全球心靈全球公民: 追求真福改善世界 | 誠品線上

全球心靈全球公民: 追求真福改善世界

作者 陳春山
出版社 新學林出版股份有限公司
商品描述 全球心靈全球公民: 追求真福改善世界:本書特色數百年來,我們對周遭的動物和生態系統,掀起一場大災難,只為自己的舒適與娛樂,卻又無法得到真正滿足。人類漸擁有神的能力


內容簡介 數百年來,我們對周遭的動物和生態系統,掀起一場大災難,只為自己的舒適與娛樂,卻又無法得到真正滿足。人類漸擁有神的能力,但是不負責任,貪得無厭,而且想要什麼都不知道,天下之險,恐怕莫此為甚。 過往百年,科技與資本主義結合,未來百年,科技發展加速,核武散布、智慧設計取代物競天擇,人類自我毀滅能量強化。人類心靈空虛,物質財富未帶來人類真實幸福,追求人類真福力道越來越強。人類或可能自我醒悟,追求全球心靈─未來心。雖國族主義、資本主義、消費主義難以一時消退,但因全球中產階級興起,追求真福心靈日漸迫切,致力慈悲博愛的全球心靈、全球公民的新世界,或可在這個世紀成為全人類的主流願景與志業。


各界推薦 我們下一代當然需要完全具備全球心靈和全球智慧,這是為了我們的生存與競爭,也是為創造新的世界幸福。--中央研究院蕭新煌教授We surely need a new generation who are fully equipped with the above global mind as well as global wisdom in order to survive, to compete and to be happy in the new world in the making.--Professor Michael Hsiao, Academia Sinica陳教授的書致力說服我們以世界公民分擔世界責任、而確保子孫後代的美好明天。--清華大學司徒文博士特聘講座教授His book is a bold and welcome effort to persuade his readers about the need to share the burden of responsibility as global citizens in ensuring a better tomorrow for future generations. --Distinguished Chair Professor William A. Stanton, Tsing Hua University願本書的讀者,能夠隨著陳教授的眼光,看到未來百年人類的出路,也看到每個人自己的真幸福,其實離我們並不遠。--陳建信永光化工公司董事長I really hope that through Professor Chen’s vision, readers will seek the right future path to true blessings, which I think is actually not far from us. --Dr. James Chen, Everlight Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.感佩春山理事長以另一種令人敬佩的觀點,闡述布施的實踐意義,是值得一讀的大作。--郭智輝博士崇越集團董事長This book which provides perspective view on the practical significance of giving, is indeed worth reading. It is highly recommended for all readers. --Dr. Zhihui Guo, Chairperson, Topco Group期待學生面對一個全球性的未來,就像在這本書中的演講一樣,可理解差異,同時鼓勵共識、理解、和諧、和平及創新。--哈佛大學教育學院伊洛娜•霍蘭退休教授It is hoped that these thoughts for educating students for a global future, like those thoughts contained in the speeches included in this book, may facilitate the celebration of difference while simultaneously encouraging the search for common ground, understanding, harmony, peace, and innovation. --Dr. Ilona E. Holland, Harvard Graduate School of Education為了成功地迎接挑戰、把握機遇,我們需要有切合的新技能,以應付複雜和不確定的世界。--彭焜燿利豐集團物流總裁To successfully meet the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities, we need new skill sets that are attuned to the more complex, sophisticated and uncertain world. In other words, a global world needs global talent. --Joseph Phi, President – LF Logistics, Li & Fung Group本人認為教育機構特應提供此書給中學以上的學子,以便方欲啟程於人生道途上的青年對於人生及心靈可以有正確的起步。--沈念祖博士Educational institutions should recommend this book as a learning tool for post-secondary students. This very readable book truly throws a beacon of light for youth for the right mindset in the journey of life. --Dr. SHEN Lim Cho


作者介紹 ■作者簡介陳春山陳春山教授現致力於倡議「人類文明發展的願景與共識」,期以此書傳布人類文明2.0的「全球心靈、全球智慧」,捐助創辦「新世界陳春山教育公益信託」、「陳春山法制公益信託」為推廣。陳教授現任全球品牌管理協會理事長、公司治理協會副理事長、台北科技大學智財所教授,曾任公共電視及華視董事長、證券交易所上市審議委員、櫃買中心上櫃審議委員、亞卓國際法律事務所律師、台北大學法學院教授,陳教授曾為加州柏克來大學暨新加坡大學法學院訪問學者,係加拿大渥太華大學法學博士、美國華盛頓大學法學碩士、中興大學(今台北大學)法學碩士、律師司法官及金融法務高考及格。著有「未來十年全球趨勢」、「全球品牌智財管理案例研究」、「企業併購案例研究」、「全球品牌商標案例研究」、「公司治理法治及實務前瞻」、「董事義務及責任」等書。E-mail: louischen358@gmail.com部落格:louischenwise.blogspot.com


產品目錄 推薦序自序前言 第一章 全球趨勢:人類文明走向何處1.鑑往知來:人類歷史文明趨勢2.科學推理:未來百年全球趨勢第二章 人類文明毀滅危機──未來文明的可能:天堂還是地獄1.人類文明擴張的毀滅本質2.極端科學主義的未來文明危機第三章 危機解藥:追求真福‧改善世界1.全球心靈為何重要?2.所有全球心靈的目標:追求真福3.全球心靈為何?4.全球心靈與全球公民社會5.全球智慧與全球心靈王國第四章 全球心靈領導自己、領導世界1.全球心靈領導自己2.全球心靈領導組織3.全球心靈領導社會及國家4.全球心靈領導世界第五章 人類文明2.0:全球心靈‧全球公民1.改革可能成功嗎?2.我們可以做什麼?第六章 追求真福、改善世界的典範與演講老子蘇格拉底孔丘耶穌約翰‧波爾馬丁‧路德亞伯拉罕‧林肯法蘭西斯‧威拉德亨利‧戴克湯瑪斯‧威爾遜蕭伯納罕達斯‧甘地富蘭克林‧羅斯福威廉‧福克納阿爾伯特‧愛因斯坦約翰‧甘迺迪馬丁‧路德‧金恩納爾遜‧曼德拉德蕾莎修女聖若望‧保祿二世隆納‧雷根達賴喇嘛(第十四世)比爾‧蓋茲安格拉‧梅克爾馬拉拉附錄──全球新視野


書名 / 全球心靈全球公民: 追求真福改善世界
作者 / 陳春山
簡介 / 全球心靈全球公民: 追求真福改善世界:本書特色數百年來,我們對周遭的動物和生態系統,掀起一場大災難,只為自己的舒適與娛樂,卻又無法得到真正滿足。人類漸擁有神的能力
出版社 / 新學林出版股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789862955567
ISBN10 / 9862955562
EAN / 9789862955567
誠品26碼 / 2681335637000
頁數 / 464
開數 / 18K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
級別 / N:無


自序 : 人類文明可以是宇宙最好的存在





陳春山 教授














Human Civilization can be the Best Being of the Universe

The next hundred years will be probably the worst or best time of
human civilization. In the next hundred years, the application of
extreme concepts may lead to catastrophe of civilization: scientism,
capitalism, religious belief, consumerism or nationalism, in tandem with
technology abuse. In fact, incidents that happened after 2000—the 911
attacks in New York, November 2015 Paris attacks (and of course other
terrorist attacks) and ethnic and religious persecutions—may have
appeared to support what Pope Francis referred to as “A Piecemeal World
War III” on the World Day of Peace in 2016.

However, the next one hundred years could be the best time of human
civilization as well, due to the profound communication and reflection
of all religions, governments, enterprises, and various public interest
groups. Together with the formation of global information society,
spread of education and remarkable decline in poverty rate, most humans
will pursue the happiness based on “a clear mind, benevolence, peace and
reason”, and more and more people will obtain the global mind of “human
dignity, ethics and universal responsibility.” They are eager to be the
“global citizens” and members of the “World Republic.” In the next one
hundred years, humans may be able to establish the new human
civilization based upon the pursuit of “true happiness, global mind and
being global citizens.”

Nearly three thousand years ago, Socrates regarded himself a citizen
of the world, saying “I am not the Athenians, nor the Greeks, but
citizens of the world.” Figures throughout human history all called on
people to have merciful love: from Jesus, Confucius, Laozi, Gandhi, Dr.
Martin Luther King to Malala. This book excerpts some of their
well-known speeches to share their global mind for all global citizens
and to let us contemplate on our mission and potential attainment in
this very era. Let us follow their path to prove that human civilization
can be the best existence of the universe.

Lastly, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to a number
of seniors and friends who recommend the book, and the above short poem
“the Global Warm Heart” is dedicated to them and all the readers.

Louis Chen, Ph.D., Prof. of Law

Chairman of Global Brands Management Association, May 2016

The Warm Global Mind

What is it you are looking for?

It is a state of eternity transcending Millennium.

It is a heart-to-heart experience beyond borders.

It is something advanced and beyond comparison.

It is a firm belief to heart.

What is it you are looking for?

It is a true feeling that you want to contact anytime.

It is a connection, so you can trust.

It is a kind of beauty that makes you pamper and crave.

It is a mind, a heart-warming global mind.

It is an idea to warm our world.
