內容簡介 ★上市未滿一年,韓國狂銷突破37萬冊!★韓國各大書店/網路書店排行榜No.1★「BTS防彈少年團」團長金南俊網路直播私藏書「無所謂,沒有陰影的人本來就無法理解陽光。」一位「輕鬱症」女孩與精神科醫師的療癒對話個性內向又被動的我,做著自己喜歡的工作、參加自己熱愛的社團、戀愛也幾乎從未有過空窗期,儘管如此,我還是深受不怎麼憂鬱、卻也幸福不起來的無力感所折磨。有一天我走進精神科醫師的診間,「輕鬱症」這個名詞也走入了我的世界。原來,有許多人跟我一樣,外表看似正常,內心卻早已千瘡百孔,把「強顏歡笑」當成習慣……周遭的人都不能理解我這種憂鬱,到底我要糟糕到什麼地步,才能獲得他們的理解?為什麼大家都不會把自己的內心狀態誠實地展現出來?難道是因為已「心力交瘁」,所以連開誠布公的力氣都沒有?我奮力高舉搖晃著自己的手,告訴大家我在這裡。希望和我情況類似的朋友,可以因為看到我的案例而感到安心。就算憂鬱了一整天,也會因為一件小事而會心一笑;雖然很想一死了之,卻還是會因為肚子餓而想吃辣炒年糕,這就是真實人生。我將這「12週心理治療」的對話完整記錄下來,想要不帶任何私心地走入某位讀者的內心深處。希望每一天,都是逐漸痊癒的過程。◆本書送給內心寂寞、不安或有以下困擾的你✓ 聽到別人對我說「加油」、「多一點自信」反而更疲憊✓ 跟某人走得近時,便擔心以後會不會突然被拋棄✓ 周遭都是學歷比我好的人,覺得好自卑,不想參加任何活動✓ 看見別人眼神交換時,總覺得他們是在說我的不是✓ 非常害怕自己被討厭,相當在意朋友的一言一行✓ 總覺得自己很無能,時常羨慕別人的生活───我們不夠完美也沒關係、有點笨拙也無所謂、不用加油也無妨。我今天可能會表現好,也可能表現不好,這些都是人生中的經驗,沒有關係。記得,感到辛苦時,覺得無論如何都是自己最慘,這並不是什麼自私的念頭。本中文書介出自《雖然想死, 但還是想吃辣炒年糕》野人文化股份有限公司出版THE PHENOMENAL KOREAN BESTSELLER AS RECOMMENDED BY BTSTRANSLATED BY INTERNATIONAL BOOKER SHORTLISTEE ANTON HUR'Will strike a chord with anyone who feels that their public life is at odds with how they really feel inside.' RedPSYCHIATRIST: So how can I help you?ME: I don't know, I'm – what's the word – depressed? Do I have to go into detail?Baek Sehee is a successful young social media director at a publishing house when she begins seeing a psychiatrist about her – what to call it? – depression? She feels persistently low, anxious, endlessly self-doubting, but also highly judgemental of others. She hides her feelings well at work and with friends; adept at performing the calmness, even ease, her lifestyle demands. The effort is exhausting, overwhelming, and keeps her from forming deep relationships. This can't be normal.But if she's so hopeless, why can she always summon a desire for her favourite street food, the hot, spicy rice cake, tteokbokki? Is this just what life is like?Recording her dialogues with her psychiatrist over a 12-week period, Baek begins to disentangle the feedback loops, knee-jerk reactions and harmful behaviours that keep her locked in a cycle of self-abuse. Part memoir, part self-help book, I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki is a book to keep close and to reach for in times of darkness."
作者介紹 Baek SeheeBorn in 1990, Baek Seheestudied creative writing in university before working for five years at a publishing house. For ten years, she received psychiatric treatment for dysthymia (persistent mild depression), which became the subject of her essays, and then I Want to Die, but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki, books one and two. Her favorite food is tteokbokki, and she lives with her rescue dog Jaram.