Failosophy: A Handbook For When Things Go Wrong | 誠品線上

失敗學: 每一次失敗, 都是一次生命系統的升級

作者 伊莉莎白.德依
商品描述 Failosophy: A Handbook For When Things Go Wrong:《失敗學:每一次失敗,都是一次生命系統的升級》InFailosophyElizabethDaybringstogetherallthelessonsshehaslearned,fr


內容簡介 每一次失敗,都是一次生命系統的升級★全球超過千萬下載人次Podcaster的失敗練習曲★英國泰晤士報暢銷書作者x英國Amazon 4.5星好評★當代最受歡迎哲學家Alain de Botton與數十位名人經驗分享我們的心理肌肉跟身體肌肉一樣能夠記憶與學習,鍛鍊韌性與強度,當你的心不斷升級與強大,失敗不再可怕,你也無須取悅別人和討好世界。人生沒有早知道,只有早點學到!不用害怕人生打掉重練的七大強心法則!----------------------------------這是一個由失敗打造的世界。面對失敗,最好的解藥就是分享失敗。失敗是一個很管用的除錯機制,讓我們可以找到對的方法、做對的事情,避免重蹈覆轍。這就是「失敗學」。人生是由各種脈絡交織而成。體驗人生的各種面向,不論好的或壞的,讓我們可以完整理解存在的意義。你覺得自己現在的這段感情很幸運,不只因為你遇見一個很棒的人,也因為你遇過不是那麼好的人,經歷過不是那麼好的關係,所以你更懂得自己想要什麼也,更知道如何珍惜。本書作者提煉自身經歷與播客頻道多位來賓的智慧,主題從考試挫折、失戀失婚、心理創傷、工作到信心危機,受訪者包括哲學家、暢銷作家、企業家與歌手演員等,透過故事為讀者灌注面對失敗的勇氣!寫給正走在「失敗」路上的人們:Lesson1.你覺得快要走不下去,怎麼做就怎麼錯……失敗只是把行不通的事情去除掉,不論當下多麼難受,你終歸可以學到些什麼。Lesson 2.每個人都告訴你這樣不對,你應該這樣做或那樣做……失敗不是別人告訴你說它是什麼就是什麼,經驗是個人的,要懂得區別事實和評論。Lesson 3.你的日子過得渾渾噩噩,眼看同學朋友的人生好像都就定位……二十幾歲時,你最大的成就是撐過這個階段;失敗會讓你往後的路走得更穩。Lesson 4.每次分手都讓你脫了層皮,你懷疑自己再也找不到人愛……分手是一種急性悲傷症候群,但是沒有人會真的因此活不下去。Lesson 5.你對於生活充滿各種擔憂與恐懼,怕讓自己和別人失望……失敗只是一個資料收集的過程,會讓你知道自己想要什麼、適合什麼。Lesson 6.你總是不斷做著各種計畫,把美好希望寄託在未來……過度期待是快樂的殺手,未來的各種可能性就在於,它根本還沒有發生。Lesson 7.你假裝自己比較勇敢或比較成功,無法誠實地做自己……度接受自己的脆弱,才能變得更堅強;說出自己的脆弱,才能擺脫羞恥感。本中文書介出自《失敗學: 每一次失敗, 都是一次生命系統的升級》商周出版***Elizabeth Day’s new novel Magpie is publishing this September and is available to pre-order now.***From the Sunday Times bestselling author of How to Fail‘Elizabeth Day has revolutionised the way we see failure’ Stylist‘A beautiful timely and humane book’ Alain de Botton‘Most failures can teach us something meaningful about ourselves if we choose to listen'In Failosophy Elizabeth Day brings together all the lessons she has learned, from conversations with the guests on her award-winning How to Fail podcast, from stories shared with her by readers and listeners, and from her own life, and distils them into seven principles of failure. Practical, reassuring and inspirational, these principles offer a guide through life’s rough patches. From failed exams to romantic break-ups, from career setbacks to confidence crises, from navigating anxiety to surviving loss, Failosophy recognises, and celebrates, the fact that failure connects us all. It is what makes us human. With insights from Malcolm Gladwell, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Lemn Sissay, Frankie Bridge, Nigel Slater, Emeli Sande, Alain de Botton, Mabel, Fearne Cotton, Meera Syal, Dame Kelly Holmes, Andrew Scott and many, many more, Failosophy is the essential handbook for turning failure into success."


作者介紹 Elizabeth DayElizabeth Day is the author of four novels and Sunday Times bestelling memoir, How to Fail. Her acclaimed debut Scissors, Paper, Stone won a Betty Trask Award and Home Fires was an Observer book of the year. Her third, Paradise City, was named one of the best novels of 2015 in the Evening Standard, and The Party was an Amazon bestseller and a Richard & Judy bookclub pick. She is also an award-winning journalist and has written extensively for The Times, the Telegraph, the Guardian, the Observer, Harper’s Bazaar and Elle. She is currently a columnist for the Mail on Sunday’s You magazine and host of the iTunes chart-topping podcast, How To Fail With Elizabeth Day.


書名 / Failosophy: A Handbook For When Things Go Wrong
作者 / 伊莉莎白.德依
簡介 / Failosophy: A Handbook For When Things Go Wrong:《失敗學:每一次失敗,都是一次生命系統的升級》InFailosophyElizabethDaybringstogetherallthelessonsshehaslearned,fr
ISBN13 / 9780008420413
ISBN10 / 0008420416
EAN / 9780008420413
誠品26碼 / 2682087495009
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X0.1CM
級別 / N:無