Samaritaine: Paris Pont-Neuf | 誠品線上

Samaritaine: Paris Pont-Neuf

作者 Harold Cobert
商品描述 Samaritaine: Paris Pont-Neuf:ThestoryofSamaritaineisagrandlovestory:theloveoffamily,theloveofcommerce,theloveofart,theloveforothers.Samaritaineisanamethatconju


內容簡介 The story of Samaritaine is a grand love story: the love of family, the love of commerce, the love of art, the love for others. Samaritaine is a name that conjures dreams, and, for many Parisians, brings back a flood of memories, such as climbing the grand staircase with one’s grandmother, or just gazing awestruck at the sight of its majestic building in the heart of Paris.From Art Nouveau to Zola, the story of the Samaritaine department store unfolds here in the form of a playful ABC to commemorate its renovation and renaissance in the twenty-first century. This architectural gem once again offers an authentically French shopping experience, blending the chic of avenue Montaigne with the trendy vibe of the Marais. French art de vivre is elevated here, beyond simply a retail space, offering new experiences, an array of restaurants, conferences and exhibitions, a spa and even a five-star hotel.Illustrated with striking photographs, Samaritaine Paris Pont-Neuf juxtaposes French artisanal savoir faire and fashion with elements of Parisian history and anecdotes of the store’s founders, illuminating the evolution of this iconic department store in the heart of the City of Light. As rich and glamorous as the Samaritaine facade on the Parisian skyline, this volume celebrates the revival of this jewel box of French style and spirit."


作者介紹 Harold CobertBorn in Bordeaux, Harold Cobert, Ph.D. is a French writer specializing in erotic literature of the eighteenth century and the French Revolution. His work has been translated into dozens of languages and adapted for film and television. He has published fifteen books, encompassing novels, essays and young adult fiction. His latest novel, Belle-Amie (Éditions Les Escales, 2019; Éditions Pocket, 2020), could perhaps be considered a sequel to Maupassant’s masterpiece, Bel-Ami.


書名 / Samaritaine: Paris Pont-Neuf
作者 / Harold Cobert
簡介 / Samaritaine: Paris Pont-Neuf:ThestoryofSamaritaineisagrandlovestory:theloveoffamily,theloveofcommerce,theloveofart,theloveforothers.Samaritaineisanamethatconju
ISBN13 / 9781649800206
ISBN10 / 1649800207
EAN / 9781649800206
誠品26碼 / 2682261274000
頁數 / 164
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.5X24.1X3.1CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 有百貨界LV之稱、法國巴黎新橋區的貴婦百貨「莎瑪麗丹」2005年停業後、睽違16年、於2021年重新開幕--此書帶您回顧與展望這家百貨的傳奇身世與風采。
