Yoshitoshi: One Hundred Aspects of the Moon | 誠品線上

Yoshitoshi: One Hundred Aspects of the Moon

作者 Bas Verberk/ Cis van Heertum/ Ed.; Adele Schlombs/ Fw.
商品描述 Yoshitoshi: One Hundred Aspects of the Moon:日本浮世繪晚期的畫師、被公認為「浮世繪最後一位大師」、活躍於幕末~明治前期的月岡芳年(1839-1892),其創作生涯中最著名


內容簡介 日本浮世繪晚期的畫師、被公認為「浮世繪最後一位大師」、活躍於幕末~明治前期的月岡芳年(1839-1892),其創作生涯中最著名的人物畫集《月百姿》。Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839-1892) was the last great woodblock print master of the Ukiyo-e tradition. With his distinctive style of dramatic lines and use of gorgeous colours, Yoshitoshi was soon recognised by his contemporaries as the most outstanding woodblock artist of his time. One Hundred Aspects of the Moon is regarded as his greatest achievement. The series brings to life the history and mythology of ancient Japan. In all 100 prints the moon figures prominently, either clearly visible in the design itself, or else referred to in the beautiful poem in the text cartouche. The subjects of the prints range from historical figures such as the novelist and court lady Murasaki Shikibu from the Heian period (794-1185) and samurai warlords like Takeda Shingen (1521-1573) to mythological creatures and scenes related to the Japanese theatre forms kabuki, no and kyogen. The series not only strongly refers to Japanese literature and culture, it also includes many references to the literary traditions of China, which were of major influence on the cultural developments of classical Japan. Bas Verberk, Japan curator of the Museum of East Asian Art in Cologne, offers clear descriptions with new insights and knowledge about this popular series, now first presented in a non-Japanese publication."


書名 / Yoshitoshi: One Hundred Aspects of the Moon
作者 / Bas Verberk Cis van Heertum Ed.; Adele Schlombs Fw.
簡介 / Yoshitoshi: One Hundred Aspects of the Moon:日本浮世繪晚期的畫師、被公認為「浮世繪最後一位大師」、活躍於幕末~明治前期的月岡芳年(1839-1892),其創作生涯中最著名
ISBN13 / 9783753300870
ISBN10 / 375330087X
EAN / 9783753300870
誠品26碼 / 2682094776009
頁數 / 200
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24X19X2CM
級別 / N:無
