冰凍夠硬?How to determine dough is frozen and hard enough?蕎麥黑糖雜糧餅乾Buckwheat and Cereal Brown Sugar Cookies◆蕎麥粉為何不能加太多?Why should we not add too much buckwheat flour?義大利堅果脆餅Italian Biscotti◆堅果脆餅的由來?What is the origin of biscotti?Part 2 軟式餅乾~隨手捏揉花樣多Soft Biscuits~Make All the Patterns You Want酥鬆性餅乾Crunchy Soft Cookies核桃酥Walnut Crispy Cookies◆綿白糖與砂糖有何不同?What is the difference between refined soft white sugar and granulated sugar?榛果巧克力小西餅Hazelnut Chocolate Desserts◆榛果如何選購及保存?How to choose and preserve hazelnuts?英式奶油酥餅English Butter Shortbread◆烤酥餅要不要加發粉?Do we need to add leavening agent when baking shortbread?抹茶核桃雪球Matcha Walnut Snowballs◆抹茶是即溶綠茶粉嗎?Is matcha instant green tea powder?杏仁焦糖餅乾Candied Almond Cookies◆如何自己熬製糖脆?How do we cook crispy sugar coating by ourselves?巧克力雙重奏Chocolate Duet◆巧克力為何不能直接煮?Why can we not just cook chocolate directly?鳳梨燒菓子Pineapple Baked Pastries◆用矽膠烤模有哪些優點?What are the advantages of silicone molds?雪姬Snow Beauty◆如何快速刨出檸檬皮末?How do we grate lemon peel pieces quickly?腰果酥餅Cashew Shortbread◆烘焙用腰果如何選購?How to choose baking purpose cashew nuts?玫瑰花香小西餅Roses Desserts◆烘焙用玫瑰花如何使用?How to use baking purpose roses?軟性麵糊餅Soft Dough Cookies草莓泡泡Strawberry Bubbles◆如何判斷「溼性發泡」?How to determine soft peaks?波浪紋夾心餅乾Wavy Sandwich Crackers◆如何用擠花袋擠出麵糊?How to squeeze out flour batter with a pastry bag?抹茶丹麥酥Matcha Danish Shortbread◆丹麥酥為何偏愛菊花造型?Why do people use chrysanthemum flower shape for Danish shortbread?黑炫風餅乾Black Tornado Cookies◆什麼是杏仁角?What are chopped almonds?椰絲球Coconut Balls◆椰絲球乾鬆爽口的祕密?What is the secret of making crunchy and tasty coconut balls?蘿蜜亞西餅Romias Cookie◆如何防止麥芽糖冷卻黏鍋?How to prevent maltose from sticking to a pot after cooling down?薄片形餅乾Crisps什錦堅果瓦片Assorted Nuts Crisps◆烤瓦片如何防止四邊焦黑?How to prevent crisps burning the edges?芝麻薄餅Sesame Crisps◆剛烤好的餅乾不酥脆?Why are freshly baked cookies not crunchy?咖啡杏仁薄餅Coffee Almond Crisps◆蛋液為何必須分次加入?Why should egg mixture need to be added in separately?櫻花蝦杏仁薄燒Almond Crisps with Cherry Shrimps◆如何防止薄片餅乾破碎?How to prevent crisps from breaking apart?海苔薄燒Seaweed Crackers◆起司粉有哪些烹飪妙用?What are the good uses of cheese powder?香橙蕾絲薄餅Orange Lace Crisps◆如何幫薄片餅乾做造型?How to shape crisps?Part 3 變化式小西餅~午茶點心好搭檔A Variety of Desserts~Good Choices for Tea time Snacks司康Scones香蔥火腿司康Scallions and Ham Scones◆司康名稱的由來?What is the origin of scone?蜂蜜燕麥司康Honey Oat Scones◆冷掉的司康如何再加熱?How to re-heat cold scones?比司吉Biscuits◆比司吉香Q鬆軟的祕訣?What is the tip on making crunchy and soft biscuits?鬆餅Waffles瓦夫鬆餅Waffles◆如何保存鬆餅香濃美味?How to preserve thick aroma and flavor of waffles?一口香酥小鬆餅Bite-Size Crunchy Waffles◆一口小鬆餅的祕密?What is the secret of bite-size crunchy waffles?派餅Pies太妃糖堅果塔Toffee Nut Tarts◆如何熬煮太妃糖醬?How to cook toffee sauce?林茲派Linzer Torte◆林茲派出爐不能馬上吃?Why can Linzer torte not be eaten right after being taken out of oven?巧克力小塔Mini Chocolate Tarts◆融化巧克力的技巧?What is the technique for melting chocolate?波士頓派Boston Cream Pie◆波士頓派是蛋糕還是派?Is Boston cream pie a cake or a pie?覆盆子起司派Raspberry Cheese Pie◆如何製作覆盆子凍?How to make raspberry jelly?茅屋咖啡起司派Cottage Coffee and Cheese Pie◆如何自己做卡士達醬?How to make custard sauce by ourselves?
書名 / | 手作餅乾零失敗 |
作者 / | 吳金燕 |
簡介 / | 手作餅乾零失敗:【本書特色】1全書圖文互相對照,製作步驟搭配圖片示範,化解生手做西點的不安全感,有效克服烘焙會遇到的問題和狀況。2選擇一般常見且受歡迎度的餅乾及點 |
出版社 / | 人類文化事業股份有限公司 |
ISBN13 / | 9789863731030 |
ISBN10 / | 986373103X |
EAN / | 9789863731030 |
誠品26碼 / | 2680939063000 |
頁數 / | 144 |
注音版 / | 否 |
裝訂 / | P:平裝 |
語言 / | 94:中 英對照 |
尺寸 / | 26X21CM |
級別 / | N:無 |
內文 : 愛上烘焙第一堂課
First Lesson in Making You Fall in Love with Baking
1 糖油拌合法
2 直接攪拌法
Two Basic Types of Cookie Dough
Beginners learning cookie making can start from the stirring of the flour batter. There are basically two types:
Creaming Method
Most cookies use creaming method. Butter andsugar are beaten until the color turns white and the appearance is foaming. Egg mixture, milk, or other wet materials are added in, with flour added in last. The mixing process incorporates a lot of air.
The more air is incorporated, the easier the flour batter expands to soft foam. The final product tastes especially crispy.
All Ingredient Method
This method is to add in all materials at the same time and then stir them. Wet materials, flour, and oil still need to be added in order. When adding in every type of material, stir it evenly before adding the next one until the color and type of all materials are evenly distributed. Excessive stirring may cause the flour become chewy and taste bad.
● 酥硬性餅乾
● 脆硬性餅乾
● 軟性餅乾
Introduction of Three Cookie Families
● Crackers
It has more grease so the texture is crunchy. It is not easy to shape. Frozen or chill it in therefrigerator until it solidifies before cutting it into small pieces for baking. It is also called “refrigerator pastry.” Do not keep it frozen for too long as the dough may get too hard, and that it may break easily during cutting.
● Cookies
It has more sugar and grease in the formula. We need to chill the dough until it is a little hard, and then use a cookie cutter to cut a desired shape so that we can get crispy and hard texture after baking. For example, we can chew the well-known Italian biscuit slowly to experience the fragrance within.
● Soft Biscuits
Soft cookies are easy to shape. It is very suitable for making a variety of patterns to enjoy the fun of handmade. It includes the crunchy soft cookies made of softer dough, the soft dough cookies with higher water content, and the thin cookies with
higher grease content.
Dough with harder texture can be molded by hands. For the softer one, use a spoon to dig a spoonful of dough and place it on a baking tray. For the even softer batter, use a pastry bag with a variety of tips to easily squeeze out the various patterns you
want. Note that during operation, the amount, size, and thickness of the dough should be consistent to avoid bad baking results.
1 材料配方必須精確掌握:麵團中的液體(包括蛋液、牛奶、水)、奶油及糖分,都是影響餅乾軟硬、酥鬆的重要關鍵,配方比例必須精確掌握。
2 創造軟硬酥脆不同口感:當麵團中的水分及油脂較少時,餅乾口感就較硬;想烤出鬆軟一點的口感,奶油的比例就要拉高。至於糖分比例高的配方,烤出來的餅乾比較香脆。
3 多用磅秤培養手感經驗:建議烘焙新手剛開始分割麵團時,最好多用磅秤輔助,每塊小麵團控制在10∼30公克左右;等到培養出「手感」,就能憑經驗抓出適當的份量了。
Secrets of Tasty the Taste
1 Material formula needs to be in precise control: Liquid in the dough (egg mixture, milk, and water), butter, and sugar all can impact the hardness and crunchiness of the cookie. The formula proportion needs to be in precise control.
2 Create different tastes in hardness, crunchiness, and crispiness: When the dough contains less water or grease, the texture will be harder. To create more crunchy texture, add more butter. The formula with higher sugar content will
produce crispier cookies.
3 Use weight scale often to develop the hand feel: It is recommended for beginners to use a weight scale when cutting the dough. Each dough portion is to be kept between 10 to 30g. Once the hand feel is developed, the appropriate portion can be grasped according to experience.
Cocoa Ballet Desserts
烤焙溫度 Baking Temperature 170~180℃
烤焙時間 Baking Time 約20分鐘 About 20 minutes
使用模型 Cookie Mold 無 N/A
材料 製作份量約36個
1 A料放入盆中打發(圖1),分次加入B料(圖2)拌勻。
2 C料過篩,加入作法1(圖3)攪拌至均勻無顆粒狀。
3 加入D料(圖4)拌勻成團,均分為每個重約25公克的小麵團(圖5),置於烤盤上(圖6),即可放入烤箱烤焙。
Ingredient Quantity about 36 pieces
A: Unsalted butter 175g, Anchor butter oil 50g, powdered sugar 150g, baking powder 1/2 tsp., baking soda 1/4 tsp.
B: 2 egg yolks
C: Low-gluten flour 300g, cocoa powder 25g
D: Chocolate beans 100g, Hawaiian beans 75g
1 Beat ingredient A in a bowl until fluffy (Figure 1), add in ingredient B (Figure 2) in several times and stir them well.
2 Sift ingredient C, add in Step 1 mixture (Figure 3), and stir them until there is no granule.
3 Add in ingredient D (Figure 4) and stir them evenly to make a dough. Divide it evenly into smaller chunks weighing about 25g (Figure 5). Arrange them on the baking tray (Figure 6) and they are ready to be baked in the oven.
點心小鋪 Dessert Tip
How to make beautiful sphere-looking cookies?
Use an ice cream scoop to scoop up the dough so that the amount stays consistent and it does not stick to your hand. Even if the dough is wet and soft, it can still be done easily. There are different sizes in ice cream scoop, and the smallest one can scoop up about 15g of dough.