Print Design (Bilingual Ed.): The Latest from Germany-Switzerland-Austria | 誠品線上

Print Design (Bilingual Ed.): The Latest from Germany-Switzerland-Austria

作者 OdoEkke Bingel/ Ed.
商品描述 Print Design (Bilingual Ed.): The Latest from Germany-Switzerland-Austria:Printproductscannotonlybevisuallyexperienced,theyalsodecisivelycontributetobranddevel


內容簡介 Print products can not only be visually experienced, they also decisively contribute to brand development and dialog in the digital age, as durable marketing tools, always visible, always loud and indispensable. Effective print design can awaken a range of completely different emotions through its haptic characteristics and tangibility. Convincing print products must be appealing and impressive just by touch. From an anniversary publication to a catalogue, from an annual report to a magazine, from a label to corporate type design – and half a dozen other categories: This publication sifts through, documents and comments on the current state of performance of print products in the German-speaking countries. Particular emphasis is placed on a holistic view of all disciplines. This encompasses all steps from planning to processing that are involved in the conception, design and realization of a successful print project.


作者介紹 OdoEkke BingelOdoEkke Bingel is a lifecycle and branding consultant. He acquired his marketing expertise with international B2B groups and B2C branded companies. The chemical industry, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics are his main sectors. Since 2008, he has regularly published State of The Art corporate and print design projects from German-speaking countries.


書名 / Print Design (Bilingual Ed.): The Latest from Germany-Switzerland-Austria
作者 / OdoEkke Bingel Ed.
簡介 / Print Design (Bilingual Ed.): The Latest from Germany-Switzerland-Austria:Printproductscannotonlybevisuallyexperienced,theyalsodecisivelycontributetobranddevel
ISBN13 / 9783721210224
ISBN10 / 3721210220
EAN / 9783721210224
誠品26碼 / 2682320948002
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 91:英 德對照
尺寸 / 26.5X20.6X2.4CM
級別 / N:無