An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth | 誠品線上

An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth

作者 克里斯.哈德菲爾
商品描述 An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth:克里斯.哈德菲爾《太空人的地球生活指南》Backontheearthafterthreespaceflights,ChrisHadfield'scaptivatingmemoirAnAstronaut's


內容簡介 ● 為什麼太空人都是打包高手?● 為什麼別在太空站吃麵包?● 在太空站刷牙,記得把牙膏泡沫吞下肚?● 為什麼太空人要自己按電梯按鈕?● 在太空站生活,每天得做兩小時運動?● 在太空中,為什麼別輕易掉眼淚?克里斯‧哈德菲爾上校受過幾十年的太空人訓練,待在外太空的時間加起來將近四千小時。他曾經用一把瑞士小刀闖進國際太空站,在開飛機時處理掉一條活蛇,也有在太空漫步時暫時失明的經驗。至於他在外太空表演大衛‧鮑伊(David Bowie)經典歌曲〈太空奇遇〉(Space Oddity)的影片,在YouTube網站享有高點閱率。哈德菲爾之所以能在險境中成功求生,憑藉的是他在太空總署學到的另類人生哲學:為最糟糕的狀況做好準備,並好好享受其中「每一個時刻」。在這本《太空人的地球生存指南》,哈德菲爾帶領讀者深入瞭解他多年來接受訓練以及到太空探險的過程,展現他到底是用什麼方式化不可能為可能。太空船升空的過程令人分泌腎上腺素,太空漫步是讓人心醉的奇蹟,遇到危機的時刻則需要鎮定與冷靜的反應來化解,這本書裡的每個故事都教人大開眼界,讀來興味盎然。在他看來,一般的處世哲學不但阻礙成就,也讓人沒辦法樂在其中。他的幾趟太空之旅可說是一種特別的機會教育,他從中學到與直覺相違的智慧,例如:不要想像自己成功的情景、一定要在意別人怎麼想、總是要小題大作。也許,你永遠沒辦法像哈德菲爾上校一樣把機械臂裝上太空站、駕駛太空船、拍攝音樂錄影帶,或是在無重力狀態下執行最基本的外科手術,但是他在這本書中提供的洞見是如此鮮活有趣,看過之後,你不僅能學會太空人的思考方式,也會徹底改變你對地球生活的看法──特別是你自己的生活。本中文書介出自《太空人的地球生活指南》大塊文化出版股份有限公司出版Back on the earth after three spaceflights, Chris Hadfield's captivating memoir An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth reveals extraordinary stories from his life as an astronaut, and shows how to make the impossible a reality. This edition contains a new afterword.Colonel Chris Hadfield has spent decades training as an astronaut and has logged nearly 4,000 hours in space. During this time he has broken into a Space Station with a Swiss army knife, disposed of a live snake while piloting a plane, been temporarily blinded while clinging to the exterior of an orbiting spacecraft, and become a YouTube sensation with his performance of David Bowie's 'Space Oddity' in space. The secret to Chris Hadfield's success – and survival – is an unconventional philosophy he learned at NASA: prepare for the worst – and enjoy every moment of it.In his book, An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, Chris Hadfield takes readers deep into his years of training and space exploration to show how to make the impossible possible. Through eye-opening, entertaining stories filled with the adrenaline of launch, the mesmerizing wonder of spacewalks and the measured, calm responses mandated by crises, he explains how conventional wisdom can get in the way of achievement – and happiness. His own extraordinary education in space has taught him some counter-intuitive lessons: don't visualize success, do care what others think, and always sweat the small stuff.You might never be able to build a robot, pilot a spacecraft, make a music video or perform basic surgery in zero gravity like Colonel Hadfield. But his vivid and refreshing insights in this book will teach you how to think like an astronaut, and will change, completely, the way you view life on Earth – especially your own."


作者介紹 Chris HadfieldChris Hadfield is one of the most seasoned and accomplished astronauts in the world. The top graduate of the U.S. Air Force test pilot school in 1988 and U.S. Navy test pilot of the year in 1991, Colonel Hadfield was selected to be an astronaut in 1992. He was CAPCOM for twenty-five shuttle launches and served as Director of NASA Operations in Star City, Russia from 2001-2003, Chief of Robotics at the Johnson Space Center in Houston from 2003-2006, and Chief of International Space Station Operations from 2006-2008. Hadfield served as Commander of the International Space Station where, while conducting a record-setting number of scientific experiments and overseeing an emergency spacewalk, he gained worldwide acclaim for his breathtaking photographs and educational videos about life in space. His music video, a zero gravity version of David Bowie's 'Space Oddity' received over 10 million views in its first three days online. His TED talk has been viewed over four million times and he judged the BBC TV series Astronauts: Do You Have What It Takes? Chris Hadfield's book, An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, sees his lessons learnt in space applied to life on Earth. He is also the author of You Are Here, a book of breathtaking photos taken from space, and The Darkest Dark-his first ever children's picture book.


書名 / An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth
作者 / 克里斯.哈德菲爾
簡介 / An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth:克里斯.哈德菲爾《太空人的地球生活指南》Backontheearthafterthreespaceflights,ChrisHadfield'scaptivatingmemoirAnAstronaut's
ISBN13 / 9781529084788
ISBN10 / 1529084784
EAN / 9781529084788
誠品26碼 / 2682048833000
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X13X2CM
級別 / N:無
