四季滋補養生湯 | 誠品線上


作者 梁慧敏
出版社 人類文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 四季滋補養生湯:【本書特色】跟著季節煲湯喝,調理身體,喝出健康好氣色~選擇當令新鮮食材煲湯,喝湯就可以調整體質、預防疾病!【內容簡介】●分為春天元氣湯、夏季涼補


內容簡介 跟著季節煲湯喝,調理身體,喝出健康好氣色~選擇當令新鮮食材煲湯,喝湯就可以調整體質、預防疾病!●分為春天元氣湯、夏季涼補湯、金秋滋養湯、冬日養氣湯四大單元,共計59道靚湯食譜,逐一介紹材料作法,並附靚湯心得和保健小語,方便讀者參考查閱。●每道料理皆附煲湯時間、所用藥材與食材保健功效,教您在不同季節煲煮不同的湯,營養美味又滋補,充分照顧全家人的心和胃,再忙也要回家喝碗湯!


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Ivy 梁慧敏香港出生,台灣媳婦人氣部落格「ivy的煲湯天地」版主


產品目錄 【作者序】為愛煲湯,暖肚暖心意!Stew Soup for Love: Warm Your Body and Warm Your Heart跟著季節喝養身Soup Regimen for Different Seasons煲湯祕訣:煲好湯的要領Soup Stew Tips: Elements of Stewing Good Soup春天元氣湯Spring Vigor Soup無花果雞翅湯Chicken Wing Soup with Common Fig*潤腸排毒、美顏益膚Clean internal organs and system. Nourish the face and skin.洋參眉豆玉米鬚湯American Ginseng, Purple Haricot and Corn Silk Soup*利尿降壓、健脾安神Improve diuretic function and lower blood pressure. Nourish the spleen and energy.黃豆芽番茄肉片湯Meat Soup with Soybean Sprouts and Tomatoes*防癌抗老、美化肌膚Prevent cancer and anti-aging. Beautify the skin.黃瓜薏米蛤蜊湯Clam Soup with Cucumbers and Barley*滋陰補血、養肝明目Nourish Yin energy and replenish blood. Protect the liver and eyes.白蘿蔔杞菊牛腱湯Beef Shank Soup with Radish and Lycium Chrysanthemum*清熱養肝、降低膽固醇Cool and nourish the liver. Lower cholesterol.番茄蘆筍玉合牛肉湯Beef Soup with Tomato, Asparagus and Solomon’s Seal*潤肺止咳、柔嫩肌膚Nourish lungs and stop coughing. Nourish the skin.淮山芡實螺頭湯Spiral Shell Meat Soup with Yams andGorgon Fruits*明目護肝、滋補元氣Improve eyesight and protect the liver. Replenish energy.核桃蜜棗雞湯Chicken Soup with Walnuts and Candied Jujubes*益智補腦、安神健胃Nourish your brain. Calm your mood and nourish your stomach.羅漢果貴妃骨湯Pork Shoulder Blade Soup with Mangosteen*整腸健胃、化痰潤喉Clean intestines and stomach. Ease throat phlegm problems.蓮子百合竹笙雞湯Chicken Soup with Bamboo Fungus, Lotus Seeds and Lily*養心安神、健脾開胃Nourish the heart and calm your mood. Good for the spleen and very appetizing.北耆百合牛骨湯Beef Bone Soup with Astragalus and Lily*益氣補血、保護肝臟Replenish energy and blood. Protect the liver.黃耆紅棗魚頭湯Fish Soup with Astragalus and Date Palms*補中益氣、提升免疫力Replenish blood and regulate the body system. Enhance immune system.蘑菇竹筍海參湯Mushroom, Bamboo Shoots and Sea Cucumber Soup*養血益膚、防癌抗老Replenish blood and nourish body skin. Prevent cancer and anti-aging.雙耳紅棗燉雞湯Chicken Soup with Two Jelly Ears and Date Palms*滋陰潤燥、淨腸排毒Nourish Yin and dryness. Clean internal organs and system.五行花漾湯Soup with Five Vegetables*通便潤腸、防癌排毒Clean internal organs and nourish intestines. Prevent cancer and clean body system.夏季涼補湯Summer Cooling Soup冬瓜瑤柱雞湯Wax Gourd and Scallops Soup*止咳降壓、滋養腦部Stop coughs and lower blood pressure. Nourish your brain.花生木瓜排骨湯Pork Rib Soup with Peanuts and Papaya*益智健腦、防止老化Nourish your brain. Prevent aging.白朮茯苓魚肉湯Fish Soup with Atractylodes and Poria*生津止渴、安定情緒Quench thirst and calm emotion.竹蔗茅根清雞湯Chicken Soup with Bamboo Cane and Cogongrass Rhizome*清熱降火、生津潤燥Cool and purge pathogenic fire. Quench thirst and nourish dryness.淮杞百合花膠湯Fish Maw Soup with Wolfberry, Yam and Lily*美白養顏、促進細胞再生Whiten and nourish the skin. Promote cell regeneration.哈密瓜百合杞子瘦肉湯Lean Pork Soup with Cantaloupe, Lily and Wolfberry*幫助消化、促進代謝Promote digestion and metabolism.蓮藕西施骨湯Lotus Roots and Pork Bone Soup*健脾開胃、調理體質Good for the spleen and very appetizing.Condition body constitution.南瓜杏仁牛肉湯Beef Soup with Pumpkin and Almonds*增進視力、排毒助消化Improve eyesight. Help detoxification and digestion.金銀花雞腳湯Honeysuckle and Chicken Feet Soup*清熱解毒、健脾潤肺Cooling and detoxification. Nourish the spleen and lungs.馬蹄紅蘿蔔雞湯Chicken Soup with Water Chestnuts and Red Carrots*清熱降火、益氣防癌Cool and purge pathogenic fire. Condition body and prevent cancer.海玉竹牛腱湯Beef Shank Soup with Angular Solomon’s Seal*清熱潤燥、補氣益腎Cool and purge pathogenic fire. Condition body and nourish kidneys.竹笙干貝豬腱湯Pork Shank Soup with Bamboo Fungus and Scallops*消脂減肥、美容養顏Provide body slimming effects and beautify your skin.雪梨桂圓牛腩湯Beef Sirloin Soup with Sweet Pears and Longan*止咳潤肺、補血安神Suppress coughing and nourish heart and lungs.Replenish blood and calm emotion.扁蒲甘筍柿餅湯Dried Persimmons Soup with Bottle Gourd and Red Carrot*潤喉止咳、保護氣管Nourish throat and stop coughs. Protect airways.蘋果雪耳魚尾湯Fish Tail Soup with Apple and White Jelly Ear*美容潤膚、改善便祕Nourish the skin. Improve constipation.金秋滋養湯Fall Nourishing Soup金針雞湯Daylily Chicken Soup*除煩解燥、安定情緒Relieve stress. Calm emotion.何首烏牛肉湯Beef Soup with Fallopia Multiflora*氣血暢通、滋潤皮膚Improve blood circulation. Nourish the skin.栗子杜仲雞腳湯Chicken Feet Soup with Chestnuts and Eucommia*補腎強精、提高免疫力Nourish the kidneys and strengthen Yang energy.Enhance the immune system.靈芝蜜棗牛腱湯Beef Shank Soup with Ganoderma and Candied Jujubes*活化細胞、防動脈硬化Revitalize cells. Prevent arteriosclerosis.當歸杞子羊腩湯Lamb Shank Soup with Chinese Angelica and Wolfberries*調經補血、活血止痛Condition menstruation and replenish blood. Circulate blood and stop pain.黑豆蓮子雞腿湯Chicken Thigh Soup with Black Soybeans and Lotus Seeds*利尿降血壓、防止老化Improve diuretic function and lower blood pressure. Prevent aging.川芎白芷鱸魚湯Sea Bass Soup with Chinese Lovage and Angelica Dahurica*消腫止痛、補充鈣質Reduce swelling and stop pain. Replenish calcium.桑葉蜜棗排骨湯Pork Rib Soup with Mulberry Leaves and Candied Jujubes*清肺潤燥、養肝明目Nourish the lungs and purge pathogenic fire. Protect the liver and eyes.田七杞子煲瘦肉Lean Pork with Notoginseng and Wolfberries*益氣養血、化瘀消腫Replenish energy and blood. Remove the bruises and reduce swelling.竹笙核桃蘋果牛肉湯Beef Soup with Bamboo Fungus, Walnuts and Apples*益智健腦、幫助消化Nourish your brain. Help digestion.天麻鮮魚湯Tianma Fresh Fish Soup*潤膚補腦、保護視力Nourish the skin and brain. Protect eyesight.猴頭菇牛蒡雞湯Chicken Soup with Lion’s Mane Mushroom and Burdock*清熱解毒、整腸健胃Cooling and detoxification. Clean intestines and stomach.花旗參菊花煲豬腱Pork Shank Soup with American Ginseng and Chrysanthemums*清熱去火、補氣安神Cool and purge pathogenic fire. Replenish energy and calm mood.山藥竹杞羊肉湯Lamb Soup with Yams and Solomon’s Seal and Wolfberries*健脾益肺、增強免疫力Nourish the spleen and lungs. Enhance the immune system.黨參淮山陳皮燉豬肉Pork Stew with Codonopsis, Yams and Dried Orange Peels*整腸健胃、去溼潤燥Clean intestines and stomach. Nourish dryness.冬日養氣湯Winter Replenish energy Soup北耆陳皮煲老鴨湯Old Duck Soup Stew with Astragalus and Dried Orange Peels*補中益氣、清熱補血Replenish blood and regulate the body system. Purge pathogenic fire and replenish blood.紅棗牛腱湯Beef Shank Soup with Date Palms*補氣養血、增強體力Replenish energy and blood. Enhance physical strength.淮杞鮑魚雞湯Chicken Soup with Wolfberries, Yams and Abalones*滋陰養顏、平衡血壓Nourish Yin and the skin. Balance blood pressure.雜菜牛骨湯Beef Bone Soup with Assorted Vegetables*改善便祕、抗癌排毒Improve constipation. Fight cancer and clean the body system.參耆羊肉湯Lamb Soup with Codonopsis and Astragalus*活血調經、改善手腳冰冷Invigorate blood circulation and regulate menstruation. Warm up cold hands and feet.銀杏蓮實雞翅湯Chicken Wing Soup with Ginkgo, Lotus Seeds and Gorgon Fruits*暢通血管、改善虛弱體質Condition the blood vessels. Improve the physical weakness.橄欖雪梨燉尾冬骨Tail Bone Soup with Olive and Sweet Pears*清熱解毒、緩解喉痛Cooling and detoxification. Relieve sore throat.淮山紅棗燉鮑螺片Conch Soup Stew with Yams and Date Palms*滋陰去溼、明目降火Nourish Yin and dehumidify. Enhance eyesight and reduce pathogenic fire.栗子鯉魚湯Carp Fish Soup With Sweet Chestnuts*滋陰補氣、護腎明目Nourish Yin energy and replenish blood. Protect kidneys and eyes.參鬚雞湯Ginseng Tail Chicken Soup*生津潤燥、促進氣血順暢Quench thirst and purge pathogenic fire. Promote blood circulation.美顏膠原湯Beauty Collagen Soup*美白潤膚、預防骨質疏鬆Whiten and nourish the skin. Prevent osteoporosis.補血安神牛尾湯Blood Replenishing and Mood Soothing Oxtail Soup*氣血順暢、強筋健骨Regulate energy and blood circulation. Strengthen tendons and bones.枸杞蓯蓉燉羊腩Lamb Shank Soup Stew with Wolfberries and Northern Groundcone*潤腸通便、防止衰老Clean internal organs and system. Prevent aging.當歸雞肉湯Chicken Soup with Chinese Angelica and Dried Longans*補血養顏、滋補肝腎Replenish blood and nourish the skin. Nourish the liver and kidneys.


書名 / 四季滋補養生湯
作者 / 梁慧敏
簡介 / 四季滋補養生湯:【本書特色】跟著季節煲湯喝,調理身體,喝出健康好氣色~選擇當令新鮮食材煲湯,喝湯就可以調整體質、預防疾病!【內容簡介】●分為春天元氣湯、夏季涼補
出版社 / 人類文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789863730767
ISBN10 / 9863730769
EAN / 9789863730767
誠品26碼 / 2680939059003
頁數 / 144
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 26X21CM
級別 / N:無


內文 : 跟著季節喝養身
Soup Regimen for Different Seasons

Make your own nutritious and delicious soup at home. Soup stew is delicious in that it requires simmering for more than one or two hours. Why does it take so long? It is to bring out all the nutrients from the ingredients or the medicine effects from the Chinese herbal medicine so they can naturally dissolve into the soup that can be more effectively and quickly absorbed by the human body.

Why do we need soup regimen for different seasons?
Many people assume that it is best to eat soup to warm up the body during the winter for health tonic purpose. Actually, soup stew for health tonic can be done all year round. People tend to have allergies in spring, pathogenic fire in summer, skin diseases in fall and cold limbs during winter. These annoying
little problems may not affect our lifestyle but they can detract the body vitality and lower the immune system which can lead to more serious illness.
Selecting seasonal ingredients to make soup can condition the body constitution accordingly and achieve the health tonic purpose to prevent illness. For example, improve the immune system in spring to prevent allergies, reduce pathogenic fire during summer to prevent liver, kidney and cardiovascular diseases, moisturize the skin and improve blood circulation and metabolism during fall and warm up body and strengthen the health in winter

The long simmering time is a feature of soup stew and it allows the ingredients to release all the nutrients. The nutrients are dissolved in the soup and enter the human body in the form of soup water. On one hand it replenishes the water that human body needs, on the other it omits the digestive process and enters directly into the bloodstream, so that every organ can quickly receive nutrients to maintain normal functioning of the body.
It can be seen that making your own soup according to the season can have more direct and apparent effects compared to other diets and herbal medicine cooking. This is why many mothers are willing to spend time cooking a pot of soup to make the whole family healthy. We shall give a big applause to mothers. We shall go home and have a bowl of soup no matter how busy we are. Make your own nutritious and delicious soup at home.

冬季保健重點 Winter Health Care
Improve Metabolism and Prevent High Blood Pressure

I used to experience cold limbs during the winter. After several years of conditioning
by soup, the symptom of cold limbs has been improved and my blood circulation is
also getting better, no longer fearing for cold weather.
It is important to pay attention to the life and routine in winter. Do not experience too
much stimulation. Trying to sleep and get up early and getting enough exercise are the
main tasks for the winter to maintain good health. Winter is the season where there is
high occurrence of heart diseases and high blood pressure. In addition to having normal daily routine, it is important to eat nourishing soups.
According to the study of Chinese medicine, it is important to enhance the conditioning of kidneys in winter. With strong kidneys, the body will naturally be strong. Winter soups help fight coldness and enhance human metabolism, speed up blood circulation and maintain smooth cardiovascular activity.

Old Duck Soup Stew with Astragalus and Dried Orange Peels
Replenish blood and regulate the body system.
Purge pathogenic fire and replenish blood.
Stew for 2 hours.

靚湯心得 Thoughts on This Soup
Dried orange peel is hardly used in Taiwan to make soup but it is often used in Hong Kong. It can prevent indigestion and condition bad appetite and coughs. Together with astragalus that can replenish blood and regulate the body system, the whole pot of soup can be even more nourishing.

1 老鴨洗淨,放入滾水中汆燙,撈出備用。
2 紅棗,北耆洗淨;陳皮用清水浸泡至軟,刮掉白色的苦瓤。
3 在鍋中倒入八分滿的水,放入所有材料,大火煮開轉小火繼續煲2小時即可。

Half an old duck, astragalus 15g, codonopsis 15g, dried orange peel 2 slices, ginger 3 slices, 5 date palms.
1 Wash and soak the old duck in boiling water and scoop it up for later use.
2 Rinse date palms and astragalus. Soak dried orange peel till it becomes soft, and scrape off the white pith.
3 Boil water in a pot about 80 percent full. When the water is boiling, add in all ingredients. Wait till they are cooked, switch to low heat and simmer for about 2 hours.

保健小語 Health Wisdom
Old duck soup contains a large amount of amino acids that human body needs. It can purge pathogenic fire, replenish blood and nourish internal organs. The older the duck is, the more nourishing it is. However, people who suffer from cold, chronic enteritis and dysmenorrhea should not eat it too much.

Beef Shank Soup with Date Palms
Replenish energy and blood.
Enhance physical strength.
Stew for 2 hours.

靚湯心得 Thoughts on This Soup
Date palm is an indispensable ingredient for household cooking. It is pleasant and sweet, and can be used to flavor all types of foods, either sweet drinks or more salty soups. It can replenish energy and blood, calm mood and enhance the immune system. It is the cheapest blood replenishing ingredient available and especially suitable for women.

1 牛腱洗淨,放入滾水中汆燙,撈出備用。
2 紅棗洗淨;陳皮用清水浸泡至軟,刮掉白色的苦瓤。
3 在鍋中倒入八分滿的水,放入所有材料,大火煮開轉小火繼續煲2小時即可。

Beef shank 250g, 10 date palms, ginger 3 slices, dried orange peel ¼ slice.
1 Wash and soak beef shank in boiling water and scoop it up for later use.
2 Rinse date palms. Soak dried orange peel till it becomes soft, and scrape off the white pith.
3 Boil water in a pot about 80 percent full. When the water is boiling, add in all ingredients. Wait till they are cooked, switch to low heat and simmer for about 2 hours.

保健小語 Health Wisdom
If your face color is not so healthy, put a few date palms in a thermos and soak them with boiling water for half an hour, and it makes a very good tea that nourishes the liver and replenishes blood. Be sure to remove the cores of the date palms as they may be a little too hot.
