內容簡介 17年的森林寺院修行、返鄉後的憂鬱巨浪、與漸凍症並肩走向死亡的日子,這句話,成了他一生的金言,也將帶你擺脫焦慮風暴、生命備受鼓舞!瑞典每30個人就有1個人看過這本書!一句簡單又神奇的箴言,為你在困頓中找到撫慰與前進的勇氣!2022年1月,經濟學家比約恩.納提科.林德布勞的辭世,讓全瑞典人落淚哀悼。《我可能錯了》是比約恩人生的最後一本書,在2020年一出版就造成轟動,成為暢銷書冠軍。26歲事業有成的比約恩,在即將成為跨國大企業最年輕的財務長時,選擇拋下一切到泰國森林展開17年的出家生活。在森林寺院中,他被授予了稱號Natthiko──意思是「在智慧中成長的人」。「我可能錯了」這句話,正是比約恩在寺院中汲取到最有智慧的工具,幫他挺過17年後再回瑞典時的憂鬱風暴,以及罹患漸凍症逐漸走向死亡的日子。在這本讀者給予「一輩子的床頭書」「每一頁都會畫重點的書」等好評如潮的書中,並不是關於宗教,也不是要告訴你如何過生活,更不是要你接受一套新的信仰。它是要幫助你活得更愉快、更自由,而且以清晰明智的方式與自己的思想和情感連結。當你需要安慰和勇氣時,比約恩溫暖的智慧會讓你跳脫固著的焦慮,找到內心的平靜──◆在這十七年整日的精神修練中,我最珍視的一點就是:我對自己的每個念頭,再也不相信了。這是我的超能力。最棒的一點在於:這是所有人的超能力。◆我不會鼓勵任何人進行正面思考。完全不鼓勵。我個人並不相信正面思考有特別大的力量。我一直覺得正面思考是比較膚淺表象的。◆覺得別人很討厭,是人之常情。如果你想讓一個人好相處,行為舉止也不會讓你太反彈,其實只有一個小祕訣:學會喜歡他們本來的樣子。◆有位來自奧克拉荷馬州的比丘,他討厭我整整四年,從未斷過。事後回顧起來,我需要有人討厭我,這樣才能認清:總是想討所有人喜歡,是多麼沒意義。◆下次,當你感覺到衝突開始悄悄醞釀、你和一個人的關係演變到快破裂的時候,只要用任何你喜歡的語言,真誠與篤定地對自己重複這句箴言三次,你的擔憂就會雲消霧散──我可能錯了。我可能錯了。我可能錯了。◆帶有「應該」這個詞的種種念頭,讓我變得委屈、沉悶和孤獨。如果你能意識到這種情況有時也會發生在自己身上,不妨就試試這個手部的動作──先是用力握緊拳頭,然後鬆開成張開的手掌。它很簡單,但它貼切地展示了我們如何能放下自己太執著的事。◆焦慮是我見識過的最嚴格與最好的精神導師。本中文書介出自《我可能錯了: 森林智者的最後一堂人生課》先覺出版股份有限公司出版'This book really, really will stay with me forever. It's not only laced with the most incredible wisdom, but it's also gentle and beautiful and eloquent. It brought me so much joy and so much comfort' FEARNE COTTON'Phenomenal. Steeped in wisdom. Best book I've read in a long time' ELLA MILLS, FOUNDER OF DELICIOUSLY ELLAThe Sunday Times bestselling book of comfort and timeless wisdom from former forest monk, Björn Natthiko LindebladWe like to think we can determine the path our life takes, but events rarely unfold the way we plan for or expect. In this international bestseller, former forest monk Björn Natthiko Lindeblad draws on his humbling journey towards navigating uncertainty – helping you, with kindness and good humour, to:- Let go of the small stuff- Accept the things you cannot control- Manage difficult emotions- Find stillness at busy times- Face yourself – and others – without judgmentInfusing the everyday with heart and grace, this is a wise and soothing handbook for dealing with life's challenges.
作者介紹 Björn Natthiko LindebladBjörn Natthiko Lindeblad (1961-2022) was a Swedish public speaker, meditation teacher and former Buddhist monk. In his mid-twenties Björn swapped his career as a business executive for life as a forest monk in the jungles of Thailand. There he was given the name Natthiko, meaning ’one who grows in wisdom’. After seventeen years as a monk he returned to Swedish society and, in 2018, was diagnosed with the incurable disease ALS. I May Be Wrong was an instant Sunday Times bestseller and a number one bestseller in Sweden. It is being translated into twenty-nine languages.