超美味義大利麵 | 誠品線上

Tasty Italian Pasta

作者 李建軒
出版社 人類文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 超美味義大利麵:【本書特色】介紹形形色色的義大利麵,解說煮麵的技巧要領,和增添風味、提點香氣的各式辛香料,輕鬆做出一盤盤Q彈好吃的義大利麵,滿足挑剔的味蕾。11種


內容簡介 介紹形形色色的義大利麵,解說煮麵的技巧要領,和增添風味、提點香氣的各式辛香料,輕鬆做出一盤盤Q彈好吃的義大利麵,滿足挑剔的味蕾。 11種義大利麵常用醬料製作剖析,只要按部就班,不管紅醬(番茄醬)、白醬(奶油醬)、青醬(羅勒醬)、黃醬(南瓜醬)、黑醬(黑橄欖醬)、清醬(橄欖油醬)哪種口味,通通輕而易舉。義大利麵統稱Pasta,原意是「經搓揉過的麵糰」,雖然只有麵條與配料的簡單組合,搭配醬汁卻能變化出萬千風情,而這正是義大利麵的美妙之處!義大利麵材料容易準備,作法上也沒有太困難的技巧,但如果想要煮得好吃,仍然大有學問,本書教您各式義大利醬料的美味作法,以步驟圖解,就算是新手也能一學就會。 不論是經典的紅醬、白醬、黃醬、青醬、黑醬、清醬或創意的蘋果咖哩醬、檸檬酸辣醬、洋蔥肉汁醬等口味,本書通通收錄,同時說明如何選擇義大利麵、麵條怎麼煮最好吃、香辛料怎麼搭配增添風味,輕鬆做出好滋味的義大利麵!


作者介紹 ■作者簡介李建軒 Jian-Hsuan Li 得獎經歷 :2011THERMOS「膳魔師盃」台灣廚神大賽/職業組 銅牌牛頭牌型男主廚&美女廚師美味料理比賽 金牌第一屆統一肉燥料理大賽 金牌2010一禽好友廚藝創意料理大賽/社會組 銀牌2009台北國際食尚秀青年廚師選拔賽 金牌2008第四屆龜甲萬盃廚藝大賽/社會組 銅牌第三屆CamPania坎佩尼亞盃義大利麵創意比賽 金牌2007美國美食創意廚藝比賽 銅牌法國國際美食協會台灣區首屆年輕廚師菁英選拔賽 金牌第三屆龜甲萬盃廚藝大賽/社會 金牌2006中國首屆杭州國際西餐廚藝大賽/西餐三文魚現場烹飪 銅牌中國首屆杭州國際西餐廚藝大賽/西餐牛肉現場烹飪 銀牌中國首屆杭州國際西餐廚藝大賽/西餐展示 金牌FHA新加坡國際烹飪大賽/三道亞洲風味佳餚 銅牌萬家香盃廚藝烹飪比賽 銀牌黃金筍盃烹飪大賽 銅牌2004全國稻香料理米酒烹飪大賽(全國賽) 銀牌全國稻香料理米酒烹飪大賽(北區) 金牌


產品目錄 作者序 Foreword熱情與堅持的料理之路A Journey to Culinary World with My Passion and PersistencePart 1 義大利麵美味祕密Tasty Tips of Italian Pasta義大利麵種類花樣多A Variety of PastaQ彈義大利麵這樣煮Ways to Cook Al Dente Pasta義麵常用各種辛香料Frequently Used Herbs and Spices in Italian Pasta Dishes琳瑯滿目的義麵醬料Multitudinous Italian Pasta SaucesPart 2 紅醬──番茄醬Red Sauce (Tomato Sauce)波隆那肉醬直麵Spaghetti with Bolognese Meat Sauce燉番茄蔬菜螺旋麵Fusilli with Stewed Tomatoes and Vegetables番茄鯷魚芥末籽水管麵Rigatoni with Tomatoes, Anchovies, and Mustard Seeds番茄鮪魚蝴蝶麵Farfalle with Tomatoes and Tuna紅酒番茄牛腩直麵Spaghetti with Red Wine, Tomatoes, and Beef地中海酸豆水管麵Rigatoni with Mediterranean Capers義式海鮮番茄寬麵Italian Tomato Tagliatelle with Seafood義式番茄培根扁麵Italian Tomato Tagliatelle Nest with Bacon匈牙利牛肉寬麵Hungarian Beef Tagliatelle辣味番茄羅勒墨魚麵Spicy Squid Ink Pasta with Tomatoes and BasilPart 3 白醬──奶油醬White Sauce (Cream Sauce)奶油培根直麵Creamy Spaghetti with Bacon野菇奶油斜管麵Creamy Penne with Wild Mushrooms奶油菠菜起司水管麵Creamy Rigatoni with Spinach and Cheese奶油金鮭魚卵寬麵Creamy Tagliatelle with Salmon Roe燻鮭魚奶油蝴蝶麵Creamy Farfalle with Smoked Salmon白花椰奶香菠菜麵Creamy Spinach Tagliatelle with Cauliflower奶油燻雞橄欖貝殼麵Creamy Conchiglie with Smoked Chicken and Olives奶油蘑菇雞肉直麵Creamy Spaghetti with Chicken and Meadow Mushrooms奶油彩椒螺旋麵Creamy Fusilli with Bell Peppers總匯海鮮奶油扁麵Creamy Linguine with Assorted Seafood奶油蛤蜊蝴蝶麵Creamy Farfalle with Clams翡翠鮮菇奶油直麵Creamy Spaghetti with Emerald-Green Vegetables and Mushrooms頂尖皇海魚子墨魚麵Squid Ink Pasta with Luxurious Mullet RoePart 4 黃醬──南瓜醬Yellow Sauce (Pumpkin Sauce)南瓜海鮮墨魚麵Squid Ink Pasta with Pumpkins and Seafood切達起司通心麵Macaroni with Cheddar Cheese黃海金沙彩椒菠菜麵Spinach Pasta with Yellow Sauce鮮蝦南瓜椰奶水管麵Coconut-Milk Flavored Rigatoni with Shrimps and Pumpkins南瓜雞肉螺旋麵Fusilli with Pumpkins and Chicken Breast油封蒜頭蔬菜直麵Garlicky Spaghetti with Vegetables南瓜蟹肉松子扁麵Linguine with Pumpkins, Crabmeat, and Pine Nuts蛋包南瓜乳酪通心麵Macaroni Omelette with Pumpkins and CheesePart 5 青醬──羅勒醬Green Sauce (Basil Sauce)松子青醬直麵Green Sauce Spaghetti with Pine Nuts青醬海鮮寬麵Green Sauce Tagliatelle with Seafood綠海鮮蝦螺旋麵Green Sauce Fusilli with Fresh Shrimps青醬雞肉貝殼麵Green Sauce Conchiglie with Chicken Breast蛤蜊羅勒斜管麵Penne with Clams and Basil青醬奶油鮭魚扁麵Green Sauce Linguine with Creamy Salmon漂浮青醬培根直麵Puffing Green Sauce Spaghetti with BaconPart 6 黑醬──黑橄欖醬Black Sauce (Black Olive Sauce)橄欖時蔬千層麵Lasagne with Olives and Seasonal Vegetables辣味墨魚貝殼麵Spicy Squid Ink Conchiglie海陸百鮮斜管麵Penne with Sea-and-Land Combination墨西哥辣味黑橄欖直麵Spicy Mexican Spaghetti with Black Olives野菇奶香黑橄欖扁麵Linguine with Wild Mushooms and Black Olives白翡翠黑橄欖蝴蝶麵White-Jade Farfalle with Black OlivesPart 7 清醬──橄欖油醬Plain Sauce (Olive Oil Sauce)蒜味蘑菇直麵Garlicky Spaghetti with Meadow Mushrooms黑橄欖酸豆螺旋麵Fusilli with Black Olives and Capers香蒜白酒蛤蜊扁麵Garlicky Linguine with White Wine and Clams白酒海鮮寬麵Tagliatelle with White Wine and Sea Food香酥堅果仔魚貝殼麵Conchiglie with Crispy Nuts and Whitebaits鮮蝦蒜味菠菜麵Garlicky Spinach Pasta with Fresh Shrimps蒜香櫛瓜橄欖墨魚麵Garlicky Squid Ink Pasta with Zucchinis and Olives


書名 / 超美味義大利麵
作者 / 李建軒
簡介 / 超美味義大利麵:【本書特色】介紹形形色色的義大利麵,解說煮麵的技巧要領,和增添風味、提點香氣的各式辛香料,輕鬆做出一盤盤Q彈好吃的義大利麵,滿足挑剔的味蕾。11種
出版社 / 人類文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789863730156
ISBN10 / 9863730157
EAN / 9789863730156
誠品26碼 / 2680923758004
頁數 / 144
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 26X21CM
級別 / N:無


內文 : Q彈義大利麵這樣煮

Ways to Cook Al Dente Pasta


The first important step to cook perfect pasta depends on how you cook the noodles. When cooking pasta, just keep the following tricks in mind: use a large pot, fill in plenty of water, bring the pot of water to a fast boil, and have a great stir. These tricks tell a truth that cooking pasta needs a large pot so as to load a large amount of cold water, and that allows the pasta to move around vigorously when boiling over high heat. Cooking pasta with correct steps will make the pasta original and al dente. In addition, giving the pasta a good stir will keep noodles from sticking, completing perfect pasta.

煮麵步驟 Steps to cook perfect past

1 取鍋裝水煮沸(鍋要大,通常以100公克麵條至少要1000c.c.的水)。

Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. (Use a large pot; normally, 1000c.c. water is about right for 100g pasta.)

2 水鍋中加少許鹽及橄欖油(加鹽是提早入味,加油是防止麵條沾黏)。

Add small quantity of salt and olive oil into the water. (Salted water flavors pasta and oil helps pasta from sticking.)

3 放入麵條。

Put pasta in the water.

4 設定時間後攪動麵條(讓水保持滾沸狀態,讓麵條均勻跳動防止沾黏及容易煮熟)。

Stirring time is crucial. (Keep the water boil vigorously so that the pasta can move around in the water. That keeps noodles from sticking and helps cook perfect pasta.)

5 撈起麵條,瀝乾多餘水分。

Drain the pasta to remove the excess water.

6 保存(煮好的麵條如果沒有馬上與醬料拌勻,可浸泡冷水至麵條冷卻)。

Keep the pasta (Put the cooked pasta in cold water if it’s not mixed with sauces immediately.)


Spaghetti with Bolognese Meat Sauce









1 將牛番茄底部畫十字刀,放入滾水中汆燙,取出放入冰水中,剝去外皮切小丁,西洋芹、紅蘿蔔、大蒜、洋蔥切碎,培根切小丁備用。

2 熱鍋倒入橄欖油,放入洋蔥及培根爆香,加入蒜碎、紅蘿蔔碎、西芹碎、番茄丁,略拌炒後加入絞肉翻炒至上色,加入調味料A燜煮30分鐘,再加入調味料B及羅勒葉即可。

3 煮一鍋水,水滾加入鹽及油,放入直麵煮10分鐘,至麵條中心呈現白點狀態拌入步驟2所有材料即可。

4 盛盤,淋上紅醬,並撒上帕馬森起司片即可。


100g spaghetti and ground meat each, 10g celery and carrots each, 30g onions, 1 beef tomato, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 bacon slices, 2 basil leaves, some Parmesan cheese


Seasoning A

80g red sauce, 50c.c. red wine and stock each, 1 bay leaf, 1 thyme sprig

Seasoning B

1 tbsp. olive oil, 3g sugar, a pinch of salt and pepper


1 Make a shallow crosswise cut in the bottom of the beef tomato and blanch it in boiling water. Transfer it into cold water, peeling off and cutting into pieces. Finely mince the celery, carrot, garlic and onion. Cut the bacon into cubes for use.

2 Heat the olive oil in a pan. Stir-fry the minced onions and bacon cubes. Put the minced garlic, carrots, celery and tomatoes in the pan and stir-fry a bit. Put in the ground meat and stir-fry until colored. Add in seasoning A and stew for 30 minutes. Then add in seasoning B and basil.

3 Boil a pot of water and add in salt and oil. Put the spaghetti in the pot and cook for 10 minutes. Pull a strand of spaghetti out and look at the cross-section. The very center of the spaghetti should be white, and then stir in all the ingredients of Step 2.

4 Transfer the mixture to a plate and dress with the red sauce. Sprinkle with some Parmesan cheese.

廚師貼心小語 Chef’s cooking trick


Save hot bacon fat to stiry-fry the minced onions and garlic would enrich the flavor and sweetness of the dish.
