內容簡介 回到初衷,做最想做的自己在人生旅途中感覺迷失方向、想確認並回到初衷,做最想做的自己、進而有所突破嗎? 55張畫工精細、氛圍魔幻神秘的神諭卡,替想要尋求生命新方向、找回真我的人抽絲剝繭,在人生旅途中撥雲見日。Seek and discover yourself through the marvel, majesty, and magic of Ravynne Phelan's Seeker Oracle. This deck and companion guidebook is for the inquisitive, the questioning, and those ready not just for greener pastures, but also for forsaken forests, overlooked woodlands, and technicolored timberland. 55 fantastical beings will walk with you, share their insights, and nudge you further along your exquisite journey."
作者介紹 Ravynne PhelanRavynne Phelan (Australia) illustrated the Messenger Oracle New Edition, the Dreams of Gaia Tarot, the Spirit Animal Coloring Book, and the Dreams of Dragons & Dragon Kin Coloring Book.