Olga Dies Dreaming | 誠品線上

Olga Dies Dreaming

作者 Xochitl Gonzalez
商品描述 Olga Dies Dreaming:✰華盛頓郵報好評推薦小說。2017年瑪麗亞颶風肆虐波多黎各,在紐約的奧爾嘉也經歷一場人生風暴。少年時被從事波多黎各獨立運動的母親拋棄,她力爭上游


內容簡介 《Olga Dies Dreaming》✰華盛頓郵報好評推薦小說2017年瑪麗亞颶風肆虐波多黎各,在紐約的奧爾嘉也經歷一場人生風暴。少年時被從事波多黎各獨立運動的母親拋棄,她力爭上游成為婚禮策劃師,但家族陰影卻不曾遠離。時間是2017 年,Olga 和她弟弟 Pedro在他們的家鄉紐約頗有名氣,Pedro是一位受歡迎的國會議員,是布魯克林的拉丁裔社區代表,而Olga是曼哈頓的婚禮策劃人,常為有權人士服務。 儘管他們的公開生活很誘人,但私底下的生活卻沒有那麼美好,當然,Olga可以編排他人的愛情故事,但她似乎無法找到自己的故事……直到她遇到了Matteo,Matteo強迫她面對長期隱藏的家庭秘密 二十七年前,他們的母親Blanca,一個年輕的領主變成了社會運動分子,為了推進一項激進的政治運動拋棄了她的孩子,交由他們的祖母撫養長大;現在,隨著颶風季節來到,過去的故事像颶風一樣來到他們的生活。 以紐約市為背景,圍繞波多黎各歷史上最具破壞性的颶風事件,本書是一個審視政治腐敗、家庭衝突和美國夢概念的故事——同時扣問暴風雨真正的代表意涵。 It's 2017, and Olga and her brother, Pedro 'Prieto' Acevedo, are bold-faced names in their hometown of New York. Prieto is a popular congressman representing their gentrifying, Latinx neighborhood in Brooklyn, while Olga is the tony wedding planner for Manhattan's power brokers.Despite their alluring public lives, behind closed doors things are far less rosy. Sure, Olga can orchestrate the love stories of the one percent, but she can't seem to find her own... until she meets Matteo, who forces her to confront the effects of long-held family secrets.Twenty-seven years ago, their mother, Blanca, a Young Lord-turned-radical, abandoned her children to advance a militant political cause, leaving them to be raised by their grandmother. Now, with the winds of hurricane season, Blanca has come barreling back into their lives.Set against the backdrop of New York City in the months surrounding the most devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico's history, Olga Dies Dreaming is a story that examines political corruption, familial strife and the very notion of the American dream - all while asking what it really means to weather a storm."


作者介紹 Xochitl GonzalezXochitl Gonzalez has an MFA from the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop where she was an Iowa Arts Fellow and recipient of the Michener-Copernicus Prize in Fiction. She was the winner of the 2019 Disquiet Literary Prize and her work has been published on Ninth Letter, Joyland Magazine, Vogue and The Cut. Her debut novel Olga Dies Dreaming will be published in January '22 by Flatiron Books. Prior to beginning her MFA, Xochitl was an entrepreneur and strategic consultant for nearly 15 years. She serves on the Board of the Lower East Side Girls Club. A native Brooklynite and proud public school graduate, she received her B.A. in Fine Art from Brown University. She lives in her hometown of Brooklyn with her dog, Hectah Lavoe.


書名 / Olga Dies Dreaming
作者 / Xochitl Gonzalez
簡介 / Olga Dies Dreaming:✰華盛頓郵報好評推薦小說。2017年瑪麗亞颶風肆虐波多黎各,在紐約的奧爾嘉也經歷一場人生風暴。少年時被從事波多黎各獨立運動的母親拋棄,她力爭上游
ISBN13 / 9780349726687
ISBN10 / 034972668X
EAN / 9780349726687
誠品26碼 / 2682106102000
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X2.8CM
級別 / N:無