When Daddy Works From Home | 誠品線上

When Daddy Works From Home

作者 Paul Schofield
出版社 Templar Company PLC.
商品描述 When Daddy Works From Home:爸爸平常都得外出上班,但是今天開始,在家上班。孩子很開心爸爸就在附近,爸爸坐在桌前,也可以看到孩子玩耍的可愛模樣。但是,在家上班也有


內容簡介 爸爸的新工作型態:在家工作 爸爸平常都得外出上班,但是今天開始,在家上班。孩子很開心爸爸就在附近,爸爸坐在桌前,也可以看到孩子玩耍的可愛模樣。但是,在家上班也有不方便的地方,那就是不管在哪裡,都聽得到玩玩具的聲音。工作要很專注,有什麼可以讓工作更專注呢?喝茶。既然在家,寶寶也一起來喝吧。這是父母在家工作的寫照,有時孩子突然會出現在爸爸視訊畫面裡,或突然迸出聲音。而爸爸有時也會被孩子逗趣的模樣吸引,想加入遊戲行列,但是得先把工作完成啊,真是考驗爸爸定力啊。不過,在家工作的好處是工作通話空檔之間可以親親孩子,中午用餐、下午茶可以和孩子一起共享,各有優缺點。新工作型態,爸爸們加油!繼《當媽媽上班時》和《當爸爸上班時》大獲成功之後,本書是送給育兒假後重返工作崗位或適應新工作型態的父母的禮物書。 "


作者介紹 Paul SchofieldPaul Schofield is a debut author, living in Essex, UK with his wife Sophie and his two children, Joel and Elliot. He graduated from University of West London with a BA in Media Arts and Film & TV Studies, where his love of writing started with screen writing. When Daddy Goes to Work and When Mummy Goes to Work are his first children's books, inspired by his own experiences as a working parent. When he is not playing with dinosaurs or getting soaked at bath time, Paul likes to play video games, watch movies and bake chocolate brownies.Anna Terreros-MartinAnna Terreros-Martin is an illustrator based in Nottingham, UK. After graduating from Sheffield Hallam University with a first class degree in Illustration, she went on to complete the prestigious Masters in Children's Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art. Anna aims to inspire younger generations to get outdoors and explore the wildlife around them, and believes it is important to encourage reading for pleasure as well as for education. When not working, Anna, who is bilingual, enjoys visiting her family in Bilbao, Spain, and going for walks in the mountains, where she gains inspiration for her surroundings.


書名 / When Daddy Works From Home
作者 / Paul Schofield
簡介 / When Daddy Works From Home:爸爸平常都得外出上班,但是今天開始,在家上班。孩子很開心爸爸就在附近,爸爸坐在桌前,也可以看到孩子玩耍的可愛模樣。但是,在家上班也有
出版社 / Templar Company PLC.
ISBN13 / 9781800783096
ISBN10 / 1800783094
EAN / 9781800783096
誠品26碼 / 2682141778000
頁數 / 22
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18X18X0CM
級別 / N:無