The Snow Queen | 誠品線上

The Snow Queen

作者 Lesley Barnes
出版社 Templar Company PLC.
商品描述 The Snow Queen:由得獎插畫家LesleyBarnes為安徒生童話SnowQueen重新詮釋的立體版本。書中每一頁畫面都有燙金印刷,更增添童話的華麗美感。LesleyBarne活躍於童書出版和時


內容簡介 由得獎插畫家Lesley Barnes為安徒生童話Snow Queen重新詮釋的立體版本。書中每一頁畫面都有燙金印刷,更增添童話的華麗美感。Lesley Barne活躍於童書出版和時尚插畫,作品有Tate出版社的Jill and Dragon和Jill and Lion。Award-winning illustrator Lesley Barnes brings a magical touch to this pop-up edition of The Snow Queen.She flies in the thick of snowflake swarms and when she peers through windows, they freeze in patternslike icy flowers. When the wintry Snow Queen steals away Gerda's friend Kay, she must journey to the faraway North to bring him home. A much-loved fairy tale of courage, determination and love.Hans Christian Andersen's classic tale is brought to life with wonderful artwork and inventive pop-ups."


作者介紹 Lesley BarnesLesley Barnes is an illustrator and animator based in Glasgow. Her vibrant work appears in children's books, fashion illustration and design collaborations with the V&A and the Tate Galleries. She is the author and illustrator of Jill and Dragon and Jill and Lion and has animated a music video for Scottish band Belle & Sebastian.


書名 / The Snow Queen
作者 / Lesley Barnes
簡介 / The Snow Queen:由得獎插畫家LesleyBarnes為安徒生童話SnowQueen重新詮釋的立體版本。書中每一頁畫面都有燙金印刷,更增添童話的華麗美感。LesleyBarne活躍於童書出版和時
出版社 / Templar Company PLC.
ISBN13 / 9781787416888
ISBN10 / 1787416887
EAN / 9781787416888
誠品26碼 / 2682041020001
頁數 / 12
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X18X0CM
級別 / N:無
