Tiffany & Co: Vision & Virtuosity (Ultimate Ed.) | 誠品線上

Tiffany & Co: Vision & Virtuosity (Ultimate Ed.)

作者 Vivienne Becker
商品描述 Tiffany & Co: Vision & Virtuosity (Ultimate Ed.):全球限量終極版:47公分超豪華精裝大開本!(附書盒、專屬提袋)1837年,當查爾斯·路易斯·蒂芙尼在在紐約市開設第一家店


內容簡介 全球限量終極版47公分超豪華精裝大開本!(附書盒、專屬提袋)1837年,當查爾斯·路易斯·蒂芙尼在在紐約市開設第一家店、售賣從巴黎進口的「奇特商品」時,他根本無法想像,有一天他的名字會在全球無人不知曉,且會和「華麗」畫上等號。蒂芙尼品牌,已經從一個低調的禮品店,變成知名奢侈品和浪漫的代名詞:優美稀缺的寶石、傳統與現代的獨特結合。蒂芙尼是跨世代的文化象徵,也是社會和歷史的一部分;是一個逃避現實的夢幻之地、是夢想的寶庫。在其185年的品牌歷史中,蒂芙尼不斷在創新、融合藝術和文化的影響,找到令人眼睛一亮的方式來創造新的歷史。自1950年代以來,蒂芙尼引入了不少設計師;他們皆成為了代表性的名字,從讓·斯魯姆伯格到艾爾莎·佩雷蒂和帕洛瑪·畢加索。這些名設計師讓蒂芙尼始終不斷在蛻變、激盪出新的火花,緊扣每一代人心中最美的地方。讓品牌創始人的精神永遠延續。如今,蒂芙尼繼續為其每年的高級珠寶系列帶來無盡幻想。同時通過原創系列,與每一代人交流,讓每個人透過精品找到自己的認同和表達方式。這是查爾斯·路易斯·蒂芙尼最重要的初衷。永不停下的腳步、將紐約特有的生命力和創造力融入作品:蒂芙尼將對現代和原創性的追求,與對傳統的敬意,完美的交織在一起。When Charles Lewis Tiffany opened his first store in 1837 in New York City, selling "fancy goods” imported from Paris, he could not have imagined the visions of glamour that his name would conjure around the world. Tiffany & Co. has transformed from a modest purveyor of gift items to a globally renowned byword for luxury and romance, sublime and rare gemstones, joyful objects of love and an inimitable mix of tradition and modernity. Tiffany is a name that resonates across generations and cultures, part of the fabric of social and cultural history, an American institution gifted to the world, an emporium of escapism, a repository of dreams.During its 185 years, Tiffany & Co. has continued to evolve creatively, embracing artistic and cultural influences, finding exciting ways to renew its rich legacy. Since the 1950s, Tiffany has brought on designers who have become iconic names, from Jean Schlumberger to Elsa Peretti and Paloma Picasso, ensuring that Tiffany remains dynamic and relevant to each generation. The company’s design-driven dynamism honors and perpetuates the founder’s pioneering spirit.Today Tiffany continues to bring fantasy to its annual high jewelry collections, while also speaking to new generations through original collections that offer personal self-expression, so much part of Charles Lewis Tiffany’s original concept. The beat goes on, the pulse of New York and of creativity, the quest for modernity and originality intertwined with reverence for Tiffany’s great heritage.Conceived as the catalog to accompany the exhibition Vision and Virtuosity at the Saatchi Gallery in London, this Assouline volume, available in both Icon and Ultimate editions, encapsulates all the romance and heritage of this world-famous American icon, highlighting Tiffany’s creative inspirations, witty advertisements and window displays, Blue Book jewel collections and diamond expertise, plus the stories behind the blue box, the classic film Breakfast at Tiffany’s and the fabulous yellow Tiffany Diamond.Complimentary white gloves and a signature canvas tote bag are included with each purchase from Assouline's Ultimate Collection"


作者介紹 Vivienne BeckerJewelry historian Vivienne Becker is an award-winning journalist and author of many books on the history of jewelry design. Based in London, Becker is a contributing editor to Financial Times How to Spend It magazine, writes for newspapers and magazines around the world, and lectures and broadcasts on her subject. She organized and wrote the catalog for the first major exhibition of the jewelry of René Lalique, and curated Jewels of Fantasy, a traveling exhibition of twentieth-century costume jewelry. Becker’s previous books with Assouline include The Impossible Collection of Jewelry (2012), Bulgari: The Joy of Gems—Magnificent High Jewelry Creations (2017) and Cipullo: Making Jewelry Modern (2020).


書名 / Tiffany & Co: Vision & Virtuosity (Ultimate Ed.)
作者 / Vivienne Becker
簡介 / Tiffany & Co: Vision & Virtuosity (Ultimate Ed.):全球限量終極版:47公分超豪華精裝大開本!(附書盒、專屬提袋)1837年,當查爾斯·路易斯·蒂芙尼在在紐約市開設第一家店
ISBN13 / 9781649800749
ISBN10 / 1649800746
EAN / 9781649800749
誠品26碼 / 2682253677000
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 47X40X8.2CM
級別 / N:無