Mr. B | 誠品線上

Mr. B

作者 Jennifer Homans
商品描述 Mr. B:【美國芭蕾之父‧喬治巴蘭欽不凡且跌宕的芭蕾舞生涯】《Apollo’sAngels》作者JenniferHomans撰寫的第一本現代舞蹈人物傳記,探索美國芭蕾之父巴蘭欽在傳奇背後面貌


內容簡介 《Mr. B》《Apollo’s Angels》作者Jennifer Homans撰寫的第一本現代舞蹈人物傳記,探索美國芭蕾之父巴蘭欽在傳奇背後面貌。 巴蘭欽激進的編舞方法重塑了舞蹈藝術,他富有感染力的芭蕾舞讓他成為永恆傳奇,如今在去世將近三十年後,他仍然如此受人尊敬,以至於他的傳記之謎常常被忽視。 巴蘭欽生於末代沙皇統治下的俄羅斯,經歷了第一次世界大戰的動盪、俄國革命、流放、第二次世界大戰和文化冷戰;他是俄羅斯現代主義時刻的一部分,是20年代巴黎的重要人物,在紐約他徹底改變了芭蕾舞,將其推向現代主義的前沿,並使其被廣為接納且被重視。 巴蘭欽的影響是無數的,他認為自己是格魯吉亞人,但他直到五十多歲才踏上祖傳的故鄉,他深受東正教冷峻莊嚴和感性之美影響,但同樣被1930年代哈林區出現的新節奏和舞步吸引,他也和Diaghilev、Stravinsky等人合作過。 巴蘭欽一生結過五次婚,總是嫁給年輕的舞者,其間還沉浸在其他愛情中,他遭遇過——失去所愛、健康狀況不佳、虛弱的孤獨和黑暗的絕望情緒——這些在他的舞蹈中產生共鳴,舞蹈尖銳地訴說著愛與失落,但他的藝術含義仍未被探索。From the author of Apollo’s Angels, the first major biography of the figure who modernised dance: an intimate portrait of the man behind the mythology, set against the vibrant backdrop of the century that shaped himBalanchine’s radical approach to choreography reinvented the art of dance and his richly evocative ballets made him a lasting legend. Today, nearly thirty years after his death, the man is still so revered that the mysteries of his biography are often overlooked. Who was George Balanchine?Born in Russia under the last Czar, Balanchine experienced the upheavals of World War One, the Russian Revolution, exile, World War Two and the cultural Cold War; he was part of the Russian modernist moment, a key player in Paris in the 1920s, and in New York he revolutionized ballet, pressing it to the forefront of modernism and making it serious and popular art.His influences were myriad. He considered himself Georgian, yet he did not step foot in his ancestral homeland until he was in his fifties. He was deeply influenced by the cold grandeur and sensuous beauty of the Orthodox Church, but equally absorbed by the new rhythms and dance steps coming out of Harlem in the 1930s. He collaborated broadly, with figures like Diaghilev and Stravinsky.A man of muses, Balanchine was married five times, always to young dancers, and consumed by many other loves in between. The difficulties of his life - personal losses, bouts of ill health, debilitating loneliness and dark moods of despair - resonate in his dances, which speak so poignantly of love and loss, and yet the full implications for his art remain unexplored."


作者介紹 Jennifer HomansJennifer Homans was a professional dancer, trained at Balanchine’s School of American Ballet. She has a doctorate in European and American cultural history and is a Distinguished Scholar in Residence at NYU, where she is the Founding Director of the Center for Ballet and the Arts. She lives in NYC and is the dance critic for the New Yorker. Her debut, Apollo’s Angels: A History of Ballet (Granta, 2011) was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award.


書名 / Mr. B
作者 / Jennifer Homans
簡介 / Mr. B:【美國芭蕾之父‧喬治巴蘭欽不凡且跌宕的芭蕾舞生涯】《Apollo’sAngels》作者JenniferHomans撰寫的第一本現代舞蹈人物傳記,探索美國芭蕾之父巴蘭欽在傳奇背後面貌
ISBN13 / 9781847087737
ISBN10 / 1847087736
EAN / 9781847087737
誠品26碼 / 2682245924006
頁數 / 784
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.6X0CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 美國芭蕾之父‧喬治巴蘭欽不凡且跌宕的芭蕾舞生涯