How to Fail: Everything Ive Ever Learned from Things Going Wrong | 誠品線上

慶祝失敗: 從愛情、工作到生活, 我在挫折裡學到的事

作者 伊莉莎白.德依
商品描述 How to Fail: Everything Ive Ever Learned from Things Going Wrong:伊莉莎白.德依《慶祝失敗:從愛情、工作到生活,我在挫折裡學到的事》Inspiredbyherhugelypopularpodc


內容簡介 改變你對失敗的態度,重新定義生活裡的錯誤,從失敗中學習,鍛鍊情緒恢復力,重拾對生活的熱情,成為更好的自己。成功的定義是什麼?獲得成功就會擁有快樂和幸福嗎?失敗又怎麼樣?跌倒一次就會墜入地獄嗎?結束一段戀情就是世界末日了嗎?或許,我們要學習的是面對失敗的態度。因為,失敗無法定義我們,面對失敗的方式,才能真正決定我們成為什麼樣的人。★走出低潮,讓失敗有意義知名女星妮可.基嫚獲得奧斯卡獎後卻選擇回到澳洲家鄉過起農園生活,因為外在的成功並無法帶給她內心的滿足。作家泰拉.維斯托自幼在垃圾回收場長大,最後一路讀到劍橋大學,拿下博士學位卻與原生家庭漸行漸遠。真正的成功是什麼呢?失敗又由誰來定義?作者伊莉莎白.德依難以受孕,最後如何坦然釋懷?她在書中記錄歷年來訪談各界名人走過失敗的心路歷程,也剖析自己在人生低潮時如何重新獲得力量走出憂傷。本書是她獻給所有失敗者的禮物,希望每個人都能從錯誤裡汲取養分,讓失敗更有意義。伊莉莎白出版過多本暢銷書,人生的路上卻跌跌撞撞。在生活陷入低潮及憂鬱時,她決定錄製一個名為《如何失敗》(How to fail)的podcast節目,訪問各界名人一同分享失敗的經驗。節目播出後受到熱烈迴響,她忽然發現人生低谷時期最需要的原來是陪伴,動念寫下此書。她將人生點點滴滴失敗經驗都記錄在書中,帶領讀者回顧人生中的每一個階段:成長、考試、愛情、友情、家庭、工作、婚姻、親密關係等生活各個面向;不僅陳述自己的失敗經驗,也探討我們和身邊的人如何看待失敗。★失敗不是終點,是讓我們踏上接納自己的旅程失敗不是結束,有時是另一個開始。伊莉莎白及知名作家大衛.尼克斯,都曾在追夢的路上跌倒。她夢想成為優秀記者,最後發現自己最適合當作家。大衛則花了八年時間追求成為演員的夢想,而這些體驗都成為他撰寫小說的靈感,後來的作品甚至改編成電影《真愛挑日子》而聲名大噪。伊莉莎白在書中記錄下自己及名人們的挫敗經驗,讓我們明白為什麼失敗最終會讓我們更強大。伊莉莎白的筆觸溫暖纖細而坦誠,描述如何從社會環境的格格不入裡找到自己,如何將憤怒的力量轉化為書寫與創作,更闡明挫敗經驗分享與交流的重要。這本書是為曾經失敗過的人而寫,更是獻給所有人的療癒之書。大多數人以為的成功並不等於快樂;明白失敗的意義,藉由挫折的機會認清自己,接納自己,反而能與幸福更靠近。作者希望閱讀本書的同時,大家能夠像朋友般彼此傾訴,相互取暖,讓我們在面對逆境時能感到好過一點,讓每個失敗的人不感覺那麼孤單,更能認同自己,為自己加油、喝采。本中文書介出自《慶祝失敗: 從愛情、工作到生活, 我在挫折裡學到的事》大好書屋出版Inspired by her hugely popular podcast, How To Fail is Elizabeth Day s brilliantly funny, painfully honest and insightful celebration of things going wrong.This is a book for anyone who has ever failed. Which means it s a book for everyone.If I have learned one thing from this shockingly beautiful venture called life, it is this: failure has taught me lessons I would never otherwise have understood. I have evolved more as a result of things going wrong than when everything seemed to be going right. Out of crisis has come clarity, and sometimes even catharsis.Part memoir, part manifesto, and including chapters on dating, work, sport, babies, families, anger and friendship, it is based on the simple premise that understanding why we fail ultimately makes us stronger. It's a book about learning from our mistakes and about not being afraid. Uplifting, inspiring and rich in stories from Elizabeth s own life, How to Fail reveals that failure is not what defines us; rather it is how we respond to it that shapes us as individuals. Because learning how to fail is actually learning how to succeed better. And everyone needs a bit of that."


作者介紹 Elizabeth DayElizabeth Day is the author of four novels. Her acclaimed debut Scissors, Paper, Stone won a Betty Trask Award and Home Fires was an Observer book of the year. Her third, Paradise City, was named one of the best novels of 2015 in the Evening Standard, and The Party was an Amazon bestseller and a Richard & Judy bookclub pick. She is also an award-winning journalist and has written extensively for The Times, the Telegraph, the Guardian, the Observer, Harper s Bazaar and Elle. She is currently a columnist for the Mail on Sunday's You magazine and host of the iTunes chart-topping podcast, How To Fail With Elizabeth Day.


書名 / How to Fail: Everything Ive Ever Learned from Things Going Wrong
作者 / 伊莉莎白.德依
簡介 / How to Fail: Everything Ive Ever Learned from Things Going Wrong:伊莉莎白.德依《慶祝失敗:從愛情、工作到生活,我在挫折裡學到的事》Inspiredbyherhugelypopularpodc
ISBN13 / 9780008327354
ISBN10 / 0008327351
EAN / 9780008327354
誠品26碼 / 2682221846001
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X2.2CM
級別 / N:無