Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance | 誠品線上

歐巴馬的夢想之路: 以父之名

作者 巴拉克.歐巴馬
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance:《歐巴馬的夢想之路:以父之名》ArevealingportraitofayoungBlackmanaskingquestionsaboutself-discoveryandbelo


內容簡介 歐巴馬的夢想之路:以父之名從政前夕的誠實告白歐巴馬的著作最有代表性的是一九九五年出版的《歐巴馬的夢想之路》,還有二○○六年《大膽希望》,其中《大膽希望》主要闡述政治理念,被視為競選總統的暖身作品。《歐巴馬的夢想之路》的可貴性在於,此書寫作於歐巴馬踏入政壇之前。歐巴馬在《歐巴馬的夢想之路》回顧出生到一九八八年就讀哈佛法律系之前的經歷,可說是少年歐巴馬自傳。在書中歐巴馬坦率說出自己的出身,面臨的成長與認同問題,當時的他還以為自己會成為作家,還沒有政治化妝的目的。少年歐巴馬激勵人心全書共有三部。第一部身世,歐巴馬坦承一黑一白的家庭背景,父親為肯亞留學生,卻在他兩歲時離他們母子而去,歐巴馬從小在娘家成長,只有自己是黑人。歐巴馬十二歲時,父親從肯亞來見他,從此音訊全無,直到二十歲接到父親車禍身亡的消息。此次見面對歐巴馬衝擊甚深,高中畢業後先後至洛杉磯與紐約讀大學,卻因為長期身世糾葛,曾經迷途放蕩,甚至吸毒。第二部芝加哥則是尋求自我認同,歐巴馬描述在芝加哥南區三年的社區工作,如何從挫折中堅持,思索黑人的社會問題,芝加哥從此成為歐巴馬的發跡地,也奠定歐巴馬就讀法律,走上公共政治之路。南區有美國最早的黑人國宅,也是知名的貧民窟,歐巴馬透過教會,成功組織社區居民與志工,不僅設立就業服務站,課業輔導計畫,當時還爆發國宅發現石綿毒物,社區居民在歐巴馬的鼓勵下,終於迫使官僚正視問題。此時年輕的歐巴馬,已展露優秀的演說能力與領袖特質,總是在關鍵時刻激勵夥伴。第三部肯亞,則描述歐巴馬在與同父異母姊姊奧瑪於紐約見面後,決定在就讀哈佛法律系之前至肯亞部落尋根,歐巴馬對父親破碎的記憶,在家族的情感中逐漸完整,同時他也意識到身為黑人的重擔與光榮,對他父親有更多的理解與原諒,重新找回身為黑人的認同來源。讓全球感動的回憶錄《歐巴馬的夢想之路》一九九五年出版時,雖然書評不錯,但是銷售狀況非常普通,也讓歐巴馬放棄成為作家,專心公共事務,等到二○○四年成名,此書重新再版,不僅橫掃各大排行榜,成為銷售冠軍,海外版權也熱賣,且在英國法國日本等,都是《歐巴馬的夢想之路》銷售情況更勝《大膽希望》,可見少年歐巴馬的故事比起政治宣言,更能感動人心,一位法國讀者在網路寫下:這是二十一世紀初,一個宣告歷史變革的聲音。充滿熱情、味道與風格的筆觸,歐巴馬描繪了生命的質地。本中文書介出《歐巴馬的夢想之路: 以父之名》時報文化出版企業股份有限公司出版Now adapted for young adults—the #1 New York Times bestselling memoir, which Toni Morrison called “quite extraordinary,” offers an intimate look at Barack Obama’s early days. This is a compelling journey tracing the future 44th president’s odyssey through family, race, and identity. A revealing portrait of a young Black man asking questions about self-discovery and belonging—long before he became one of the most important voices in America. This unique edition includes a new introduction from the author, full-color photo insert, and family tree. The son of a white American mother and a Black Kenyan father, Obama was born in Hawaii, where he lived until he was six years old, when he moved with his mother and stepfather to Indonesia. At twelve, he returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. Obama brings readers along as he faces the challenges of high school and college, living in New York, becoming a community organizer in Chicago, and traveling to Kenya. Through these experiences, he forms an enduring commitment to leadership and justice. Told through the lens of his relationships with his family—the mother and grandparents who raised him, the father he knows more as a myth than as a man, and the extended family in Kenya he meets for the first time—Obama confronts the complicated truth of his father’s life and legacy and comes to embrace his divided heritage. On his journey to adulthood from a humble background, he forges his own path through trial and error while staying connected to his roots. Barack Obama is determined to lead a life of purpose, service, and authenticity. This powerful memoir will inspire readers to examine both where they come from and where they are capable of going."


作者介紹 Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States, elected in November 2008 and holding office for two terms. He is the author of three #1 New York Times bestselling books, Dreams from My Father, The Audacity of Hope, and A Promised Land, and is the recipient of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. He lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Michelle. They have two daughters, Malia and Sasha.


書名 / Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
作者 / 巴拉克.歐巴馬
簡介 / Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance:《歐巴馬的夢想之路:以父之名》ArevealingportraitofayoungBlackmanaskingquestionsaboutself-discoveryandbelo
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780385738729
ISBN10 / 0385738722
EAN / 9780385738729
誠品26碼 / 2682045441000
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X19X2CM
級別 / N:無