The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone | 誠品線上

The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone

作者 Audrey Burges
商品描述 The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone:【一座精美奇妙的娃娃屋,串起命運兩端的故事】✰《柯克斯書評》推薦小說!34歲的米拉‧馬龍注在亞利桑那洲的山上,她有一間精緻小


內容簡介 米拉‧馬龍小時候因為一場嚴重的車禍,失去了摯愛的祖母,在醫院治療數月後,身心受到巨大創傷的米拉再也無法踏出戶外,她的生活裡只有父母與好朋友關。 現在,她34歲,在亞利桑那洲的山上避世而居,在閣樓與祖母遺留的娃娃屋相伴,她為這間娃娃屋撰寫部落格、拍照,吸引來自世界各地的讀者。 米拉對這間精巧細緻的娃娃屋感到困惑又好奇,彷彿祖母不曾離去,她發現許多奇妙的現象,像是每天計算的房間數量永遠不一樣,或在僅能容納矮小人偶的走廊上傳來音樂聲,但這樣的生活可能就快消失,當米拉發現媽媽已債台高築,銀行即將要拿這棟房子做抵押。在關的鼓勵下,她決定在網站上發布一場需付費的比賽,幸運獲選的讀者可以來她家參觀這棟獨一無二的娃娃屋… 在遙遠的另一端,34歲的家具商人愛利克斯‧雷克斯接到兩筆房間裝潢的生意, 希望能將他們的臥室改裝成大名鼎鼎的米拉‧馬龍娃娃屋裡的樣子,但愛利克斯看到照片時,他嚇壞了。那是他家族的宅院,是他在那裡度過童年的臥室,原本屬於愛利克斯離奇失蹤的祖母。這時,他又看見了米拉發布在網站上的消息,來自四面八方的讀者都想擁有一窺娃娃屋的機會,愛利克斯決定放手一試… 一棟神祕的娃娃屋,兩個素未謀面的陌生人,即將解開一段動人、悲傷卻又充滿愛的故事。 A woman learns to expand the boundaries of her small world and let love inside it in this sparkling and unforgettable novel by Audrey Burges. From her attic in the Arizona mountains, thirty-four-year-old Myra Malone blogs about a dollhouse mansion that captivates thousands of readers worldwide. Myra’s stories have created legions of fans who breathlessly await every blog post, trade photographs of Mansion-modeled rooms, and swap theories about the enigmatic and reclusive author. Myra herself is tethered to the Mansion by mysteries she can’t understand—rooms that appear and disappear overnight, music that plays in its corridors. Across the country, Alex Rakes, the scion of a custom furniture business, encounters two Mansion fans trying to recreate a room. The pair show him the Minuscule Mansion, and Alex is shocked to recognize a reflection of his own life mirrored back to him in minute scale. The room is his own bedroom, and the Mansion is his family’s home, handed down from the grandmother who disappeared mysteriously when Alex was a child. Searching for answers, Alex begins corresponding with Myra. Together, the two unwind the lonely paths of their twin worlds—big and small—and trace the stories that entwine them, setting the stage for a meeting rooted in loss, but defined by love.


作者介紹 Audrey BurgesAudrey Burges writes novels, humour, satire and essays in Richmond, Virginia. She has stories published or forthcoming in McSweeney's, Cease, Cows, Into the Void, Human Parts, Empty Mirror, The Belladonna, Slackjaw, and Points in Case. When Audrey isn't writing, she's being tolerated by her two rambunctious children and very patient husband.


書名 / The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone
作者 / Audrey Burges
簡介 / The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone:【一座精美奇妙的娃娃屋,串起命運兩端的故事】✰《柯克斯書評》推薦小說!34歲的米拉‧馬龍注在亞利桑那洲的山上,她有一間精緻小
ISBN13 / 9781035009220
ISBN10 / 1035009226
EAN / 9781035009220
誠品26碼 / 2682300360008
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X0.1CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 一座精美奇妙的娃娃屋,串起命運兩端的故事
