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Silent Parade

作者 東野圭吾
商品描述 Silent Parade:東野圭吾《沉默的遊行》KusanagipointedatYukawawithhisfork."Whenitcomestounravelingimpossiblecrimes,you'rethemaster.It'stimeforDetectiveGalileotost


內容簡介 ★《週刊文春》2018年推理小說第1名!★2019年「這本推理小說真厲害」TOP 10!★2019年「本格推理小說」BEST 10!★「伽利略」全系列銷售突破1,360萬冊!《沉默的遊行》上市3個月即熱賣超過25萬冊!★日本讀者感動大推:「不管是對於湯川、草薙、內海,還是這次作品的主題,都可以看到全新的一面!」我從來沒有想過殺人,但為了妳,我願意賭上一切。當遊行的喧囂結束時,我將親手畫上沉默的句點。沒有人不愛佐織,也沒有人想得到,佐織會以這種方式「消失」。姣好的容貌、出色的歌唱才華,她是家裡開的居酒屋「並木屋」的活招牌,更是菊野商店街中最受歡迎的完美女孩、眾所期待的明日之星。但她在某一天晚上出門後,卻再也沒有回來,四年後,被發現陳屍在一間燒毀的破屋裡。蓮沼寬一是警方眼中的頭號嫌犯,他曾涉及一樁殘忍的少女命案,卻靠著狡猾的策略獲判無罪。這次他不但故技重施,再次逃過法律制裁,甚至還變本加厲地找上佐織的家人索取賠償。強烈的憎恨,讓菊野商店街彌漫著復仇的氣氛。一籌莫展的刑警草薙,只能向天才物理學家湯川學求助。想不到行事一向疏離的湯川竟然改變作風,不但成為並木屋的常客,甚至還與佐織的妹妹約好一起去觀賞全市最盛大的秋祭遊行。不料到了遊行當天,蓮沼竟然被人殺死了!究竟是誰殺了他?彷彿說好的一樣,所有痛恨蓮沼的人都有完美的不在場證明。而隨著蓮沼死去,佐織遇害的真相也一併被埋葬在黑暗中。草薙一直相信,只要靠著湯川的「理性」,就沒有解不開的謎題,但似乎早已洞悉一切的湯川,卻做出了一個讓人意想不到的選擇……愛得有多深,恨得就有多重。失去的有多珍貴,殺意就有多強烈。我們總認為「犯罪」離自己很遙遠,但平凡善良的你與「犯罪」之間的距離,可能只有你對另一個人的想念與不捨。《沉默的遊行》是東野圭吾口中「滿意的一作」,更被譽為「伽利略」系列前所未見的最高傑作。從「伽利略」20年前初登場以來,我們一路看到湯川學的成長,也見證了東野圭吾的不斷進化。當越來越人性化的湯川遇到的不是殘暴的兇手,而是失去摯愛的凡人;要破解的不是複雜的詭計,而是悲傷的決意,他眼中所映照的,將是理性的正義,還是善意的憐憫?本中文書介出自《沉默的遊行》皇冠文化出版有限公司出版An Editors’ Picks: Best Mystery, Thriller & SuspenseKusanagi pointed at Yukawa with his fork. “When it comes to unraveling impossible crimes, you’re the master. It’s time for Detective Galileo to stand up.A popular young girl disappears without a trace, her skeletal remains discovered three years later in the ashes of a burned-out house. There’s a suspect and compelling circumstantial evidence of his guilt, but no concrete proof. When he isn’t indicted, he returns to mock the girl’s family. And this isn’t the first time he’s been suspected of the murder of a young girl, nearly twenty years ago he was tried and released due to lack of evidence. Chief Inspector Kusanagi of the Homicide Division of the Tokyo Police worked both cases.The neighborhood in which the murdered girl lived is famous for an annual street festival, featuring a parade with entries from around Tokyo and Japan. During the parade, the suspected killer dies unexpectedly. His death is suspiciously convenient but the people with all the best motives have rock solid alibis. Chief Inspector Kusanagi turns once again to his college friend, Physics professor and occasional police consultant Manabu Yukawa, known as Detective Galileo, to help solve the string of seemingly impossible murders.Praise for Keigo Higashino‘An intriguing mashup of police procedural and golden age puzzle mystery’ Guardian on Newcomer"


作者介紹 Keigo HigashinoKeigo Higashino is the single bestselling, best-known novelist in Japan and around Asia, with numerous television and film adaptations of his work appearing in several languages. He's the author of The Devotion of Suspect X, which was the finalist for the Edgar Award for best novel, and Malice, among many others. He lives in Tokyo, Japan.


書名 / Silent Parade
作者 / 東野圭吾
簡介 / Silent Parade:東野圭吾《沉默的遊行》KusanagipointedatYukawawithhisfork."Whenitcomestounravelingimpossiblecrimes,you'rethemaster.It'stimeforDetectiveGalileotost
ISBN13 / 9781408714973
ISBN10 / 1408714973
EAN / 9781408714973
誠品26碼 / 2682094791002
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X0.1CM
級別 / N:無