The Last Duel: A True Story of Trial by Combat in Medieval France | 誠品線上

The Last Duel: A True Story of Trial by Combat in Medieval France

作者 Eric Jager
商品描述 The Last Duel: A True Story of Trial by Combat in Medieval France:【《最後的決鬥》電影原著小說】《最後的決鬥》10月上映,由雷利·史考特執導、麥特‧戴蒙主演電影《


內容簡介 全新史詩鉅作《最後的決鬥 The Last Duel》電影原著小說 改編電影《最後的決鬥》將於10月上映,由好萊塢導演雷利史考特(Ridley Scott)精心打造,由巨星麥特‧戴蒙、亞當·崔佛和茱蒂·康默主演。 14 世紀,一個充滿戰爭、瘟疫和無政府狀態的「比武審判」就此展開一關於榮譽、騎士精神和宮廷之愛的時代。 勝者為王; 敗者為寇!比《權力的遊戲》中的「比武審判」更扣人心懸。 「一個無比流暢的懸疑敘事」 —《旁觀者》「高度懸疑、血流成河的緊張,幾乎令人無法忍受。性、野蠻和充滿手段的政治陰謀,為一部輝煌的歷史注入了戲劇的活力。」 —《科克斯書評》 一個背叛和復仇的真實故事。 艾瑞克傑格爾(Eric Jager )根據歷史真實事件所撰寫的史詩鉅作,描述14 世紀,當時法國對女性的壓迫及殘暴。以及兩位貴族之間的恩怨情仇,在無可饒恕的悲憤下,唯有殊死鬥才能劃下句點! 從《冰與火之歌》到《最後的決鬥》,中世紀決鬥的興衰,活著的人將被視為「上帝的旨意」。Soon to be a major motion picture directed by Ridley Scott starring Matt Damon, Adam Driver and Jodie Comer.In 1386, a few days after Christmas, a massive crowd gathered at a Paris monastery to watch two men fight a duel to the death. A trial by combat to prove which man's cause was right in God's sight.The dramatic story of the knight, the squire and the lady unfolds during the tumultuous fourteenth century. A time of war, plague and anarchy, as well as of honour, chivalry, and courtly love.The notorious quarrel appears in many histories of France, but no writer has recounted it in full, until now."Soon to be a major motion picture directed by Ridley Scott. In 1386, a few days after Christmas, a massive crowd gathered at a Paris monastery to watch two men fight a duel to the death. A trial by combat to prove which man's cause was right in God's sight. The dramatic story of the knight, the squire and the lady unfolds during the tumultuous fourteenth century. A time of war, plague and anarchy, as well as of honour, chivalry, and courtly love. The notorious quarrel appears in many histories of France, but no writer has recounted it in full, until now.


各界推薦 Succeeds brilliantly in combining page-turning intensity with eye-opening insights' Sunday Times 'Suspenseful and well written' Spectator


作者介紹 Eric JagerAn award-winning professor of English at UCLA, Eric Jager holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and has also taught at Columbia University. He is the author of three books, including The Book of the Heart (a study of heart imagery in medieval literature) and The Last Duel.He lives in Los Angeles.


書名 / The Last Duel: A True Story of Trial by Combat in Medieval France
作者 / Eric Jager
簡介 / The Last Duel: A True Story of Trial by Combat in Medieval France:【《最後的決鬥》電影原著小說】《最後的決鬥》10月上映,由雷利·史考特執導、麥特‧戴蒙主演電影《
ISBN13 / 9781787467866
ISBN10 / 1787467864
EAN / 9781787467866
誠品26碼 / 2682050900004
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
