內容簡介 樂高 星際大戰銀河任務 附贈反抗軍迷你小偶和配件反抗軍女戰士 Kori Zaran 被困在銀河系中,需要你伸出援手,快速動動腦,打造超級機具,幫助她和反抗軍返回霍斯星球。 書中有各式機具點子,例如「懸浮滑板」,用以快速穿越小行星帶;「零食分配器」,可以對付飢餓的太空蛞蝓;像高蹺一樣的長腳機甲裝,它不僅能行走,穿越濕黏黏的達可巴沼澤,還可以撿拾物品,清除路障。圖解簡易、清楚,只要準備好樂高零件,就能在這次的冒險中,開闢自己的道路,拯救世界囉。Help a Rebel Trooper build her way back to the planet Hoth in this LEGO Star Wars adventure! Make a hoverboard to zip through the asteroid field. Escape the jaws of a sarlacc with a treat dispenser. Build a mech suit to make it through the bogs of Dagobah and much more as you help stranded Rebel Trooper Kori Zaran build her way back to the safety of the Rebel base on Hoth. It will take some quick thinking and creative LEGO building skills to get Zaran through space and across the different planets in the Star Wars galaxy. Get ready to grab your LEGO collection and build your way through this adventure. Including a LEGO minifigure, accessories, and plenty of building tips and inspirational photos, build yourself an adventure as you save the day. ©2023 The LEGO Group.