The Secret Teachings of All Ages | 誠品線上

The Secret Teachings of All Ages

作者 Manly Palmer Hall
商品描述 The Secret Teachings of All Ages:,.內容:加拿大歷史學家暨神秘主義者、秘教主義者、歷史學家ManlyPalmerHall經典著作復刻出版。講述古代符號、神秘儀式和理論之實踐相


內容簡介 .內容: 加拿大歷史學家暨神秘主義者、秘教主義者、歷史學家Manly Palmer Hall經典著作復刻出版。講述古代符號、神秘儀式和理論之實踐相關的百科全書。 .首刷: 全球首批發行5000套(非限量) .特色: 此書作者生前用了七年光陰完成此代表作,初版於1928年問世;將近一世紀後,此復刻版在Taschen的重新編輯、以原版等比規格印製下,重見天日 .價格: USD 500 = 新台幣17,500元 The Wisdom of the Ancients The classic encyclopedia of the arcane in an expanded edition Renowned philosopher and lecturer Manly P. Hall’s masterful encyclopedia of ancient symbols, hidden rituals, and arcane practices has remained a classic since first published in 1928. Hall’s densely detailed writings explore topics ranging from Hermeticism to Tarot, Egyptian mythology to Pythagorean theory. Each chapter is accompanied by the vivid illustrations of artist J. Augustus Knapp, with additional images by Mihran Serailian found in the companion volume, each taking their own unique approach to nearly 60 artworks depicting occult subject matter. The initial concept for what became known as Hall’s “Great Book”, first began in 1923 when the young Los Angeles-based orator began a months-long trip around the globe. Circumnavigating by ship, Hall visited Egypt, China and India, immersing himself in the philosophical and religious history of each country. Upon his return he spent the next five years penning his massive compendium of philosophy and myth. Nearly a century after its release, this iconic masterwork has been reproduced for the first time from the rare and extravagant original edition. This meticulously-restored version of Hall’s “Great Book” is also accompanied by an expansive companion book, featuring condensed summaries of each chapter of The Secret Teachings, alongside newly-discovered artworks, rare photography from Hall’s archives as well as essays from journalists Mitch Horowitz and Jessica Hundley. The four special edition prints were selected from the many artworks originally created for the first edition of The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Rarely seen and only recently discovered in the archives at the Philosophical Research Society, these works were first commissioned by Manly P. Hall and were created by his frequent artistic collaborators, J.A. Knapp and M.K. Serailian.


作者介紹 Manly Palmer HallManly Palmer Hall (1901-1990) was a Canadian-born scholar and philosopher. He authored dozens of books and hundreds of essays and gave thousands of lectures in Los Angeles and throughout the world. He is perhaps most famous for his epic 1928 encyclopedia, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society in 1934 and was its first president, remaining so until his death in 1990. The Philosophical Research Society continues to carry on his mission to provide resources for those who seek practical and profound wisdom for the 21st century.


書名 / The Secret Teachings of All Ages
作者 / Manly Palmer Hall
簡介 / The Secret Teachings of All Ages:,.內容:加拿大歷史學家暨神秘主義者、秘教主義者、歷史學家ManlyPalmerHall經典著作復刻出版。講述古代符號、神秘儀式和理論之實踐相
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836594462
ISBN10 / 3836594463
EAN / 9783836594462
誠品26碼 / 2682317769009
頁數 / 356
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 47.5X33.5X0CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 神祕學圖像史料: 歷代秘教(The Secret Teachings of All Ages)--首刷近百年後、由Taschen重新編整、復刻出版。