Crosshatching in Pen & Ink | 誠品線上

Crosshatching in Pen & Ink

作者 August Lamm
商品描述 Crosshatching in Pen & Ink:HowtoCrosshatchinPen&Inkbeginswithapottedhistoryoftheartform,andelucidatesexactlywhatcrosshatchingentails,andwhereitcamefrom.Afterah


內容簡介 Learn the unique art of crosshatching and create stunning works of art with expert guidance from August Lamm.How to Crosshatch in Pen & Ink begins with a potted history of the artform, and elucidates exactly what crosshatching entails, and where it came from. After a helpful exploration of the materials and media that a crosshatcher may need, there then begins a practical guide to the very basics of crosshatching, approaching concepts such as how to look accurately, and how to depict light, shape, and shadow.Once readers have the essentials under their belt, there are more complicated subjects such as anatomy, portraiture and still lifes to tackle. For each topic, August uses a combination of fine art examples, illustrations and step-by-step tutorials to take the reader through the fascinating and accessible process of crosshatching, from perception to execution.This is the essential, comprehensive guide to this fascinating artform, and will appeal to complete beginners alongside long-time aficionados of the practice."


作者介紹 August LammAugust Lamm has built a full-time career teaching workshops and online classes in crosshatching. She has a degree in art history and has worked as an art handler, art writer, and art podcaster. August shares her work online with her enthusiastic, 166,000-strong audience on Instagram.


書名 / Crosshatching in Pen & Ink
作者 / August Lamm
簡介 / Crosshatching in Pen & Ink:HowtoCrosshatchinPen&Inkbeginswithapottedhistoryoftheartform,andelucidatesexactlywhatcrosshatchingentails,andwhereitcamefrom.Afterah
ISBN13 / 9781781578599
ISBN10 / 1781578591
EAN / 9781781578599
誠品26碼 / 2682214434000
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.6X19.1X1.7CM
級別 / N:無
