The Midnight Library | 誠品線上

The Midnight Library

作者 Matt Haig
商品描述 The Midnight Library:心靈療癒暢銷作家《活著的理由》、《時光邊緣的男人》作者麥特.海格最新小說!《午夜圖書館》Nora'slifehasbeengoingfrombadtoworse.Thenatthestro


內容簡介 心靈療癒暢銷作家《活著的理由》、《時光邊緣的男人》作者麥特.海格 最新小說 在生與死之間,有間圖書館,架上的每本書,都是你當初未曾選擇的另一個人生劇本。如果有機會讓你重新來過,我們能不能找到自己真正想要的人生?「對於總是無止盡思索『如果那時不這樣』的人,一定要讀的小說。」—BookRiot網站◆◆◆★《泰晤士報》、《紐約時報》暢銷榜★2020年Amazon書店百大選書★The Glitter Guide網站選為2020年9本必讀小說之一★已授權荷西、加、義、俄、德、韓、瑞典、芬蘭等22國版權!★StudioCanal and Blueprint Pictures已買下電影優先權,由作者本人擔任監製如果能達成過去沒完成的夢想、修補破裂的關係、改正所有錯誤……如果有機會重新選擇人生,我們會過得更幸福嗎?*三十五歲的諾拉決定要自殺。她覺得自己的生活充滿不如意與遺憾,生命中盡是她沒完成的成就與後悔的選擇,而且沒人需要她。隨著不幸的事一件件發生,她決定自我了斷。就在下定決心的那晚凌晨十二點,諾拉來到生與死的交界,走進了一座圖書館。在那裡,她獲得了重新來過的機會。午夜圖書館裡頭收藏的所有書,都代表著諾拉人生的不同版本,如今,她可以把那些「能選擇卻沒有選擇」的機會都活過一次。她重新體驗了自己生命中的許多可能,甚至在某段人生裡,遇到了和她一樣不斷尋找自己最想要的人生的同伴。然而,她所做的某個決定,卻使圖書館和自己陷入危險之中……․․․《午夜圖書館》是一本關於生死及選擇的覺醒小說,以跳躍式時空敘述編織故事,並藉此一次次邀請讀者一同思索:如果可以把人生所有可能都閱覽一遍才做選擇,我們願不願意捨棄那些總需經歷差錯才能拾起的獲得?本書獻給所有覺得自己不夠好,對自己的人生失望後悔,渴望活出另一個版本自己的人!本中文書介出自《午夜圖書館》漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司出版THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERAN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE GOODREADS CHOICE AWARD FOR FICTIONA BETWEEN THE COVERS AND GOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICK'BEAUTIFUL' Jodi Picoult, 'UPLIFTING' i, 'BRILLIANT' Daily Mail, 'AMAZING' Joanna Cannon, 'ABSORBING' New York Times, 'THOUGHT-PROVOKING' Independent'An uplifting, poignant novel about regret, hope and second chances' David Nicholls'A wonderful story' Zoe Ball, BBC Radio 2Nora's life has been going from bad to worse. Then at the stroke of midnight on her last day on earth she finds herself transported to a library. There she is given the chance to undo her regrets and try out each of the other lives she might have lived. Which raises the ultimate question: with infinite choices, what is the best way to live?"


作者介紹 Matt Haig Matt Haig is the number one bestselling author of Reasons to Stay Alive, Notes on a Nervous Planet and seven highly acclaimed novels for adults, including How to Stop Time, The Humans and The Radleys. The Midnight Library was an instant bestseller and a BBC Two Between the Covers Book Club pick and was winner of the Goodreads Choice Award for Fiction 2020. The audiobook is read by Carey Mulligan.Haig also writes award-winning books for children, including A Boy Called Christmas, which is being made into a feature film with an all-star cast. He has sold more than two million books in the UK and his work has been translated into over forty languages.


書名 / The Midnight Library
作者 / Matt Haig
簡介 / The Midnight Library:心靈療癒暢銷作家《活著的理由》、《時光邊緣的男人》作者麥特.海格最新小說!《午夜圖書館》Nora'slifehasbeengoingfrombadtoworse.Thenatthestro
ISBN13 / 9781786892737
ISBN10 / 1786892731
EAN / 9781786892737
誠品26碼 / 2681976162008
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X1.7CM
級別 / N:無
