Science: The Definitive Visual Guide (New Ed.) | 誠品線上

Science: The Definitive Visual Guide (New Ed.)

作者 Adam Hart-Davis/ Ed.
商品描述 Science: The Definitive Visual Guide (New Ed.):【英美學生課外閱讀書單首選:英國DK全彩學習圖鑑】圖文解說科學史指南。探索科學起源:數學、天文學、生物學、遺傳學、


內容簡介 【英美學生課外閱讀書單首選】英國DK全彩學習圖鑑圖文解說科學史指南。探索科學起源:數學、天文學、生物學、遺傳學、地質學...,以淺顯易懂的圖表解釋科學概念。記錄人類史上著名的知識突破關鍵,是最佳英語入門自學教材!在這本視覺指南中探索前所未見創新科學。 從早期的科學探索與發現到今天的資訊時代,透過科學家們、科學發明和發現,踏上一段穿越科學歷史的旅程。最新的第三版以令人驚艷的視覺細節探索天文學、生物學、地質學、數學等領域。 在《Science: The Definitive Visual Guide (New Ed.)》中,將學到:- 從天文學到遺傳學等各個領域的最新科學發現。- 使用清晰易懂的文字結合訊息豐富的圖表和電腦合成影像解釋科學概念。- 精心設計的專題文章,了解改變世界的重大突破。- 「Before」和「After」讓讀者能夠在整本書中追蹤特定主題的演變。 這本視覺指南深入探索改變世界的科學重大突破。探索從古希臘幾何學到量子物理學的各種實驗、理論和科學家,並解釋為什麼它們對發展科學思想如此重要。同時也收錄張衡、牛頓和居禮夫人等偉大的科學家。 最新第三版收錄最新的科學發展,從基因工程的最新發展到愛因斯坦預言重力波的存在於100年後被科學家證實。對於任何科學或歷史愛好者來說,這是一份絕佳的禮物!Explore the science innovations as you have never seen them with this visual guide.From the humble beginnings of science, right through to today's information age - go on a journey through the history of science through its people, inventions, and discoveries. This updated 3rd edition explores astronomy, biology, geology, mathematics, and more in stunning visual detail.Inside the pages of Science: The Definitive Visual History, you'll find:- The most recent scientific discoveries across a variety of fields, from astronomy to genetics- Scientific concepts explained using clear, instantly understandable text combined with informative diagrams and CGIs- Feature spreads that illuminate the breakthroughs that changed the world- ""Before"" and ""After"" panels allow the reader to follow a particular theme throughout the bookThis fully comprehensive visual guide delves into the groundbreaking moments in science that changed the world. Explore the experiments, theories, and individuals and why each is so significant to developing scientific thought from Greek geometry to quantum physics. This science book also includes great scientists such as Zhang Heng, Isaac Newton, and Marie Curie and gives you more information about the people behind each discovery.Updated to include the latest scientific developments, from recent advances in genetic engineering to the detection of gravitational waves 100 years after Einstein predicted their existence, Science is the ultimate gift for any science or history enthusiasts!


作者介紹 Adam Hart-DavisA writer, broadcaster, and photographer, Editorial Consultant Adam Hart-Davis is a popular and respected explainer of science and engineering. He presented the BBC series What the Romans Did For Us, followed by further programmes on the Victorians, Tudors and Stuarts, and Ancients. He also co-presented Tomorrow's World, Science Shack, The Cosmos: A Beginner's Guide, and Just Another Day, about the science and technology of everyday life. He is the author of more than 35 books on science, invention, and history.


書名 / Science: The Definitive Visual Guide (New Ed.)
作者 / Adam Hart-Davis Ed.
簡介 / Science: The Definitive Visual Guide (New Ed.):【英美學生課外閱讀書單首選:英國DK全彩學習圖鑑】圖文解說科學史指南。探索科學起源:數學、天文學、生物學、遺傳學、
ISBN13 / 9780241446331
ISBN10 / 0241446333
EAN / 9780241446331
誠品26碼 / 2682231827007
頁數 / 502
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.9X26X3.3CM
級別 / N:無